shadmansaleh fac96d71cc [Breaking] Refactor: switch to %{%expr%} from %!expr
Huge change to internal mechanics.
- Now %{%expr%} blocks are used for evaluating statusline instead of
  %!expr . Pros for this is statusline is evaluated on current win and
  buf context instead of active win & bufs context.
- Now all components branch & diff(These two are cached) including users
  function components updates on inactive status.
  - now components update status and function components receive an
    argument (is_focused) when called. It indicates whether it's running
    for active or inactive statusline.
- Now lualine no longer aggrasively takes over 'statusline' option.
  instead it sets the global version of statusline option. So it's
  possible to unset it to hide lualine . Or set buffer local version
  of that option to have different statusline then lualine on thay
- Switch vim.o to vim.go or vim.opt.
- BugFix autcommands being set everytime an instence of diff or branch
  component is created
- Added new utils functions define_autocmd & is_focused
- Remove utils function lualine_eval
- Removed hacky require cache modification from component.lua
2021-08-08 22:50:17 +06:00

66 lines
1.9 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh
-- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
local FileName = require('lualine.component'):new()
local function count(base, pattern)
return select(2, string.gsub(base, pattern, ''))
local function shorten_path(path, sep)
-- ('([^/])[^/]+%/', '%1/', 1)
return path:gsub(
string.format('([^%s])[^%s]+%%%s', sep, sep, sep), '%1' .. sep, 1)
end = function(self, options, child)
local new_instance = self._parent:new(options, child or FileName)
local default_symbols = {modified = '[+]', readonly = '[-]'}
new_instance.options.symbols = vim.tbl_extend('force', default_symbols,
new_instance.options.symbols or
-- setting defaults
if new_instance.options.file_status == nil then
new_instance.options.file_status = true
if new_instance.options.path == nil then new_instance.options.path = 0 end
return new_instance
FileName.update_status = function(self)
local data
if self.options.path == 1 then
-- relative path
data = vim.fn.expand('%:~:.')
elseif self.options.path == 2 then
-- absolute path
data = vim.fn.expand('%:p')
-- just filename
data = vim.fn.expand('%:t')
if data == '' then data = '[No Name]' end
local windwidth = vim.fn.winwidth(0)
local estimated_space_available = 40
local path_separator = package.config:sub(1, 1)
for _ = 0, count(data, path_separator) do
if windwidth <= 84 or #data > estimated_space_available then
data = shorten_path(data, path_separator)
if self.options.file_status then
if then
data = data .. self.options.symbols.modified
elseif == false or == true then
data = data .. self.options.symbols.readonly
return data
return FileName