- includes modified class implementation from https://github.com/rxi/classic/blob/master/classic.lua - now base component class is created from classic. - change to how component classes are created. - Don't overwrite new method to initialize a component. Overwrite the init method. new is responsible for creating class object and calling init on it. Unlike previous new overwrite you don't need to create the class (table) and return it. Instead you will recive the object as self and do required manipulation on that just like any most other oop langs. Also don't need to return anything from init. init's job is to initialize. remember to call classes init before running your operations unfortunately lua isn't full fledged oop lang and I don't how to automate this. - changes how super classes are accesed. - rename Component._parent -> Component.super - methods on super classes now ran through super class instead of objects _parent self._parent as that can lead to recursive inf loop. See branch, diff, tabs, buffer classes call to init for example on pattern. - All components updated to reflect current logic - component loader updated to use new initialization procedure. - updated tests - updated BREAKING_CHANGES.md - plus quite a bit of formatting changes in the components - comp.method = function(self, ...) -> function M:method(...) BREAKING_CHANGE
109 lines
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109 lines
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-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh
-- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
local helpers = require 'tests.helpers'
local eq = assert.are.same
local build_component_opts = helpers.build_component_opts
describe('Utils', function()
local utils = require 'lualine.utils.utils'
it('can retrive highlight groups', function()
local hl2 = { fg = '#aabbcc', bg = '#889977', reverse = true }
-- handles non existing hl groups
eq(utils.extract_highlight_colors 'hl2', nil)
-- create highlight
vim.cmd(string.format('hi hl2 guifg=%s guibg=%s gui=reverse', hl2.fg, hl2.bg))
-- Can retrive entire highlight table
eq(utils.extract_highlight_colors 'hl2', hl2)
-- Can retrive specific parts of highlight
eq(utils.extract_highlight_colors('hl2', 'fg'), hl2.fg)
-- clear hl2
vim.cmd 'hi clear hl2'
it('can shrink list with holes', function()
local list_with_holes = {
' ',
local list_without_holes = { '2', '4', '6', '43', '2', 'a', 'b', ' ' }
eq(utils.list_shrink(list_with_holes), list_without_holes)
describe('Cterm genarator', function()
local cterm = require 'lualine.utils.color_utils'
it('can convert rgb to cterm', function()
local colors = { ['#112233'] = 235, ['#7928ae'] = 97, ['#017bdc'] = 68 }
for rgb, ct in pairs(colors) do
eq(cterm.rgb2cterm(rgb), tostring(ct))
describe('Section genarator', function()
local sec = require 'lualine.utils.section'
it('can draw', function()
local opts = build_component_opts { section_separators = { left = '', right = '' } }
local section = {
require 'lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts),
require 'lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts),
eq('%#lualine_MySection_normal# test %#lualine_MySection_normal# test ', sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection'))
it('can remove separators from component with custom colors', function()
local opts = build_component_opts { section_separators = { left = '', right = '' } }
local opts_colored = build_component_opts { color = 'MyColor' }
local opts_colored2 = build_component_opts {
color = { bg = '#223344' },
section_separators = { left = '', right = '' },
local opts_colored3 = build_component_opts {
color = { fg = '#223344' },
section_separators = { left = '', right = '' },
require('lualine.highlight').create_highlight_groups(require 'lualine.themes.gruvbox')
local section = {
require 'lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts),
require 'lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts_colored),
require 'lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts),
local highlight_name2 = 'lualine_' .. section[2].options.component_name .. '_no_mode'
-- Removes separator on string color
'%#lualine_MySection_normal# test %#' .. highlight_name2 .. '#' .. ' test %#lualine_MySection_normal# test ',
sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection')
section[2] = require 'lua.lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts_colored2)
local highlight_name = '%#lualine_c_' .. section[2].options.component_name .. '_normal#'
-- Removes separator on color with bg
'%#lualine_MySection_normal# test ' .. highlight_name .. ' test %#lualine_MySection_normal# test ',
sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection')
section[2] = require 'lua.lualine.components.special.function_component'(opts_colored3)
highlight_name2 = '%#lualine_c_' .. section[2].options.component_name .. '_normal#'
-- Doesn't remove separator on color without bg
'%#lualine_MySection_normal# test '
.. highlight_name2
.. ' test %#lualine_MySection_normal#%#lualine_MySection_normal# test ',
sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection')