
208 lines
5.9 KiB

use webtransport_quinn::{RecvStream, Session};
use std::{
sync::{atomic, Arc, Mutex},
use crate::{
cache::{broadcast, fragment, segment, track, CacheError},
session::{Control, SessionError},
/// Receives broadcasts over the network, automatically handling subscriptions and caching.
// TODO Clone specific fields when a task actually needs it.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Subscriber {
// The webtransport session.
webtransport: Session,
// The list of active subscriptions, each guarded by an mutex.
subscribes: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<VarInt, track::Publisher>>>,
// The sequence number for the next subscription.
next: Arc<atomic::AtomicU32>,
// A channel for sending messages.
control: Control,
// All unknown subscribes comes here.
source: broadcast::Publisher,
impl Subscriber {
pub(crate) fn new(webtransport: Session, control: Control, source: broadcast::Publisher) -> Self {
Self {
subscribes: Default::default(),
next: Default::default(),
pub async fn run(self) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
let inbound = self.clone().run_inbound();
let streams = self.clone().run_streams();
let source = self.clone().run_source();
// Return the first error.
tokio::select! {
res = inbound => res,
res = streams => res,
res = source => res,
async fn run_inbound(mut self) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
loop {
let msg = self.control.recv().await?;
log::info!("message received: {:?}", msg);
if let Err(err) = self.recv_message(&msg) {
log::warn!("message error: {:?} {:?}", err, msg);
fn recv_message(&mut self, msg: &Message) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
match msg {
Message::Announce(_) => Ok(()), // don't care
Message::Unannounce(_) => Ok(()), // also don't care
Message::SubscribeOk(_msg) => Ok(()), // don't care
Message::SubscribeReset(msg) => self.recv_subscribe_error(, CacheError::Reset(msg.code)),
Message::SubscribeFin(msg) => self.recv_subscribe_error(, CacheError::Closed),
Message::SubscribeError(msg) => self.recv_subscribe_error(, CacheError::Reset(msg.code)),
Message::GoAway(_msg) => unimplemented!("GOAWAY"),
_ => Err(SessionError::RoleViolation(,
fn recv_subscribe_error(&mut self, id: VarInt, err: CacheError) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
let mut subscribes = self.subscribes.lock().unwrap();
let subscribe = subscribes.remove(&id).ok_or(CacheError::NotFound)?;
async fn run_streams(self) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
loop {
// Accept all incoming unidirectional streams.
let stream = self.webtransport.accept_uni().await?;
let this = self.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = this.run_stream(stream).await {
log::warn!("failed to receive stream: err={:#?}", err);
async fn run_stream(self, mut stream: RecvStream) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
// Decode the object on the data stream.
let mut object = message::Object::decode(&mut stream, &self.control.ext)
.map_err(|e| SessionError::Unknown(e.to_string()))?;
log::trace!("received object: {:?}", object);
// A new scope is needed because the async compiler is dumb
let mut segment = {
let mut subscribes = self.subscribes.lock().unwrap();
let track = subscribes.get_mut(&object.track).ok_or(CacheError::NotFound)?;
track.create_segment(segment::Info {
priority: object.priority,
expires: object.expires,
// Create the first fragment
let mut fragment = segment.create_fragment(fragment::Info {
sequence: object.sequence,
size: object.size,
let mut remain =;
loop {
if let Some(0) = remain {
// Decode the next object from the stream.
let next = match message::Object::decode(&mut stream, &self.control.ext).await {
Ok(next) => next,
// No more objects
Err(DecodeError::Final) => break,
// Unknown error
Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
// NOTE: This is a custom restriction; not part of the moq-transport draft.
// We require every OBJECT to contain the same priority since prioritization is done per-stream.
// We also require every OBJECT to contain the same group so we know when the group ends, and can detect gaps.
if next.priority != object.priority && != {
return Err(SessionError::StreamMapping);
// Create a new object.
fragment = segment.create_fragment(fragment::Info {
sequence: object.sequence,
size: object.size,
object = next;
remain =;
match stream.read_chunk(remain.unwrap_or(usize::MAX), true).await? {
// Unbounded object has ended
None if remain.is_none() => break,
// Bounded object ended early, oops.
None => return Err(DecodeError::UnexpectedEnd.into()),
// NOTE: This does not make a copy!
// Bytes are immutable and ref counted.
Some(data) => fragment.write_chunk(data.bytes)?,
async fn run_source(mut self) -> Result<(), SessionError> {
loop {
// NOTE: This returns Closed when the source is closed.
let track = self.source.next_track().await?;
let name =;
let id = VarInt::from_u32(, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst));
self.subscribes.lock().unwrap().insert(id, track);
let msg = message::Subscribe {
namespace: self.control.ext.subscribe_split.then(|| "".to_string()),
// TODO correctly support these
start_group: message::SubscribeLocation::Latest(VarInt::ZERO),
start_object: message::SubscribeLocation::Absolute(VarInt::ZERO),
end_group: message::SubscribeLocation::None,
end_object: message::SubscribeLocation::None,
params: Default::default(),