--- namePrefix: dev- resources: - ../base - svc-db.yaml helmCharts: - name: postgresql version: "11.1.28" repo: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami releaseName: postgresql valuesInline: metrics: enabled: true auth: postgresPassword: testme database: default configMapGenerator: - name: prometheus-server behavior: merge files: - prometheus.yml=prometheus.yaml - name: grafana behavior: merge files: - grafana.ini - datasources.yaml=grafana-datasources.yaml - name: invidious-config files: - config.yml=invidious-config.yaml secretGenerator: - name: grafana-credentials literals: - admin-user=rob - admin-password=testme - name: invidious-credentials literals: - database-url=postgresql://kemal:testme@dev-db:5432/invidious # Individual keys required by init-invidious-db: - database-host=dev-db - database-port=5432 - database-name=invidious - database-user=kemal - database-password=testme patches: # Patch the ingress-nginx deployment to allow it to use a service with a # namePrefix. See https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/2599#issuecomment-601170289. - target: kind: Deployment name: ingress-nginx-controller path: deploy-ingress-nginx.yaml # Patch the ingress-nginx-admission-create job to reference its webhook with a # namePrefix. - target: kind: Job name: ingress-nginx-admission-create path: job-ingress-nginx-admission-create.yaml # Patch the ingress-nginx-admission-patch job to reference its webhook with a # namePrefix. - target: kind: Job name: ingress-nginx-admission-patch path: job-ingress-nginx-admission-patch.yaml # Patch the ingress resource with stage-specific hostnames: - target: kind: Ingress name: ingress path: ingress.yaml # Patch Grafana deployment to inject PostgreSQL credentials: - target: kind: Deployment name: grafana path: deploy-grafana.yaml