2019-09-13 10:11:41 -07:00
git checkout master
# Creating the new tag
git tag $new_tag
# Changing the docker-compose prod
sed -i "s/dessalines\/torrents-csv:.*/dessalines\/torrents-csv:$new_tag/" ../prod/docker-compose.yml
git add ../prod/docker-compose.yml
# The commit
git commit -m"Upping version."
git push origin $new_tag
git push
# Rebuilding docker
docker-compose build
2019-09-23 15:30:38 -07:00
docker tag dev_torrents-csv:latest dessalines/torrents-csv:$new_tag
2019-09-13 10:11:41 -07:00
docker push dessalines/torrents-csv:$new_tag
2020-01-09 11:34:14 -05:00
# SSH and pull it
2020-01-09 12:13:22 -05:00
ssh tyler@ "cd ~/git/torrents.csv/scripts/ && ./git_update.sh && cd ../docker/prod && git pull && docker-compose up -d"