
160 lines
3.6 KiB

//! Low-level message sent over the wire, as defined in the specification.
//! All of these messages are sent over a bidirectional QUIC stream.
//! This introduces some head-of-line blocking but preserves ordering.
//! The only exception are OBJECT "messages", which are sent over dedicated QUIC streams.
//! Messages sent by the publisher:
//! - [Announce]
//! - [Unannounce]
//! - [SubscribeOk]
//! - [SubscribeError]
//! - [SubscribeReset]
//! - [Object]
//! Messages sent by the subscriber:
//! - [Subscribe]
//! - [Unsubscribe]
//! - [AnnounceOk]
//! - [AnnounceError]
//! Example flow:
//! ```test
//! -> ANNOUNCE namespace="foo"
//! <- ANNOUNCE_OK namespace="foo"
//! <- SUBSCRIBE id=0 namespace="foo" name="bar"
//! -> SUBSCRIBE_OK id=0
//! -> OBJECT id=0 sequence=69 priority=4 expires=30
//! -> OBJECT id=0 sequence=70 priority=4 expires=30
//! -> OBJECT id=0 sequence=70 priority=4 expires=30
//! <- SUBSCRIBE_STOP id=0
//! -> SUBSCRIBE_RESET id=0 code=206 reason="closed by peer"
//! ```
mod announce;
mod announce_ok;
mod announce_reset;
mod go_away;
mod object;
mod subscribe;
mod subscribe_error;
mod subscribe_fin;
mod subscribe_ok;
mod subscribe_reset;
mod unannounce;
mod unsubscribe;
pub use announce::*;
pub use announce_ok::*;
pub use announce_reset::*;
pub use go_away::*;
pub use object::*;
pub use subscribe::*;
pub use subscribe_error::*;
pub use subscribe_fin::*;
pub use subscribe_ok::*;
pub use subscribe_reset::*;
pub use unannounce::*;
pub use unsubscribe::*;
use crate::coding::{Decode, DecodeError, Encode, EncodeError, VarInt};
use std::fmt;
use crate::coding::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
// Use a macro to generate the message types rather than copy-paste.
// This implements a decode/encode method that uses the specified type.
macro_rules! message_types {
{$($name:ident = $val:expr,)*} => {
/// All supported message types.
pub enum Message {
impl Message {
pub async fn decode<R: AsyncRead>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let t = VarInt::decode(r).await?;
match t.into_inner() {
$($val => {
let msg = $name::decode(r).await?;
_ => Err(DecodeError::InvalidMessage(t)),
pub async fn encode<W: AsyncWrite>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), EncodeError> {
match self {
$(Self::$name(ref m) => {
pub fn id(&self) -> VarInt {
match self {
$(Self::$name(_) => {
pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
$(Self::$name(_) => {
$(impl From<$name> for Message {
fn from(m: $name) -> Self {
impl fmt::Debug for Message {
// Delegate to the message formatter
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
$(Self::$name(ref m) => m.fmt(f),)*
// Each message is prefixed with the given VarInt type.
message_types! {
// NOTE: Object and Setup are in other modules.
// Object = 0x0
// ObjectUnbounded = 0x2
// SetupClient = 0x40
// SetupServer = 0x41
// SUBSCRIBE family, sent by subscriber
Subscribe = 0x3,
Unsubscribe = 0xa,
// SUBSCRIBE family, sent by publisher
SubscribeOk = 0x4,
SubscribeError = 0x5,
SubscribeFin = 0xb,
SubscribeReset = 0xc,
// ANNOUNCE family, sent by publisher
Announce = 0x6,
Unannounce = 0x9,
// ANNOUNCE family, sent by subscriber
AnnounceOk = 0x7,
AnnounceError = 0x8,
// Misc
GoAway = 0x10,