namePrefix: prod- resources: - ../base - svc-db.yaml - svc-netflux.yaml configMapGenerator: - name: prometheus-server behavior: merge files: - prometheus.yml=prometheus.yaml secretGenerator: - name: prometheus-credentials files: - secrets/exporter-password patches: # Patch prometheus-server pod to mount the secrets volume. - target: kind: Deployment name: prometheus-server patch: |- - op: add path: /spec/template/spec/volumes/- value: secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: prod-prometheus-credentials name: secrets-volume - op: add path: /spec/template/spec/containers/1/volumeMounts/- value: mountPath: /etc/secrets name: secrets-volume readOnly: true # Patch the ingress-nginx deployment to allow it to use a service with a # namePrefix. See - target: kind: Deployment name: ingress-nginx-controller path: deploy-ingress-nginx.yaml