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//! A track is a collection of semi-reliable and semi-ordered segments, split into a [Publisher] and [Subscriber] handle.
//! A [Publisher] creates segments with a sequence number and priority.
//! The sequest number is used to determine the order of segments, while the priority is used to determine which segment to transmit first.
//! This may seem counter-intuitive, but is designed for live streaming where the newest segments may be higher priority.
//! A cloned [Publisher] can be used to create segments in parallel, but will error if a duplicate sequence number is used.
//! A [Subscriber] may not receive all segments in order or at all.
//! These segments are meant to be transmitted over congested networks and the key to MoQ Tranport is to not block on them.
//! Segments will be cached for a potentially limited duration added to the unreliable nature.
//! A cloned [Subscriber] will receive a copy of all new segment going forward (fanout).
//! The track is closed with [CacheError::Closed] when all publishers or subscribers are dropped.
use std::{collections::BinaryHeap, fmt, ops::Deref, sync::Arc, time};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use super::{segment, CacheError, Watch};
use crate::VarInt;
/// Create a track with the given name.
pub fn new(name: &str) -> (Publisher, Subscriber) {
let state = Watch::new(State::default());
let info = Arc::new(Info { name: name.to_string() });
let publisher = Publisher::new(state.clone(), info.clone());
let subscriber = Subscriber::new(state, info);
(publisher, subscriber)
/// Static information about a track.
pub struct Info {
pub name: String,
struct State {
// Store segments in received order so subscribers can detect changes.
// The key is the segment sequence, which could have gaps.
// A None value means the segment has expired.
lookup: IndexMap<VarInt, Option<segment::Subscriber>>,
// Store when segments will expire in a priority queue.
expires: BinaryHeap<SegmentExpiration>,
// The number of None entries removed from the start of the lookup.
pruned: usize,
// Set when the publisher is closed/dropped, or all subscribers are dropped.
closed: Result<(), CacheError>,
impl State {
pub fn close(&mut self, err: CacheError) -> Result<(), CacheError> {
self.closed = Err(err);
pub fn insert(&mut self, segment: segment::Subscriber) -> Result<(), CacheError> {
let entry = match self.lookup.entry(segment.sequence) {
indexmap::map::Entry::Occupied(_entry) => return Err(CacheError::Duplicate),
indexmap::map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry,
if let Some(expires) = segment.expires {
self.expires.push(SegmentExpiration {
sequence: segment.sequence,
expires: time::Instant::now() + expires,
// Expire any existing segments on insert.
// This means if you don't insert then you won't expire... but it's probably fine since the cache won't grow.
// TODO Use a timer to expire segments at the correct time instead
// Try expiring any segments
pub fn expire(&mut self) {
let now = time::Instant::now();
while let Some(segment) = self.expires.peek() {
if segment.expires > now {
// Update the entry to None while preserving the index.
match self.lookup.entry(segment.sequence) {
indexmap::map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => entry.insert(None),
indexmap::map::Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("expired segment not found"),
// Remove None entries from the start of the lookup.
while let Some((_, None)) = self.lookup.get_index(0) {
self.pruned += 1;
impl Default for State {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
lookup: Default::default(),
expires: Default::default(),
pruned: 0,
closed: Ok(()),
impl fmt::Debug for State {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("lookup", &self.lookup)
.field("pruned", &self.pruned)
.field("closed", &self.closed)
/// Creates new segments for a track.
pub struct Publisher {
state: Watch<State>,
info: Arc<Info>,
_dropped: Arc<Dropped>,
impl Publisher {
fn new(state: Watch<State>, info: Arc<Info>) -> Self {
let _dropped = Arc::new(Dropped::new(state.clone()));
Self { state, info, _dropped }
/// Insert a new segment.
pub fn insert_segment(&mut self, segment: segment::Subscriber) -> Result<(), CacheError> {
/// Create an insert a segment with the given info.
pub fn create_segment(&mut self, info: segment::Info) -> Result<segment::Publisher, CacheError> {
let (publisher, subscriber) = segment::new(info);
/// Close the segment with an error.
pub fn close(self, err: CacheError) -> Result<(), CacheError> {
impl Deref for Publisher {
type Target = Info;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl fmt::Debug for Publisher {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("state", &self.state)
.field("info", &
/// Receives new segments for a track.
pub struct Subscriber {
state: Watch<State>,
info: Arc<Info>,
// The index of the next segment to return.
index: usize,
// If there are multiple segments to return, we put them in here to return them in priority order.
pending: BinaryHeap<SegmentPriority>,
// Dropped when all subscribers are dropped.
_dropped: Arc<Dropped>,
impl Subscriber {
fn new(state: Watch<State>, info: Arc<Info>) -> Self {
let _dropped = Arc::new(Dropped::new(state.clone()));
Self {
index: 0,
pending: Default::default(),
/// Block until the next segment arrives, or return None if the track is [CacheError::Closed].
pub async fn next_segment(&mut self) -> Result<Option<segment::Subscriber>, CacheError> {
loop {
let notify = {
let state = self.state.lock();
// Get our adjusted index, which could be negative if we've removed more broadcasts than read.
let mut index = self.index.saturating_sub(state.pruned);
// Push all new segments into a priority queue.
while index < state.lookup.len() {
let (_, segment) = state.lookup.get_index(index).unwrap();
// Skip None values (expired segments).
// TODO These might actually be expired, so we should check the expiration time.
if let Some(segment) = segment {
index += 1;
self.index = state.pruned + index;
// Return the higher priority segment.
if let Some(segment) = self.pending.pop() {
return Ok(Some(segment.0));
// Otherwise check if we need to return an error.
match &state.closed {
Err(CacheError::Closed) => return Ok(None),
Err(err) => return Err(err.clone()),
Ok(()) => state.changed(),
impl Deref for Subscriber {
type Target = Info;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl fmt::Debug for Subscriber {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("state", &self.state)
.field("info", &
.field("index", &self.index)
// Closes the track on Drop.
struct Dropped {
state: Watch<State>,
impl Dropped {
fn new(state: Watch<State>) -> Self {
Self { state }
impl Drop for Dropped {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Used to order segments by expiration time.
struct SegmentExpiration {
sequence: VarInt,
expires: time::Instant,
impl Ord for SegmentExpiration {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
// Reverse order so the earliest expiration is at the top of the heap.
impl PartialOrd for SegmentExpiration {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl PartialEq for SegmentExpiration {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.expires == other.expires
impl Eq for SegmentExpiration {}
// Used to order segments by priority
struct SegmentPriority(pub segment::Subscriber);
impl Ord for SegmentPriority {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
// Reverse order so the highest priority is at the top of the heap.
// TODO I let CodePilot generate this code so yolo
impl PartialOrd for SegmentPriority {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl PartialEq for SegmentPriority {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0.priority == other.0.priority
impl Eq for SegmentPriority {}