
422 lines
12 KiB

use crate::cli::Config;
use anyhow::{self, Context};
use moq_transport::cache::{broadcast, fragment, segment, track};
use moq_transport::VarInt;
use mp4::{self, ReadBox};
use serde_json::json;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::time;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
pub struct Media {
// We hold on to publisher so we don't close then while media is still being published.
_broadcast: broadcast::Publisher,
_catalog: track::Publisher,
_init: track::Publisher,
// Tracks based on their track ID.
tracks: HashMap<u32, Track>,
impl Media {
pub async fn new(_config: &Config, mut broadcast: broadcast::Publisher) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin();
let ftyp = read_atom(&mut stdin).await?;
anyhow::ensure!(&ftyp[4..8] == b"ftyp", "expected ftyp atom");
let moov = read_atom(&mut stdin).await?;
anyhow::ensure!(&moov[4..8] == b"moov", "expected moov atom");
let mut init = ftyp;
// We're going to parse the moov box.
// We have to read the moov box header to correctly advance the cursor for the mp4 crate.
let mut moov_reader = Cursor::new(&moov);
let moov_header = mp4::BoxHeader::read(&mut moov_reader)?;
// Parse the moov box so we can detect the timescales for each track.
let moov = mp4::MoovBox::read_box(&mut moov_reader, moov_header.size)?;
// Create the catalog track with a single segment.
let mut init_track = broadcast.create_track("0.mp4")?;
let init_segment = init_track.create_segment(segment::Info {
sequence: VarInt::ZERO,
priority: 0,
expires: None,
// Create a single fragment, optionally setting the size
let mut init_fragment = init_segment.final_fragment(VarInt::ZERO)?;
let mut tracks = HashMap::new();
for trak in &moov.traks {
let id = trak.tkhd.track_id;
let name = format!("{}.m4s", id);
let timescale = track_timescale(&moov, id);
// Store the track publisher in a map so we can update it later.
let track = broadcast.create_track(&name)?;
let track = Track::new(track, timescale);
tracks.insert(id, track);
let mut catalog = broadcast.create_track(".catalog")?;
// Create the catalog track
Self::serve_catalog(&mut catalog, &, &moov)?;
Ok(Media {
_broadcast: broadcast,
_catalog: catalog,
_init: init_track,
pub async fn run(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin();
// The current track name
let mut current = None;
loop {
let atom = read_atom(&mut stdin).await?;
let mut reader = Cursor::new(&atom);
let header = mp4::BoxHeader::read(&mut reader)?;
match {
mp4::BoxType::MoofBox => {
let moof = mp4::MoofBox::read_box(&mut reader, header.size).context("failed to read MP4")?;
// Process the moof.
let fragment = Fragment::new(moof)?;
// Get the track for this moof.
let track = self.tracks.get_mut(&fragment.track).context("failed to find track")?;
// Save the track ID for the next iteration, which must be a mdat.
anyhow::ensure!(current.is_none(), "multiple moof atoms");
// Publish the moof header, creating a new segment if it's a keyframe.
track.header(atom, fragment).context("failed to publish moof")?;
mp4::BoxType::MdatBox => {
// Get the track ID from the previous moof.
let track = current.take().context("missing moof")?;
let track = self.tracks.get_mut(&track).context("failed to find track")?;
// Publish the mdat atom."failed to publish mdat")?;
_ => {
// Skip unknown atoms
fn serve_catalog(
track: &mut track::Publisher,
init_track_name: &str,
moov: &mp4::MoovBox,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let segment = track.create_segment(segment::Info {
sequence: VarInt::ZERO,
priority: 0,
expires: None,
let mut tracks = Vec::new();
for trak in &moov.traks {
let mut track = json!({
"container": "mp4",
"init_track": init_track_name,
"data_track": format!("{}.m4s", trak.tkhd.track_id),
let stsd = &trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd;
if let Some(avc1) = &stsd.avc1 {
// avc1[.PPCCLL]
// let profile = 0x64;
// let constraints = 0x00;
// let level = 0x1f;
let profile = avc1.avcc.avc_profile_indication;
let constraints = avc1.avcc.profile_compatibility; // Not 100% certain here, but it's 0x00 on my current test video
let level = avc1.avcc.avc_level_indication;
let width = avc1.width;
let height = avc1.height;
let codec = rfc6381_codec::Codec::avc1(profile, constraints, level);
let codec_str = codec.to_string();
track["kind"] = json!("video");
track["codec"] = json!(codec_str);
track["width"] = json!(width);
track["height"] = json!(height);
} else if let Some(_hev1) = &stsd.hev1 {
anyhow::bail!("HEVC not yet supported")
} else if let Some(mp4a) = &stsd.mp4a {
let desc = &mp4a
.context("missing esds box for MP4a")?
let codec_str = format!("mp4a.{:02x}.{}", desc.object_type_indication, desc.dec_specific.profile);
track["kind"] = json!("audio");
track["codec"] = json!(codec_str);
track["channel_count"] = json!(mp4a.channelcount);
track["sample_rate"] = json!(mp4a.samplerate.value());
track["sample_size"] = json!(mp4a.samplesize);
let bitrate = max(desc.max_bitrate, desc.avg_bitrate);
if bitrate > 0 {
track["bit_rate"] = json!(bitrate);
} else if let Some(vp09) = &stsd.vp09 {
let vpcc = &vp09.vpcc;
let codec_str = format!("vp09.0.{:02x}.{:02x}.{:02x}", vpcc.profile, vpcc.level, vpcc.bit_depth);
track["kind"] = json!("video");
track["codec"] = json!(codec_str);
track["width"] = json!(vp09.width); // no idea if this needs to be multiplied
track["height"] = json!(vp09.height); // no idea if this needs to be multiplied
// TODO Test if this actually works; I'm just guessing based on mp4box.js
anyhow::bail!("VP9 not yet supported")
} else {
// TODO add av01 support:
anyhow::bail!("unknown codec for track: {}", trak.tkhd.track_id);
let catalog = json!({
"tracks": tracks
let catalog_str = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&catalog)?;
log::info!("catalog: {}", catalog_str);
// Create a single fragment for the segment.
let mut fragment = segment.final_fragment(VarInt::ZERO)?;
// Add the segment and add the fragment.
// Read a full MP4 atom into a vector.
async fn read_atom<R: AsyncReadExt + Unpin>(reader: &mut R) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
// Read the 8 bytes for the size + type
let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
reader.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
// Convert the first 4 bytes into the size.
let size = u32::from_be_bytes(buf[0..4].try_into()?) as u64;
let mut raw = buf.to_vec();
let mut limit = match size {
// Runs until the end of the file.
0 => reader.take(u64::MAX),
// The next 8 bytes are the extended size to be used instead.
1 => {
reader.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
let size_large = u64::from_be_bytes(buf);
anyhow::ensure!(size_large >= 16, "impossible extended box size: {}", size_large);
reader.take(size_large - 16)
2..=7 => {
anyhow::bail!("impossible box size: {}", size)
size => reader.take(size - 8),
// Append to the vector and return it.
let _read_bytes = limit.read_to_end(&mut raw).await?;
struct Track {
// The track we're producing
track: track::Publisher,
// The current segment
current: Option<fragment::Publisher>,
// The number of units per second.
timescale: u64,
// The number of segments produced.
sequence: u64,
impl Track {
fn new(track: track::Publisher, timescale: u64) -> Self {
Self {
sequence: 0,
current: None,
pub fn header(&mut self, raw: Vec<u8>, fragment: Fragment) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
if let Some(current) = self.current.as_mut() {
if !fragment.keyframe {
// Use the existing segment
return Ok(());
// Otherwise make a new segment
// Compute the timestamp in milliseconds.
// Overflows after 583 million years, so we're fine.
let timestamp: u32 = fragment
.context("timestamp too large")?;
// Create a new segment.
let segment = self.track.create_segment(segment::Info {
sequence: VarInt::try_from(self.sequence).context("sequence too large")?,
// Newer segments are higher priority
priority: u32::MAX.checked_sub(timestamp).context("priority too large")?,
// Delete segments after 10s.
expires: Some(time::Duration::from_secs(10)),
// Create a single fragment for the segment that we will keep appending.
let mut fragment = segment.final_fragment(VarInt::ZERO)?;
self.sequence += 1;
// Insert the raw atom into the segment.
// Save for the next iteration
self.current = Some(fragment);
pub fn data(&mut self, raw: Vec<u8>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let fragment = self.current.as_mut().context("missing current fragment")?;
struct Fragment {
// The track for this fragment.
track: u32,
// The timestamp of the first sample in this fragment, in timescale units.
timestamp: u64,
// True if this fragment is a keyframe.
keyframe: bool,
impl Fragment {
fn new(moof: mp4::MoofBox) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
// We can't split the mdat atom, so this is impossible to support
anyhow::ensure!(moof.trafs.len() == 1, "multiple tracks per moof atom");
let track = moof.trafs[0].tfhd.track_id;
// Parse the moof to get some timing information to sleep.
let timestamp = sample_timestamp(&moof).expect("couldn't find timestamp");
// Detect if we should start a new segment.
let keyframe = sample_keyframe(&moof);
Ok(Self {
// Convert from timescale units to a duration.
fn timestamp(&self, timescale: u64) -> time::Duration {
time::Duration::from_millis(1000 * self.timestamp / timescale)
fn sample_timestamp(moof: &mp4::MoofBox) -> Option<u64> {
fn sample_keyframe(moof: &mp4::MoofBox) -> bool {
for traf in &moof.trafs {
// TODO trak default flags if this is None
let default_flags = traf.tfhd.default_sample_flags.unwrap_or_default();
let trun = match &traf.trun {
Some(t) => t,
None => return false,
for i in 0..trun.sample_count {
let mut flags = match trun.sample_flags.get(i as usize) {
Some(f) => *f,
None => default_flags,
if i == 0 && trun.first_sample_flags.is_some() {
flags = trun.first_sample_flags.unwrap();
let keyframe = (flags >> 24) & 0x3 == 0x2; // kSampleDependsOnNoOther
let non_sync = (flags >> 16) & 0x1 == 0x1; // kSampleIsNonSyncSample
if keyframe && !non_sync {
return true;
// Find the timescale for the given track.
fn track_timescale(moov: &mp4::MoovBox, track_id: u32) -> u64 {
let trak = moov
.find(|trak| trak.tkhd.track_id == track_id)
.expect("failed to find trak");
trak.mdia.mdhd.timescale as u64