namePrefix: prod- resources: - ../base - svc-db.yaml - svc-netflux.yaml helmCharts: - name: prometheus version: "15.8.5" repo: includeCRDs: true releaseName: prometheus valuesInline: server: extraSecretMounts: - name: prometheus-credentials mountPath: /etc/secrets secretName: prometheus-credentials readOnly: true extraScrapeConfigs: |- - job_name: "node" scheme: https basic_auth: username: metrics password_file: /etc/secrets/exporter-password tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true static_configs: - targets: ["prod-db:9100", "prod-netflux:9100"] secretGenerator: - name: prometheus-credentials files: - secrets/exporter-password patches: # Patch the ingress-nginx deployment to allow it to use a service with a # namePrefix. See - target: kind: Deployment name: ingress-nginx-controller path: deploy-ingress-nginx.yaml