
42 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

set -euo pipefail
# Download the funny bunny
wget -nv "${URL}" -O "${NAME}.mp4"
# ffmpeg
# -hide_banner: Hide the banner
# -v quiet: and any other output
# -stats: But we still want some stats on stderr
# -stream_loop -1: Loop the broadcast an infinite number of times
# -re: Output in real-time
# -i "${INPUT}": Read from a file on disk
# -vf "drawtext": Render the current time in the corner of the video
# -an: Disable audio for now
# -b:v 3M: Output video at 3Mbps
# -preset ultrafast: Don't use much CPU at the cost of quality
# -tune zerolatency: Optimize for latency at the cost of quality
# -f mp4: Output to mp4 format
# -movflags: Build a fMP4 file with a frame per fragment
# - | moq-pub: Output to stdout and moq-pub to publish
# Run ffmpeg
ffmpeg \
-stream_loop -1 \
-hide_banner \
-v quiet \
-re \
-i "${NAME}.mp4" \
-vf "drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf:text='%{gmtime\: %H\\\\\:%M\\\\\:%S.%3N}':x=(W-tw)-24:y=24:fontsize=48:fontcolor=white:box=1:boxcolor=black@0.5" \
-an \
-b:v 3M \
-preset ultrafast \
-tune zerolatency \
-f mp4 \
-movflags empty_moov+frag_every_frame+separate_moof+omit_tfhd_offset \
- | moq-pub "${ADDR}/${NAME}"