# Warp Live media delivery protocol utilizing QUIC streams. See the [Warp draft](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lcurley-warp/). Warp works by delivering media over independent QUIC stream. These streams are assigned a priority such that old video will arrive last and can be dropped. This avoids buffering in many cases, offering the viewer a potentially better experience. This demo requires WebTransport and WebCodecs, which currently (May 2023) only works on Chrome. # Development ## Easy Mode Requires Docker *only*. ``` docker-compose up --build ``` Then open [https://localhost:4444/](https://localhost:4444) in a browser. You'll have to click past the TLS error, but that's the price you pay for being lazy. Follow the more in-depth instructions if you want a better development experience. ## Requirements * Go * Rust * ffmpeg * openssl * Chrome ## Media This demo simulates a live stream by reading a file from disk and sleeping based on media timestamps. Obviously you should hook this up to a real live stream to do anything useful. Download your favorite media file and convert it to fragmented MP4: ``` wget http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4 -O media/source.mp4 ./media/fragment ``` ## Certificates Unfortunately, QUIC mandates TLS and makes local development difficult. If you have a valid certificate you can use it instead of self-signing. Otherwise, we use [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert) to install a self-signed CA: ``` ./generate/cert ``` With no arguments, the server will generate self-signed cert using this root CA. This certificate is only valid for *2 weeks* due to how WebTransport performs certificate fingerprinting. ## Server The Warp server supports WebTransport, pushing media over streams once a connection has been established. A more refined implementation would load content based on the WebTransport URL or some other messaging scheme. ``` cd server cargo run ``` This listens for WebTransport connections (not HTTP) on `https://localhost:4443` by default. ## Web The web assets need to be hosted with a HTTPS server. ``` cd web yarn install yarn serve ``` These can be accessed on `https://localhost:4444` by default.