moq-pub: JSON catalog support, bugfixes (#60)
Fixes some bugs around subscription handling and adds support for the new JSON catalog format
This commit is contained in:
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@ -26,19 +26,16 @@ Longer term, I think it'd be interesting to refactor everything such that the `M
Here's how I'm currently testing things, with a local copy of Big Buck Bunny named `bbb_source.mp4`:
$ ffmpeg -hide_banner -v quiet -stream_loop 0 -re -i ../media/bbb_source.mp4 -an -f mp4 -movflags empty_moov+frag_every_frame+separate_moof+omit_tfhd_offset - | RUST_LOG=moq_pub=info cargo run -- -i -
$ ffmpeg -hide_banner -v quiet -stream_loop -1 -re -i bbb_source.mp4 -an -f mp4 -movflags empty_moov+frag_every_frame+separate_moof+omit_tfhd_offset - | RUST_LOG=moq_pub=info moq-pub -i -
This relies on having `moq-quinn` (the relay server) already running locally in another shell.
Here's we can (eventually) run `moq-pub` without dropping the audio track (omit the `-an` I'm using above):
$ ffmpeg -hide_banner -v quiet -stream_loop 0 -re -i ../media/bbb_source.mp4 -f mp4 -movflags empty_moov+frag_every_frame+separate_moof+omit_tfhd_offset - | RUST_LOG=moq_pub=info cargo run -- -i -
Note also that we're dropping the audio track (`-an`) above until audio playback is stabilized on the `moq-js` side.
### Known issues
- Catalog track is a raw binary MP4 init segment rather than the newer JSON format moq-js now expects
- Doesn't handle EOF - just send it media forever with `-stream_loop`
- Expects only one H.264/AVC1-encoded video track (catalog generation doesn't support audio tracks yet)
- Doesn't yet gracefully handle EOF - workaround: never stop sending it media (`-stream_loop -1`)
- Probably still full of lots of bugs
- Various other TODOs you can find in the code
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let out_dir = std::path::PathBuf::from(
std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR").ok_or(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "OUT_DIR not found"))?,
let cmd = Cli::command();
let cmd = Config::command();
let man = clap_mangen::Man::new(cmd);
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Default::default();
man.render(&mut buffer)?;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use std::net;
#[derive(Parser, Clone)]
pub struct Cli {
pub struct Config {
#[arg(long, hide_short_help = true, default_value = "[::]:0")]
pub bind_address: net::SocketAddr,
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ pub struct Cli {
#[arg(short, long, required = true, value_parser=input_parser)]
input: InputValues,
#[arg(long, hide_short_help = true, default_value = "24")]
pub catalog_fps: u8,
#[arg(long, hide_short_help = true, default_value = "1500000")]
pub catalog_bit_rate: u32,
fn input_parser(s: &str) -> Result<InputValues, String> {
@ -23,15 +23,10 @@ use cli::*;
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let args = Cli::parse();
let config = Config::parse();
let config = Config {
addr: args.bind_address,
uri: args.uri,
let mut media = Media::new().await?;
let session_runner = SessionRunner::new(config).await?;
let mut media = Media::new(&config).await?;
let session_runner = SessionRunner::new(&config).await?;
let mut log_viewer = LogViewer::new(session_runner.get_incoming_receivers().await).await?;
let mut media_runner = MediaRunner::new(
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
use crate::cli::Config;
use anyhow::{self, Context};
use log::debug;
use log::{debug, info};
use moq_transport::VarInt;
use moq_warp::model::{segment, track};
use mp4::{self, ReadBox};
use serde_json::json;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ pub struct Media {
impl Media {
pub async fn new() -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
pub async fn new(config: &Config) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin();
let ftyp = read_atom(&mut stdin).await?;
anyhow::ensure!(&ftyp[4..8] == b"ftyp", "expected ftyp atom");
@ -39,15 +41,17 @@ impl Media {
// Create a source that can be subscribed to.
let mut source = HashMap::default();
// Create the catalog track
let (_catalog, subscriber) = Self::create_catalog(init);
source.insert("0".to_string(), subscriber);
let mut tracks = HashMap::new();
// Create the init track
let init_track_name = "1.mp4";
let (_init, subscriber) = Self::create_init(init);
source.insert(init_track_name.to_string(), subscriber);
for trak in &moov.traks {
let id = trak.tkhd.track_id;
let name = id.to_string();
//let name = "2".to_string();
//dbg!("trak name: {}", &name);
let timescale = track_timescale(&moov, id);
@ -59,6 +63,17 @@ impl Media {
tracks.insert(name, track);
// Create the catalog track
let namespace = "";
let (_catalog, subscriber) = Self::create_catalog(
source.insert(".catalog".to_string(), subscriber);
let source = Arc::new(MapSource(source));
Ok(Media { tracks, source })
@ -107,12 +122,13 @@ impl Media {
fn create_catalog(raw: Vec<u8>) -> (track::Publisher, track::Subscriber) {
// Create a track with a single segment containing the init data.
let mut catalog = track::Publisher::new("0");
// Subscribe to the catalog before we push the segment.
let subscriber = catalog.subscribe();
fn create_init(raw: Vec<u8>) -> (track::Publisher, track::Subscriber) {
// Create a track with a single segment containing the init data.
let mut init_track = track::Publisher::new("1.mp4");
// Subscribe to the init track before we push the segment.
let subscriber = init_track.subscribe();
let mut segment = segment::Publisher::new(segment::Info {
sequence: VarInt::from_u32(0), // first and only segment
@ -121,11 +137,83 @@ impl Media {
// Add the segment and add the fragment.
// Return the catalog
(catalog, subscriber)
(init_track, subscriber)
fn create_catalog(
config: &Config,
namespace: String,
init_track_name: String,
moov: &mp4::MoovBox,
_tracks: &HashMap<String, Track>,
) -> Result<(track::Publisher, track::Subscriber), anyhow::Error> {
// Create a track with a single segment containing the init data.
let mut catalog_track = track::Publisher::new(".catalog");
// Subscribe to the catalog before we push the segment.
let catalog_subscriber = catalog_track.subscribe();
let mut segment = segment::Publisher::new(segment::Info {
sequence: VarInt::from_u32(0), // first and only segment
send_order: i32::MIN, // highest priority
expires: None, // never delete from the cache
// avc1[.PPCCLL]
// let profile = 0x64;
// let constraints = 0x00;
// let level = 0x1f;
// TODO: do build multi-track catalog by looping through moov.traks
let trak = moov.traks[0].clone();
let avc1 = trak
.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("avc1 atom not found"))?;
let profile = avc1.avcc.avc_profile_indication;
let constraints = avc1.avcc.profile_compatibility; // Not 100% certain here, but it's 0x00 on my current test video
let level = avc1.avcc.avc_level_indication;
let width = avc1.width;
let height = avc1.height;
let codec = rfc6381_codec::Codec::avc1(profile, constraints, level);
let codec_str = codec.to_string();
let catalog = json!({
"tracks": [
"container": "mp4",
"namespace": namespace,
"kind": "video",
"init_track": init_track_name,
"data_track": "1", // assume just one track for now
"codec": codec_str,
"width": width,
"height": height,
"frame_rate": config.catalog_fps,
"bit_rate": config.catalog_bit_rate,
let catalog_str = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&catalog)?;
info!("catalog: {}", catalog_str);
// Add the segment and add the fragment.
// Return the catalog
Ok((catalog_track, catalog_subscriber))
pub fn source(&self) -> Arc<MapSource> {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use crate::media::{self, MapSource};
use anyhow::bail;
use log::{debug, error};
use moq_transport::message::Message;
use moq_transport::message::{Announce, SubscribeError};
use moq_transport::message::{Announce, SubscribeError, SubscribeOk};
use moq_transport::{object, Object, VarInt};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ impl<S: WTSession> MediaRunner<S> {
let source = self.source.clone();
let mut join_set: JoinSet<anyhow::Result<()>> = tokio::task::JoinSet::new();
let mut track_dispatcher: HashMap<String, tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<()>> = HashMap::new();
let mut track_dispatcher: HashMap<String, tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<VarInt>> = HashMap::new();
let mut incoming_ctl_receiver = self.incoming_ctl_receiver.resubscribe();
let outgoing_ctl_sender = self.outgoing_ctl_sender.clone();
@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ impl<S: WTSession> MediaRunner<S> {
let mut objects = self.send_objects.clone();
let mut track = track.clone();
join_set.spawn(async move {
receiver.recv().await.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("channel closed"))?;
let track_id = receiver.recv().await.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("channel closed"))?;
// TODO: validate track_id is valid (not already in use), for now just trust subscribers are correct
loop {
let mut segment = track.next_segment().await?;
debug!("segment: {:?}", &segment);
let object = Object {
track: VarInt::from_u32(<u32>()?),
track: track_id,
group: segment.sequence,
sequence: VarInt::from_u32(0), // Always zero since we send an entire group as an object
send_order: segment.send_order,
@ -115,9 +116,10 @@ impl<S: WTSession> MediaRunner<S> {
debug!("Received a subscription request");
let track_id = subscribe.track_id;
debug!("Looking up track_id: {}", &track_id);
let track_name = subscribe.track_name;
debug!("Looking up track_name: {} (track_id: {})", &track_name, &track_id);
// Look up track in source
match source.0.get(&track_id.to_string()) {
match source.0.get(&track_name.to_string()) {
None => {
// if track !exist, send subscribe error
@ -134,7 +136,13 @@ impl<S: WTSession> MediaRunner<S> {
.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("missing task for track"))?
.send(Message::SubscribeOk(SubscribeOk {
track_id: subscribe.track_id,
expires: Some(VarInt::from_u32(0)), // valid until unsubscribed
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use crate::cli::Config;
use anyhow::Context;
use log::debug;
use moq_transport::{object, Object};
use std::net;
use tokio::sync::broadcast;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::task::JoinSet;
@ -14,13 +14,8 @@ pub struct SessionRunner {
incoming_obj_sender: broadcast::Sender<Object>,
pub struct Config {
pub addr: net::SocketAddr,
pub uri: http::uri::Uri,
impl SessionRunner {
pub async fn new(config: Config) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
pub async fn new(config: &Config) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let mut roots = rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
for cert in rustls_native_certs::load_native_certs().expect("could not load platform certs") {
@ -36,7 +31,7 @@ impl SessionRunner {
let arc_tls_config = std::sync::Arc::new(tls_config);
let quinn_client_config = quinn::ClientConfig::new(arc_tls_config);
let mut endpoint = quinn::Endpoint::client(config.addr)?;
let mut endpoint = quinn::Endpoint::client(config.bind_address)?;
let webtransport_session = webtransport_quinn::connect(&endpoint, &config.uri)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user