Select one from an array of inputs. When index is changed, fades between the old and new signals using switch-and-ramp technique, minimizing audible artefacts/clicks.
Class methods
*ar(inArray, which, envLength, mul, add)
inArray - array of inputs.
which - index of the signal to select.
envLength - length of the x-fading window in samples, (default 2000).
// execute this line first
// now, execute this block and click the mouse button to switch between two signals
s.doWhenBooted {
var b1,b2;
b1 = PlayBuf.ar(numChannels:1,bufnum:b,trigger:LFPulse.ar((1/b.duration)*3));
b2 = PlayBuf.ar(numChannels:1,bufnum:b,startPos:b.numFrames/2,trigger:LFPulse.ar((1/b.duration)*2));
XCut.ar([b1, b2], MouseButton.kr(0,1,0))