
156 lines
4.4 KiB

use anyhow::Context;
use ring::digest::{digest, SHA256};
use rustls::server::{ClientHello, ResolvesServerCert};
use rustls::sign::CertifiedKey;
use rustls::{Certificate, PrivateKey, RootCertStore};
use rustls::{ClientConfig, ServerConfig};
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read};
use std::path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use webpki::{DnsNameRef, EndEntityCert};
use crate::Config;
pub struct Tls {
// Support serving multiple certificates, choosing one that looks valid for the given SNI.
// We store the parsed certificate, and the certified cert/key that rustls expects
serve: Arc<ServeCerts>,
// Accept any cert that is trusted by the system's native trust store.
accept: Arc<RootCertStore>,
impl Tls {
pub fn load(config: &Config) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let mut serve = ServeCerts::default();
// Load the certificate and key files based on their index.
config.tls_cert.len() == config.tls_key.len(),
"--tls-cert and --tls-key counts differ"
for (chain, key) in config.tls_cert.iter().zip(config.tls_key.iter()) {
serve.load(chain, key)?;
// Create a list of acceptable root certificates.
let mut roots = RootCertStore::empty();
// Add the platform's native root certificates.
for cert in rustls_native_certs::load_native_certs().context("could not load platform certs")? {
roots.add(&Certificate(cert.0)).context("failed to add root cert")?;
let certs = Self {
serve: Arc::new(serve),
accept: Arc::new(roots),
pub fn client(&self) -> ClientConfig {
pub fn server(&self) -> ServerConfig {
// Return the SHA256 fingerprint of our certificates.
pub fn fingerprints(&self) -> Vec<String> {
struct ServeCerts {
list: Vec<Arc<CertifiedKey>>,
impl ServeCerts {
// Load a certificate and cooresponding key from a file
pub fn load(&mut self, chain: &path::PathBuf, key: &path::PathBuf) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Read the PEM certificate chain
let chain = fs::File::open(chain).context("failed to open cert file")?;
let mut chain = io::BufReader::new(chain);
let chain: Vec<Certificate> = rustls_pemfile::certs(&mut chain)?
anyhow::ensure!(!chain.is_empty(), "could not find certificate");
// Read the PEM private key
let mut keys = fs::File::open(key).context("failed to open key file")?;
// Read the keys into a Vec so we can parse it twice.
let mut buf = Vec::new();
keys.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
// Try to parse a PKCS#8 key
// -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
let mut keys = rustls_pemfile::pkcs8_private_keys(&mut Cursor::new(&buf))?;
// Try again but with EC keys this time
if keys.is_empty() {
keys = rustls_pemfile::ec_private_keys(&mut Cursor::new(&buf))?
anyhow::ensure!(!keys.is_empty(), "could not find private key");
anyhow::ensure!(keys.len() < 2, "expected a single key");
let key = PrivateKey(keys.remove(0));
let key = rustls::sign::any_supported_type(&key)?;
let certified = Arc::new(CertifiedKey::new(chain, key));
// Return the SHA256 fingerprint of our certificates.
pub fn fingerprints(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|ck| {
let fingerprint = digest(&SHA256, ck.cert[0].as_ref());
let fingerprint = hex::encode(fingerprint.as_ref());
impl ResolvesServerCert for ServeCerts {
fn resolve(&self, client_hello: ClientHello<'_>) -> Option<Arc<CertifiedKey>> {
if let Some(name) = client_hello.server_name() {
if let Ok(dns_name) = DnsNameRef::try_from_ascii_str(name) {
for ck in &self.list {
// TODO I gave up on caching the parsed result because of lifetime hell.
// If this shows up on benchmarks, somebody should fix it.
let leaf = ck.cert.first().expect("missing certificate");
let parsed = EndEntityCert::try_from(leaf.0.as_ref()).expect("failed to parse certificate");
if parsed.verify_is_valid_for_dns_name(dns_name).is_ok() {
return Some(ck.clone());
// Default to the last certificate if we couldn't find one.