Unfortunately, QUIC mandates TLS and makes local development difficult.
If you have a valid certificate you can use it instead of self-signing.
Use [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert) to generate a self-signed certificate.
Unfortunately, this currently requires [Go](https://golang.org/) to be installed in order to [fork](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert/pull/513) the tool.
Somebody should get that merged or make something similar in Rust...
Unfortunately, WebTransport in Chrome currently (May 2023) doesn't verify certificates using the root CA.
The workaround is to use the `serverFingerprints` options, which requires the certificate MUST be only valid for at most **14 days**.
This is also why we're using a fork of mkcert, because it generates certificates valid for years by default.
This limitation will be removed once Chrome uses the system CA for WebTransport.
### moq-pub
You'll want some test footage to broadcast.
Anything works, but make sure the codec is supported by the player since `moq-pub` does not re-encode.