TextMate { classvar menu, /tmp/grepout.tmp"; cmd.unixCmd(postOutput: false, action: { File.use("/tmp/grepout.tmp", "r") { |f| var content = f.readAllString; var split = content.split($:); if("^[0-9]+$".matchRegexp(split.first.asString)) { ("mate -l" ++ split.first + "\"" ++ fname ++ "\"").postln.unixCmd(postOutput: false); } { ("mate" + fname).unixCmd(postOutput: false); } }; }); } } { // open in SC.app klass.interpret.openCodeFile; }; }.defer }.add; nodes.add(node); node = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/sc3ctrl/implementations') { |t, r, msg| if(TextMate.openReferencesInTextMate.state) { { SC3Controller.methodTemplates(msg[1], true) }.defer } { // open in SC.app { SC3Controller.methodTemplates(msg[1], false) }.defer } }.add; nodes.add(node); node = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/sc3ctrl/references') { |t, r, msg| if(TextMate.openReferencesInTextMate.state) { { SC3Controller.methodReferences(msg[1], true) }.defer } { // open in SC.app { SC3Controller.methodReferences(msg[1], false) }.defer } }.add; nodes.add(node); node = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/sc3ctrl/stop') { |t, r, msg| thisProcess.stop; nil; }.add; nodes.add(node); node = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/sc3ctrl/clear') { |t, r, msg| { Document.listener.string = ""; ""; postToFront.(); }.defer; }.add; nodes.add(node); node = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/sc3ctrl/postfront') { |t, r, msg| { postToFront.() }.defer; }.add; nodes.add(node); node = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/sc3ctrl/recompile') { |t, r, msg| { thisProcess.recompile; postToFront.(); }.defer; }.add; nodes.add(node); } } *removeAllListeners { nodes.do(_.remove); } // adapated from Kernel.sc *methodTemplates { |name, openInTextMate=false| var out, found = 0, namestring; out = CollStream.new; out << "Implementations of '" << name << "' :\n"; Class.allClasses.do({ arg class; class.methods.do({ arg method; if (method.name == name, { found = found + 1; namestring = class.name ++ ":" ++ name; out << " " << namestring << " : "; if (method.argNames.isNil or: { method.argNames.size == 1 }, { out << "this." << name; if (name.isSetter, { out << "(val)"; }); },{ out << method.argNames.at(0); if (name.asString.at(0).isAlpha, { out << "." << name << "("; method.argNames.do({ arg argName, i; if (i > 0, { if (i != 1, { out << ", " }); out << argName; }); }); out << ")"; },{ out << " " << name << " "; out << method.argNames.at(1); }); }); out.nl; }); }); }); if(found == 0) { Post << "\nNo implementations of '" << name << "'.\n"; } { if(openInTextMate) { var fname = "/tmp/" ++ Date.seed ++ ".sc"; File.use(fname, "w") { |f| f << out.collection.asString; ("mate" + fname).unixCmd(postOutput: false); }; } { out.collection.newTextWindow(name.asString); }; }; } // adapted from Kernel.sc *methodReferences { |name, openInTextMate| var out, references; name = name.asSymbol; out = CollStream.new; references = Class.findAllReferences(name); if (references.notNil, { out << "References to '" << name << "' :\n"; references.do({ arg ref; out << " " << ref.asString << "\n"; }); if(openInTextMate) { var fname = "/tmp/" ++ Date.seed ++ ".sc"; File.use(fname, "w") { |f| f << out.collection.asString; ("mate" + fname).unixCmd(postOutput: false); }; } { out.collection.newTextWindow(name.asString); }; },{ Post << "\nNo references to '" << name << "'.\n"; }); } }