
990 B


  • Changed the emscripten backend to consume less CPU.
  • Added improvements to the crate documentation.
  • Implement pause and play for ALSA backend.
  • Reduced the number of allocations in the CoreAudio backend.

Version 0.5.1 (2017-10-21)

  • Added Sample::to_i16(), Sample::to_u16() and Sample::from.

Version 0.5.0 (2017-10-21)

  • Removed the dependency on the futures library.
  • Removed the Voice and SamplesStream types.
  • Added EventLoop::build_voice, EventLoop::destroy_voice, EventLoop::play, and EventLoop::pause that can be used to create, destroy, play and pause voices.
  • Added a VoiceId struct that is now used to identify a voice owned by an EventLoop.
  • Changed EventLoop::run() to take a callback that is called whenever a voice requires sound data.
  • Changed supported_formats() to produce a list of SupportedFormat instead of Format. A SupportedFormat must then be turned into a Format in order to build a voice.