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SuperCollider/TextMate bundle

Contained is a SuperCollider bundle for TextMate. The bundle utilizes OSX's AppleScript to automate basic SC functionality, such as executing code, stopping playback and recompiling the class library, all using standard keyboard shortcuts, and all from within TextMate.

This bundle is still in development/beta phase, please report any problems or comments.


SuperCollider - a recent build: http://supercollider.wesleyan.edu/
TextMate - http://macromates.com/
Git - http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/ or http://git.or.cz/ 


cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/
git clone git://github.com/rfwatson/textmate-supercollider.git SuperCollider.tmbundle
defaults write /Applications/SuperCollider/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Info NSAppleScriptEnabled -bool YES

The final command enables basic AppleScript functionality in SuperCollider, and is required.
You may need to adapt the above commands to match your paths to TextMate Bundles/, and SuperCollider.app. 


1) Launch TextMate. Open a .sc file. Ensure SuperCollider bundle is selected.

2) Launch SuperCollider.app.

The following key commands should work in TextMate:

ENTER           - execute line, or selection if available
CTRL-.          - stop playback 
CMD-K           - recompile class library
CMD-D           - open help
SHIFT-CMD-D     - open help browser
CMD-?           - post window to front
SHIFT-CMD-C     - clear post window
CTRL-ALT-CMD-S  - switch to SuperCollider mode (should be automatic with .sc files)


Selecting a word and searching the help file, or class definition, for it is not yet implemented. For the meantime, I find the quickest way to access these files is to copy them somewhere in your home directory, and then use Spotlight to search for them (shortcut: CMD-spacebar).

TextMate does not handle .rtf files, so old source files may need copy-and-pasting into TextMate, or otherwise converting to plain text.


Jacob Rus's menu_click functions: http://pastie.org/14358


- Tidy up syntax highlighting, is somewhat messy at the moment
- Enable searching of help files/class defs from within TextMate
- Clean up AppleScript/menu_click function
- Some strange menu rendering problems when switching between apps??
- ??????


Contact me via github:
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Ruby 1%