
217 lines
5.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak},
use moq_api::ApiError;
use moq_transport::cache::{broadcast, CacheError};
use url::Url;
use tokio::time;
use crate::RelayError;
pub struct Origin {
// An API client used to get/set broadcasts.
// If None then we never use a remote origin.
// TODO: Stub this out instead.
api: Option<moq_api::Client>,
// The internal address of our node.
// If None then we can never advertise ourselves as an origin.
// TODO: Stub this out instead.
node: Option<Url>,
// A map of active broadcasts by ID.
cache: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, Weak<Subscriber>>>>,
// A QUIC endpoint we'll use to fetch from other origins.
quic: quinn::Endpoint,
impl Origin {
pub fn new(api: Option<moq_api::Client>, node: Option<Url>, quic: quinn::Endpoint) -> Self {
Self {
cache: Default::default(),
/// Create a new broadcast with the given ID.
/// Publisher::run needs to be called to periodically refresh the origin cache.
pub async fn publish(&mut self, id: &str) -> Result<Publisher, RelayError> {
let (publisher, subscriber) = broadcast::new(id);
let subscriber = {
let mut cache = self.cache.lock().unwrap();
// Check if the broadcast already exists.
// TODO This is racey, because a new publisher could be created while existing subscribers are still active.
if cache.contains_key(id) {
return Err(CacheError::Duplicate.into());
// Create subscriber that will remove from the cache when dropped.
let subscriber = Arc::new(Subscriber {
broadcast: subscriber,
origin: self.clone(),
cache.insert(id.to_string(), Arc::downgrade(&subscriber));
// Create a publisher that constantly updates itself as the origin in moq-api.
// It holds a reference to the subscriber to prevent dropping early.
let mut publisher = Publisher {
broadcast: publisher,
api: None,
// Insert the publisher into the database.
if let Some(api) = self.api.as_mut() {
// Make a URL for the broadcast.
let url = self.node.as_ref().ok_or(RelayError::MissingNode)?.clone().join(id)?;
let origin = moq_api::Origin { url };
api.set_origin(id, &origin).await?;
// Refresh every 5 minutes
publisher.api = Some((api.clone(), origin));
pub fn subscribe(&self, id: &str) -> Arc<Subscriber> {
let mut cache = self.cache.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(broadcast) = cache.get(id) {
if let Some(broadcast) = broadcast.upgrade() {
return broadcast;
let (publisher, subscriber) = broadcast::new(id);
let subscriber = Arc::new(Subscriber {
broadcast: subscriber,
origin: self.clone(),
cache.insert(id.to_string(), Arc::downgrade(&subscriber));
let mut this = self.clone();
let id = id.to_string();
// Rather than fetching from the API and connecting via QUIC inline, we'll spawn a task to do it.
// This way we could stop polling this session and it won't impact other session.
// It also means we'll only connect the API and QUIC once if N subscribers suddenly show up.
// However, the downside is that we don't return an error immediately.
// If that's important, it can be done but it gets a bit racey.
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = this.serve(&id, publisher).await {
log::warn!("failed to serve remote broadcast: id={} err={}", id, err);
async fn serve(&mut self, id: &str, publisher: broadcast::Publisher) -> Result<(), RelayError> {
log::debug!("finding origin: id={}", id);
// Fetch the origin from the API.
let origin = self
log::debug!("fetching from origin: id={} url={}", id, origin.url);
// Establish the webtransport session.
let session = webtransport_quinn::connect(&self.quic, &origin.url).await?;
let session = moq_transport::session::Client::subscriber(session, publisher).await?;;
pub struct Subscriber {
pub broadcast: broadcast::Subscriber,
origin: Origin,
impl Drop for Subscriber {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl Deref for Subscriber {
type Target = broadcast::Subscriber;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
pub struct Publisher {
pub broadcast: broadcast::Publisher,
api: Option<(moq_api::Client, moq_api::Origin)>,
subscriber: Arc<Subscriber>,
impl Publisher {
pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), ApiError> {
// Every 5m tell the API we're still alive.
// TODO don't hard-code these values
let mut interval = time::interval(time::Duration::from_secs(60 * 5));
loop {
if let Some((api, origin)) = self.api.as_mut() {
api.patch_origin(&, origin).await?;
// TODO move to start of loop; this is just for testing
pub async fn close(&mut self) -> Result<(), ApiError> {
if let Some((api, _)) = self.api.as_mut() {
impl Deref for Publisher {
type Target = broadcast::Publisher;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for Publisher {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.broadcast