- Now all color related options and themes color definition have same semantics. They can either be a table containing values like bg,fg,gui or a string. When it's a string it's treated as a highlight group name and newly created group is linked to that group. - Using string values to define foreground colors in options like color_error/color_added in diagnostics and diff component has been deprecated. - Added a decent way of notifying affected users of deprecations and breaking changes.
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Contributing to lualine.nvim
Adding a theme
- refer to example below to see how themes are defined
- take 4 screenshots showing a different vim modes (normal, insert, visual, replace)
- add your theme with screenshots attached to THEMES.md while maintaining alphabetical order
- If the colorscheme you're trying to add already support lightline. You can use lightline2lualine theme converter to easily port the theme to lualine.
Note to colorscheme authors : If you want to support lualine. You can put your lualine theme at lua/lualine/themes/{your_colorscheme}.lua in you repo.
theme example
To create a custom theme you need to define a colorscheme for each of vim's modes. Each mode has a fg
and bg
field for every lualine section.
To specify colors you can use #rrggbb/color_name(like: red)/cterm_color(0-255).
Instead of defining colors as table containing values you can define it as a
string. This string is considered a highlight group name and lualines highlight
is linked to that group.
You can add special effects with gui
Though the example shows a,b,c being set you can specify theme for x, y, z too. But if unspecified then they default to c, b, a sections theme respectively . Also all modes theme defaults to normal modes theme.
Adding theme is really easy in lua. Here is and example of a gruvbox theme.
local colors = {
black = '#282828',
white = '#ebdbb2',
red = '#fb4934',
green = '#b8bb26',
blue = '#83a598',
yellow = '#fe8019',
gray = '#a89984',
darkgray = '#3c3836',
lightgray = '#504945',
inactivegray = '#7c6f64',
return {
normal = {
a = {bg = colors.gray, fg = colors.black, gui = 'bold'},
b = {bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white},
c = {bg = colors.darkgray, fg = colors.gray}
insert = {
a = {bg = colors.blue, fg = colors.black, gui = 'bold'},
b = {bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white},
c = {bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white}
visual = {
a = {bg = colors.yellow, fg = colors.black, gui = 'bold'},
b = {bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white},
c = {bg = colors.inactivegray, fg = colors.black}
replace = {
a = {bg = colors.red, fg = colors.black, gui = 'bold'},
b = {bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white},
c = {bg = colors.black, fg = colors.white}
command = {
a = {bg = colors.green, fg = colors.black, gui = 'bold'},
b = {bg = colors.lightgray, fg = colors.white},
c = {bg = colors.inactivegray, fg = colors.black}
inactive = {
a = {bg = colors.darkgray, fg = colors.gray, gui = 'bold'},
b = {bg = colors.darkgray, fg = colors.gray},
c = {bg = colors.darkgray, fg = colors.gray}
require('lualine').setup {options = {theme = gruvbox}}