Initial progress on WebCodecs.

I'm on a plane and it's $18 to get Wifi for an hour.
This commit is contained in:
Luke Curley 2023-03-26 16:04:51 -07:00
parent ff73adc537
commit cc00a79881
22 changed files with 588 additions and 964 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
self.addEventListener('message', (e: Event) => {

View File

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
<body> <body>
<div id="player"> <div id="player">
<div id="screen"> <div id="screen">
<div id="play"><span>click to play</span></div> <canvas id="video" width="1280" height="720"></canvas>
<video id="vid" controls></video>
</div> </div>
<div id="controls"> <div id="controls">

View File

@ -1,48 +1,11 @@
import { Player } from "./player" import { Player } from "./transport/index"
// This is so ghetto but I'm too lazy to improve it right now
const videoRef = document.querySelector<HTMLVideoElement>("video#vid")!;
const liveRef = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#live")!;
const throttleRef = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#throttle")!;
const statsRef = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#stats")!;
const playRef = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>("#play")!;
const params = new URLSearchParams( const params = new URLSearchParams(
const url = params.get("url") || "https://localhost:4443/watch" const url = params.get("url") || "https://localhost:4443/watch"
const canvas = document.querySelector<HTMLCanvasElement>("canvas#video")!;
const player = new Player({ const player = new Player({
url: url, url: url,
videoRef: videoRef, canvas: canvas,
statsRef: statsRef, })
throttleRef: throttleRef,
liveRef.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
throttleRef.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
playRef.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
function playFunc(e: Event) { = "none"
// Only fire once to restore pause/play functionality
videoRef.removeEventListener('play', playFunc)
videoRef.addEventListener('play', playFunc)
videoRef.volume = 0.5
// Try to autoplay but ignore errors on mobile; they need to click
// => console.warn(e))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Wrapper around MP4Box to play nicely with MP4Box. // Wrapper around MP4Box to play nicely with MP4Box.
// I tried getting a mp4box.all.d.ts file to work but just couldn't figure it out // I tried getting a mp4box.all.d.ts file to work but just couldn't figure it out
import { createFile, ISOFile, DataStream, BoxParser } from "./mp4box.all" import { createFile, ISOFile, DataStream, BoxParser } from "./mp4box.all.js"
// Rename some stuff so it's on brand. // Rename some stuff so it's on brand.
export { createFile as MP4New, ISOFile as MP4File, DataStream as MP4Stream, BoxParser as MP4Parser } export { createFile as MP4New, ISOFile as MP4File, DataStream as MP4Stream, BoxParser as MP4Parser }

View File

@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
import { Source } from "./source"
import { StreamReader, StreamWriter } from "./stream"
import { InitParser } from "./init"
import { Segment } from "./segment"
import { Track } from "./track"
import { Message, MessageInit, MessageSegment } from "./message"
///<reference path="./types/webtransport.d.ts"/>
export interface PlayerInit {
url: string;
videoRef: HTMLVideoElement;
statsRef: HTMLElement;
throttleRef: HTMLElement;
export class Player {
mediaSource: MediaSource;
init: Map<string, InitParser>;
audio: Track;
video: Track;
quic: Promise<WebTransport>;
api: Promise<WritableStream>;
// References to elements in the DOM
vidRef: HTMLVideoElement; // The video element itself
statsRef: HTMLElement; // The stats div
throttleRef: HTMLElement; // The throttle button
throttleCount: number; // number of times we've clicked the button in a row
interval: number;
timeRef?: DOMHighResTimeStamp;
constructor(props: PlayerInit) {
this.vidRef = props.videoRef
this.statsRef = props.statsRef
this.throttleRef = props.throttleRef
this.throttleCount = 0
this.mediaSource = new MediaSource()
this.vidRef.src = URL.createObjectURL(this.mediaSource)
this.init = new Map() = new Track(new Source(this.mediaSource)); = new Track(new Source(this.mediaSource));
this.interval = setInterval(this.tick.bind(this), 100)
this.vidRef.addEventListener("waiting", this.tick.bind(this))
this.quic = this.connect(props.url)
// Create a unidirectional stream for all of our messages
this.api = this.quic.then((q) => {
return q.createUnidirectionalStream()
// async functions
// Limit to 4Mb/s
async close() {
(await this.quic).close()
async connect(url: string): Promise<WebTransport> {
// TODO remove this when WebTransport supports the system CA pool
const fingerprintURL = new URL(url);
fingerprintURL.pathname = "/fingerprint"
const response = await fetch(fingerprintURL)
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('failed to get server fingerprint');
const hex = await response.text()
// Convert the hex to binary.
let fingerprint = [];
for (let c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) {
fingerprint.push(parseInt(hex.substring(c, c+2), 16));
//const fingerprint = Uint8Array.from(atob(hex), c => c.charCodeAt(0))
const quic = new WebTransport(url, {
"serverCertificateHashes": [{
"algorithm": "sha-256",
"value": new Uint8Array(fingerprint),
await quic.ready
return quic
async sendMessage(msg: any) {
const payload = JSON.stringify(msg)
const size = payload.length + 8
const stream = await this.api
const writer = new StreamWriter(stream)
await writer.uint32(size)
await writer.string("warp")
await writer.string(payload)
throttle() {
// Throttle is incremented each time we click the throttle button
this.throttleCount += 1
// After 5 seconds disable the throttling
setTimeout(() => {
this.throttleCount -= 1
}, 5000)
sendThrottle() {
let rate = 0;
if (this.throttleCount > 0) {
// TODO detect the incoming bitrate instead of hard-coding
// Right shift by throttle to divide by 2,4,8,16,etc each time
const bitrate = 4 * 1024 * 1024 // 4Mb/s
rate = bitrate >> (this.throttleCount-1)
const str = formatBits(rate) + "/s"
this.throttleRef.textContent = `Throttle: ${ str }`;
} else {
this.throttleRef.textContent = "Throttle: none";
// Send the server a message to fake network congestion.
"debug": {
max_bitrate: rate,
tick() {
// Try skipping ahead if there's no data in the current buffer.
// Try skipping video if it would fix any desync.
// Update the stats at the end
goLive() {
const ranges = this.vidRef.buffered
if (!ranges.length) {
this.vidRef.currentTime = ranges.end(ranges.length-1);;
// Try seeking ahead to the next buffered range if there's a gap
trySeek() {
if (this.vidRef.readyState > 2) { // HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
// No need to seek
const ranges = this.vidRef.buffered
if (!ranges.length) {
// Video has not started yet
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 1) {
const pos = ranges.start(i)
if (this.vidRef.currentTime >= pos) {
// This would involve seeking backwards
console.warn("seeking forward", pos - this.vidRef.currentTime)
this.vidRef.currentTime = pos
// Try dropping video frames if there is future data available.
trySkip() {
let playhead: number | undefined
if (this.vidRef.readyState > 2) {
// If we're not buffering, only skip video if it's before the current playhead
playhead = this.vidRef.currentTime
async receiveStreams() {
const q = await this.quic
const streams = q.incomingUnidirectionalStreams.getReader()
while (true) {
const result = await
if (result.done) break
const stream = result.value
this.handleStream(stream) // don't await
async handleStream(stream: ReadableStream) {
let r = new StreamReader(stream.getReader())
while (!await r.done()) {
const size = await r.uint32();
const typ = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(await r.bytes(4));
if (typ != "warp") throw "expected warp atom"
if (size < 8) throw "atom too small"
const payload = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(await r.bytes(size - 8));
const msg = JSON.parse(payload) as Message
if (msg.init) {
return this.handleInit(r, msg.init)
} else if (msg.segment) {
return this.handleSegment(r, msg.segment)
async handleInit(stream: StreamReader, msg: MessageInit) {
let init = this.init.get(;
if (!init) {
init = new InitParser()
this.init.set(, init)
while (1) {
const data = await
if (!data) break
async handleSegment(stream: StreamReader, msg: MessageSegment) {
let pending = this.init.get(msg.init);
if (!pending) {
pending = new InitParser()
this.init.set(msg.init, pending)
// Wait for the init segment to be fully received and parsed
const init = await pending.ready;
let track: Track;
if ( {
track =
} else {
track =
const segment = new Segment(track.source, init, msg.timestamp)
// The track is responsible for flushing the segments in order
/* TODO I'm not actually sure why this code doesn't work; something trips up the MP4 parser
while (1) {
const data = await
if (!data) break
track.flush() // Flushes if the active segment has samples
// One day I'll figure it out; until then read one top-level atom at a time
while (!await stream.done()) {
const raw = await stream.peek(4)
const size = new DataView(raw.buffer, raw.byteOffset, raw.byteLength).getUint32(0)
const atom = await stream.bytes(size)
track.flush() // Flushes if the active segment has new samples
updateStats() {
for (const child of this.statsRef.children) {
if (child.className == "audio buffer") {
const ranges: any = ( ? : { length: 0 }
this.visualizeBuffer(child as HTMLElement, ranges)
} else if (child.className == "video buffer") {
const ranges: any = ( ? : { length: 0 }
this.visualizeBuffer(child as HTMLElement, ranges)
visualizeBuffer(element: HTMLElement, ranges: TimeRanges) {
const children = element.children
const max = 5
let index = 0
let prev = 0
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 1) {
let start = ranges.start(i) - this.vidRef.currentTime
let end = ranges.end(i) - this.vidRef.currentTime
if (end < 0 || start > max) {
let fill: HTMLElement;
if (index < children.length) {
fill = children[index] as HTMLElement;
} else {
fill = document.createElement("div")
fill.className = "fill"
fill.innerHTML = end.toFixed(2)
fill.setAttribute('style', "left: " + (100 * Math.max(start, 0) / max) + "%; right: " + (100 - 100 * Math.min(end, max) / max) + "%")
index += 1
prev = end
for (let i = index; i < children.length; i += 1) {
function formatBits(bits: number, decimals: number = 1) {
if (bits === 0) return '0 bits';
const k = 1024;
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
const sizes = ['b', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb', 'Pb', 'Eb', 'Zb', 'Yb'];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bits) / Math.log(k));
return parseFloat((bits / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i];

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { MP4New, MP4File, MP4ArrayBuffer, MP4Info } from "./mp4" import { MP4New, MP4File, MP4ArrayBuffer, MP4Info } from "../mp4/mp4"
export class InitParser { export class InitParser {
mp4box: MP4File; mp4box: MP4File;

View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
import { Source } from "./source"
import { Init } from "./init"
import { MP4New, MP4File, MP4Sample, MP4Stream, MP4Parser, MP4ArrayBuffer } from "./mp4"
// Manage a segment download, keeping a buffer of a single sample to potentially rewrite the duration.
export class Segment {
source: Source; // The SourceBuffer used to decode media.
offset: number; // The byte offset in the received file so far
samples: MP4Sample[]; // The samples ready to be flushed to the source.
timestamp: number; // The expected timestamp of the first sample in milliseconds
init: Init;
dts?: number; // The parsed DTS of the first sample
timescale?: number; // The parsed timescale of the segment
input: MP4File; // MP4Box file used to parse the incoming atoms.
output: MP4File; // MP4Box file used to write the outgoing atoms after modification.
done: boolean; // The segment has been completed
constructor(source: Source, init: Init, timestamp: number) {
this.source = source
this.offset = 0
this.done = false
this.timestamp = timestamp
this.init = init
this.input = MP4New();
this.output = MP4New();
this.samples = [];
this.input.onReady = (info: any) => {
this.input.setExtractionOptions(info.tracks[0].id, {}, { nbSamples: 1 });
this.input.onSamples = this.onSamples.bind(this)
// We have to reparse the init segment to work with mp4box
for (let i = 0; i < init.raw.length; i += 1) {
this.offset = this.input.appendBuffer(init.raw[i])
// Also populate the output with our init segment so it knows about tracks
push(data: Uint8Array) {
if (this.done) return; // ignore new data after marked done
// Make a copy of the atom because mp4box only accepts an ArrayBuffer unfortunately
let box = new Uint8Array(data.byteLength);
// and for some reason we need to modify the underlying ArrayBuffer with offset
let buffer = box.buffer as MP4ArrayBuffer
buffer.fileStart = this.offset
// Parse the data
this.offset = this.input.appendBuffer(buffer)
onSamples(id: number, user: any, samples: MP4Sample[]) {
if (!samples.length) return;
if (this.dts === undefined) {
this.dts = samples[0].dts;
this.timescale = samples[0].timescale;
// Add the samples to a queue
// Flushes any pending samples, returning true if the stream has finished.
flush(): boolean {
let stream = new MP4Stream(new ArrayBuffer(0), 0, false); // big-endian
while (this.samples.length) {
// Keep a single sample if we're not done yet
if (!this.done && this.samples.length < 2) break;
const sample = this.samples.shift()
if (!sample) break;
let moof = this.output.createSingleSampleMoof(sample);
// adjusting the data_offset now that the moof size is known
moof.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset = moof.size+8; //8 is mdat header
stream.adjustUint32(moof.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset_position, moof.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset);
// @ts-ignore
var mdat = new MP4Parser.mdatBox(); =;
this.source.append(stream.buffer as ArrayBuffer)
return this.done
// The segment has completed
finish() {
this.done = true
// Trim the buffer to 30s long after each segment.
// Extend the last sample so it reaches the provided timestamp
skipTo(pts: number) {
if (this.samples.length == 0) return
let last = this.samples[this.samples.length-1]
const skip = pts - (last.dts + last.duration);
if (skip == 0) return;
if (skip < 0) throw "can't skip backwards"
last.duration += skip
if (this.timescale) {
console.warn("skipping video", skip / this.timescale)
buffered() {
// Ignore if we have a single sample
if (this.samples.length <= 1) return undefined;
if (!this.timescale) return undefined;
const first = this.samples[0];
const last = this.samples[this.samples.length-1]
return {
length: 1,
start: first.dts / this.timescale,
end: (last.dts + last.duration) / this.timescale,

View File

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
import { Init } from "./init"
// Create a SourceBuffer with convenience methods
export class Source {
sourceBuffer?: SourceBuffer;
mediaSource: MediaSource;
queue: Array<SourceInit | SourceData | SourceTrim>;
init?: Init;
constructor(mediaSource: MediaSource) {
this.mediaSource = mediaSource;
this.queue = [];
// (re)initialize the source using the provided init segment.
initialize(init: Init) {
// Check if the init segment is already in the queue.
for (let i = this.queue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((this.queue[i] as SourceInit).init == init) {
// Already queued up.
// Check if the init segment has already been applied.
if (this.init == init) {
// Add the init segment to the queue so we call addSourceBuffer or changeType
kind: "init",
init: init,
for (let i = 0; i < init.raw.length; i += 1) {
kind: "data",
data: init.raw[i],
// Append the segment data to the buffer.
append(data: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer) {
kind: "data",
data: data,
// Return the buffered range.
buffered() {
if (!this.sourceBuffer) {
return { length: 0 }
return this.sourceBuffer.buffered
// Delete any media older than x seconds from the buffer.
trim(duration: number) {
kind: "trim",
trim: duration,
// Flush any queued instructions
flush() {
while (1) {
// Check if the buffer is currently busy.
if (this.sourceBuffer && this.sourceBuffer.updating) {
// Process the next item in the queue.
const next = this.queue.shift()
if (!next) {
switch (next.kind) {
case "init":
this.init = next.init;
if (!this.sourceBuffer) {
// Create a new source buffer.
this.sourceBuffer = this.mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(
// Call flush automatically after each update finishes.
this.sourceBuffer.addEventListener('updateend', this.flush.bind(this))
} else {
case "data":
if (!this.sourceBuffer) {
throw "failed to call initailize before append"
case "trim":
if (!this.sourceBuffer) {
throw "failed to call initailize before trim"
const end = this.sourceBuffer.buffered.end(this.sourceBuffer.buffered.length - 1) - next.trim;
const start = this.sourceBuffer.buffered.start(0)
if (end > start) {
this.sourceBuffer.remove(start, end)
throw "impossible; unknown SourceItem"
interface SourceItem {}
class SourceInit implements SourceItem {
kind!: "init";
init!: Init;
class SourceData implements SourceItem {
kind!: "data";
data!: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer;
class SourceTrim implements SourceItem {
kind!: "trim";
trim!: number;

View File

@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
// Reader wraps a stream and provides convience methods for reading pieces from a stream // Reader wraps a stream and provides convience methods for reading pieces from a stream
export class StreamReader { export default class Reader {
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader; // TODO make a separate class without promises when null reader: ReadableStream;
buffer: Uint8Array; buffer: Uint8Array;
constructor(reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader, buffer: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0)) { constructor(reader: ReadableStream, buffer: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0)) {
this.reader = reader this.reader = reader
this.buffer = buffer this.buffer = buffer
} }
// TODO implementing pipeTo seems more reasonable than releasing the lock
release() {
// Returns any number of bytes // Returns any number of bytes
async read(): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined> { async read(): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined> {
if (this.buffer.byteLength) { if (this.buffer.byteLength) {
@ -21,13 +16,38 @@ export class StreamReader {
return buffer return buffer
} }
const result = await const result = await this.reader.getReader().read()
return result.value return result.value
} }
async readAll(): Promise<Uint8Array> {
while (1) {
const result = await this.reader.getReader().read()
if (result.done) {
const buffer = new Uint8Array(result.value)
if (this.buffer.byteLength == 0) {
this.buffer = buffer
} else {
const temp = new Uint8Array(this.buffer.byteLength + buffer.byteLength)
temp.set(buffer, this.buffer.byteLength)
this.buffer = temp
const result = this.buffer
this.buffer = new Uint8Array()
return result
async bytes(size: number): Promise<Uint8Array> { async bytes(size: number): Promise<Uint8Array> {
while (this.buffer.byteLength < size) { while (this.buffer.byteLength < size) {
const result = await const result = await this.reader.getReader().read()
if (result.done) { if (result.done) {
throw "short buffer" throw "short buffer"
} }
@ -52,7 +72,7 @@ export class StreamReader {
async peek(size: number): Promise<Uint8Array> { async peek(size: number): Promise<Uint8Array> {
while (this.buffer.byteLength < size) { while (this.buffer.byteLength < size) {
const result = await const result = await this.reader.getReader().read()
if (result.done) { if (result.done) {
throw "short buffer" throw "short buffer"
} }
@ -151,104 +171,3 @@ export class StreamReader {
} }
} }
} }
// StreamWriter wraps a stream and writes chunks of data
export class StreamWriter {
buffer: ArrayBuffer;
writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter;
constructor(stream: WritableStream) {
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8)
this.writer = stream.getWriter()
release() {
async close() {
return this.writer.close()
async uint8(v: number) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 1)
view.setUint8(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint16(v: number) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 2)
view.setUint16(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint24(v: number) {
const v1 = (v >> 16) & 0xff
const v2 = (v >> 8) & 0xff
const v3 = (v) & 0xff
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 3)
view.setUint8(0, v1)
view.setUint8(1, v2)
view.setUint8(2, v3)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint32(v: number) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 4)
view.setUint32(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint52(v: number) {
if (v > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw "value too large"
async vint52(v: number) {
if (v > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw "value too large"
if (v < (1 << 6)) {
return this.uint8(v)
} else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
return this.uint16(v|0x4000)
} else if (v < (1 << 30)) {
return this.uint32(v|0x80000000)
} else {
return this.uint64(BigInt(v) | 0xc000000000000000n)
async uint64(v: bigint) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 8)
view.setBigUint64(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async vint64(v: bigint) {
if (v < (1 << 6)) {
return this.uint8(Number(v))
} else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
return this.uint16(Number(v)|0x4000)
} else if (v < (1 << 30)) {
return this.uint32(Number(v)|0x80000000)
} else {
return this.uint64(v | 0xc000000000000000n)
async bytes(buffer: ArrayBuffer) {
return this.writer.write(buffer)
async string(str: string) {
const data = new TextEncoder().encode(str)
return this.writer.write(data)

player/src/stream/writer.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// Writer wraps a stream and writes chunks of data
export default class Writer {
buffer: ArrayBuffer;
writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter;
constructor(stream: WritableStream) {
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8)
this.writer = stream.getWriter()
release() {
async close() {
return this.writer.close()
async uint8(v: number) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 1)
view.setUint8(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint16(v: number) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 2)
view.setUint16(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint24(v: number) {
const v1 = (v >> 16) & 0xff
const v2 = (v >> 8) & 0xff
const v3 = (v) & 0xff
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 3)
view.setUint8(0, v1)
view.setUint8(1, v2)
view.setUint8(2, v3)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint32(v: number) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 4)
view.setUint32(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async uint52(v: number) {
if (v > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw "value too large"
async vint52(v: number) {
if (v > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw "value too large"
if (v < (1 << 6)) {
return this.uint8(v)
} else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
return this.uint16(v|0x4000)
} else if (v < (1 << 30)) {
return this.uint32(v|0x80000000)
} else {
return this.uint64(BigInt(v) | 0xc000000000000000n)
async uint64(v: bigint) {
const view = new DataView(this.buffer, 0, 8)
view.setBigUint64(0, v)
return this.writer.write(view)
async vint64(v: bigint) {
if (v < (1 << 6)) {
return this.uint8(Number(v))
} else if (v < (1 << 14)) {
return this.uint16(Number(v)|0x4000)
} else if (v < (1 << 30)) {
return this.uint32(Number(v)|0x80000000)
} else {
return this.uint64(v | 0xc000000000000000n)
async bytes(buffer: ArrayBuffer) {
return this.writer.write(buffer)
async string(str: string) {
const data = new TextEncoder().encode(str)
return this.writer.write(data)

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
import { Source } from "./source"
import { Segment } from "./segment"
import { TimeRange } from "./util"
// An audio or video track that consists of multiple sequential segments.
// Instead of buffering, we want to drop video while audio plays uninterupted.
// Chrome actually plays up to 3s of audio without video before buffering when in low latency mode.
// Unforuntately, this does not recover correctly when there are gaps (pls fix).
// Our solution is to flush segments in decode order, buffering a single additional frame.
// We extend the duration of the buffered frame and flush it to cover any gaps.
export class Track {
source: Source;
segments: Segment[];
constructor(source: Source) {
this.source = source;
this.segments = [];
add(segment: Segment) {
// TODO don't add if the segment is out of date already
// Sort by timestamp ascending
// NOTE: The timestamp is in milliseconds, and we need to parse the media to get the accurate PTS/DTS.
this.segments.sort((a: Segment, b: Segment): number => {
return a.timestamp - b.timestamp
buffered(): TimeRanges {
let ranges: TimeRange[] = []
const buffered = this.source.buffered() as TimeRanges
for (let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i += 1) {
// Convert the TimeRanges into an oject we can modify
start: buffered.start(i),
end: buffered.end(i)
// Loop over segments and add in their ranges, merging if possible.
for (let segment of this.segments) {
const buffered = segment.buffered()
if (!buffered) continue;
if (ranges.length) {
// Try to merge with an existing range
const last = ranges[ranges.length-1];
if (buffered.start < last.start) {
// Network buffer is old; ignore it
// Extend the end of the last range instead of pushing
if (buffered.start <= last.end && buffered.end > last.end) {
last.end = buffered.end
// TODO typescript
return {
length: ranges.length,
start: (x) => { return ranges[x].start },
end: (x) => { return ranges[x].end },
flush() {
while (1) {
if (!this.segments.length) break
const first = this.segments[0]
const done = first.flush()
if (!done) break
// Given the current playhead, determine if we should drop any segments
// If playhead is undefined, it means we're buffering so skip to anything now.
advance(playhead: number | undefined) {
if (this.segments.length < 2) return
while (this.segments.length > 1) {
const current = this.segments[0];
const next = this.segments[1];
if (next.dts === undefined || next.timescale == undefined) {
// No samples have been parsed for the next segment yet.
if (current.dts === undefined) {
// No samples have been parsed for the current segment yet.
// We can't cover the gap by extending the sample so we have to seek.
// TODO I don't think this can happen, but I guess we have to seek past the gap.
if (playhead !== undefined) {
// Check if the next segment has playable media now.
// Otherwise give the current segment more time to catch up.
if ((next.dts / next.timescale) > playhead) {
current.skipTo(next.dts || 0) // tell typescript that it's not undefined; we already checked
// TODO cancel the QUIC stream to save bandwidth

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
import * as Message from "./message"
import Reader from "../stream/reader"
import Writer from "../stream/writer"
import Video from "../video/index"
///<reference path="./types/webtransport.d.ts"/>
export interface PlayerInit {
url: string;
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
export class Player {
quic: Promise<WebTransport>;
api: Promise<WritableStream>;
//audio: Worker;
video: Video;
constructor(props: PlayerInit) {
// = new Worker("../audio") = new Video({
canvas: props.canvas.transferControlToOffscreen(),
this.quic = this.connect(props.url)
// Create a unidirectional stream for all of our messages
this.api = this.quic.then((q) => {
return q.createUnidirectionalStream()
// async functions
async close() {
(await this.quic).close()
async connect(url: string): Promise<WebTransport> {
// TODO remove this when WebTransport supports the system CA pool
const fingerprintURL = new URL(url);
fingerprintURL.pathname = "/fingerprint"
const response = await fetch(fingerprintURL)
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('failed to get server fingerprint');
const hex = await response.text()
// Convert the hex to binary.
let fingerprint = [];
for (let c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) {
fingerprint.push(parseInt(hex.substring(c, c+2), 16));
//const fingerprint = Uint8Array.from(atob(hex), c => c.charCodeAt(0))
const quic = new WebTransport(url, {
"serverCertificateHashes": [{
"algorithm": "sha-256",
"value": new Uint8Array(fingerprint),
await quic.ready
return quic
async sendMessage(msg: any) {
const payload = JSON.stringify(msg)
const size = payload.length + 8
const stream = await this.api
const writer = new Writer(stream)
await writer.uint32(size)
await writer.string("warp")
await writer.string(payload)
async receiveStreams() {
const q = await this.quic
const streams = q.incomingUnidirectionalStreams.getReader()
while (true) {
const result = await
if (result.done) break
const stream = result.value
this.handleStream(stream) // don't await
async handleStream(stream: ReadableStream) {
let r = new Reader(stream.getReader())
while (!await r.done()) {
const size = await r.uint32();
const typ = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(await r.bytes(4));
if (typ != "warp") throw "expected warp atom"
if (size < 8) throw "atom too small"
const payload = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(await r.bytes(size - 8));
const msg = JSON.parse(payload)
if (msg.init) {
return this.handleInit(r, msg.init as Message.Init)
} else if (msg.segment) {
return this.handleSegment(r, msg.segment as Message.Segment)
async handleInit(stream: Reader, msg: Message.Init) {
// TODO properly determine if audio or video{
stream: stream,
async handleSegment(stream: Reader, msg: Message.Segment) {
// TODO properly determine if audio or video{
track: msg.init,
stream: stream,

View File

@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
export interface Message { export interface Init {
init?: MessageInit
segment?: MessageSegment
export interface MessageInit {
id: string id: string
} }
export interface MessageSegment { export interface Segment {
init: string // id of the init segment init: string // id of the init segment
timestamp: number // presentation timestamp in milliseconds of the first sample timestamp: number // presentation timestamp in milliseconds of the first sample
// TODO track would be nice // TODO track would be nice

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
export interface TimeRange {
start: number;
end: number;

player/src/video/decoder.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import * as Message from "./message";
import { Track } from "./track";
import { Renderer } from "./renderer"
import { MP4New, MP4Sample, MP4ArrayBuffer } from "../mp4/mp4"
export class Decoder {
tracks: Map<string, Track>;
renderer: Renderer;
constructor(renderer: Renderer) {
this.tracks = new Map();
this.renderer = renderer;
async init(msg: Message.Init) {
let track = this.tracks.get(msg.track);
if (!track) {
track = new Track()
this.tracks.set(msg.track, track)
while (1) {
const data = await
if (!data) break
// TODO this will hang on incomplete data
const init = await track.ready;
const info =;
if (info.audioTracks.length + info.videoTracks.length != 1) {
throw new Error("expected a single track")
async decode(msg: Message.Segment) {
let track = this.tracks.get(msg.track);
if (!track) {
track = new Track()
this.tracks.set(msg.track, track)
// Wait for the init segment to be fully received and parsed
const init = await track.ready;
const info =;
const video = info.videoTracks[0]
const decoder = new VideoDecoder({
output: (frame: VideoFrame) => {
error: (err: Error) => {
codec: info.mime,
codedHeight: video.track_height,
codedWidth: video.track_width,
// optimizeForLatency: true
const input = MP4New();
input.onSamples = (id: number, user: any, samples: MP4Sample[]) => {
for (let sample of samples) {
const timestamp = sample.dts / (1000 / info.timescale) // milliseconds
decoder.decode(new EncodedVideoChunk({
duration: sample.duration,
timestamp: timestamp,
type: sample.is_sync ? "key" : "delta",
input.onReady = (info: any) => {
input.setExtractionOptions(info.tracks[0].id, {}, { nbSamples: 1 });
let offset = 0
// MP4box requires us to reparse the init segment unfortunately
for (let raw of track.raw) {
offset = input.appendBuffer(raw)
/* TODO I'm not actually sure why this code doesn't work; something trips up the MP4 parser
while (1) {
const data = await
if (!data) break
// One day I'll figure it out; until then read one top-level atom at a time
while (!await {
const raw = await
const size = new DataView(raw.buffer, raw.byteOffset, raw.byteLength).getUint32(0)
const atom = await
// Make a copy of the atom because mp4box only accepts an ArrayBuffer unfortunately
let box = new Uint8Array(atom.byteLength);
// and for some reason we need to modify the underlying ArrayBuffer with offset
let buffer = box.buffer as MP4ArrayBuffer
buffer.fileStart = offset
// Parse the data
offset = input.appendBuffer(buffer)

player/src/video/index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import * as Message from "./message"
// Wrapper around the WebWorker API
export default class Video {
worker: Worker;
constructor(config: Message.Config) {
this.worker = new Worker(new URL('worker.ts', import.meta.url), { type: "module" })
this.worker.postMessage({ config }, [ config.canvas ])
init(init: Message.Init) {
this.worker.postMessage({ init }, [, ])
segment(segment: Message.Segment) {
this.worker.postMessage({ segment }, [, ])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Reader from "../stream/reader";
export interface Config {
canvas: OffscreenCanvas;
export interface Init {
track: string;
stream: Reader;
export interface Segment {
track: string;
stream: Reader;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import * as Message from "./message";
export class Renderer {
canvas: OffscreenCanvas;
queue: Array<VideoFrame>;
render: number; // non-zero if requestAnimationFrame has been called
sync: DOMHighResTimeStamp; // the wall clock value for timestamp 0
last?: number; // the timestamp of the last rendered frame
constructor(config: Message.Config) {
this.canvas = config.canvas;
this.queue = [];
this.render = 0;
this.sync = 0;
push(frame: VideoFrame) {
if (!this.sync) {
// Save the frame as the sync point
this.sync = - frame.timestamp
// Drop any old frames
if (this.last && frame.timestamp <= this.last) {
// Insert the frame into the queue sorted by timestamp.
// TODO loop backwards for better performance
let index = this.queue.findIndex(other => {
return frame.timestamp < other.timestamp;
// Insert into the queue.
this.queue.splice(index, 0, frame)
if (!this.render) {
this.render = self.requestAnimationFrame(this.draw.bind(this))
draw(now: DOMHighResTimeStamp) {
// Determine the target timestamp.
const target = now - this.sync
let frame = this.queue[0]
if (frame.timestamp > target) {
// nothing to render yet
// Check if we should skip some frames
while (this.queue.length) {
const next = this.queue[0]
if (next.timestamp > target) {
frame = next
const ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx?.drawImage(frame, 0, 0) // TODO aspect ratio
this.last = frame.timestamp;

player/src/video/track.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import { MP4New, MP4File, MP4ArrayBuffer, MP4Info } from "../mp4/mp4"
export interface Init {
raw: MP4ArrayBuffer[];
info: MP4Info;
export class Track {
mp4box: MP4File;
offset: number;
raw: MP4ArrayBuffer[];
ready: Promise<Init>;
constructor() {
this.mp4box = MP4New()
this.raw = []
this.offset = 0
// Create a promise that gets resolved once the init segment has been parsed.
this.ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.mp4box.onError = reject
this.mp4box.onReady = (info: MP4Info) => {
if (!info.isFragmented) {
reject("expected a fragmented mp4")
if (info.tracks.length != 1) {
reject("expected a single track")
raw: this.raw,
init(data: Uint8Array) {
// Make a copy of the atom because mp4box only accepts an ArrayBuffer unfortunately
let box = new Uint8Array(data.byteLength);
// and for some reason we need to modify the underlying ArrayBuffer with fileStart
let buffer = box.buffer as MP4ArrayBuffer
buffer.fileStart = this.offset
// Parse the data
this.offset = this.mp4box.appendBuffer(buffer)
// Add the box to our queue of chunks

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import { Renderer } from "./renderer"
import { Decoder } from "./decoder"
import * as Message from "./message"
let decoder: Decoder;
let renderer: Renderer;
self.addEventListener('message', async (e: MessageEvent) => {
if ( {
const config = as Message.Config
renderer = new Renderer(config)
decoder = new Decoder(renderer)
if ( {
const segment = as Message.Segment
await decoder.decode(segment)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"src/**/*" "src/**/*"
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"target": "es2021", "target": "es2022",
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