# moq-pub A command line tool for publishing media via Media over QUIC (MoQ). Expects to receive fragmented MP4 via standard input and connect to a MOQT relay. ``` ffmpeg ... - | moq-pub -i - --host localhost:4443 ``` ### Invoking `moq-pub`: Here's how I'm currently testing things, with a local copy of Big Buck Bunny named `bbb_source.mp4`: ``` $ ffmpeg -hide_banner -v quiet -stream_loop -1 -re -i bbb_source.mp4 -an -f mp4 -movflags empty_moov+frag_every_frame+separate_moof+omit_tfhd_offset - | RUST_LOG=moq_pub=info moq-pub -i - ``` This relies on having `moq-relay` (the relay server) already running locally in another shell. Note also that we're dropping the audio track (`-an`) above until audio playback is stabilized on the `moq-js` side. ### Known issues - Expects only one H.264/AVC1-encoded video track (catalog generation doesn't support audio tracks yet) - Doesn't yet gracefully handle EOF - workaround: never stop sending it media (`-stream_loop -1`) - Probably still full of lots of bugs - Various other TODOs you can find in the code