-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local M = require('lualine.component'):extend() local highlight = require 'lualine.highlight' local default_options = { max_length = 0, mode = 0, tabs_color = { active = nil, inactive = nil, }, } local function get_hl(section, is_active) local suffix = is_active and '_normal' or '_inactive' local section_redirects = { lualine_x = 'lualine_c', lualine_y = 'lualine_b', lualine_z = 'lualine_a', } if section_redirects[section] then section = highlight.highlight_exists(section .. suffix) and section or section_redirects[section] end return section .. suffix end local Tab = {} function Tab:new(tab) assert(tab.tabnr, 'Cannot create Tab without tabnr') local newObj = { tabnr = tab.tabnr, options = tab.options, highlights = tab.highlights, } self.__index = self newObj = setmetatable(newObj, self) return newObj end function Tab:label() local buflist = vim.fn.tabpagebuflist(self.tabnr) local winnr = vim.fn.tabpagewinnr(self.tabnr) local bufnr = buflist[winnr] local file = vim.fn.bufname(bufnr) local buftype = vim.fn.getbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype') if buftype == 'help' then return 'help:' .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ':t:r') elseif buftype == 'terminal' then local match = string.match(vim.split(file, ' ')[1], 'term:.*:(%a+)') return match ~= nil and match or vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.env.SHELL, ':t') elseif vim.fn.isdirectory(file) == 1 then return vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ':p:.') elseif file == '' then return '[No Name]' end return vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ':t') end function Tab:render() local name if self.ellipse then name = '...' else if self.options.mode == 0 then name = string.format('%s%s ', (self.last or not self.first) and ' ' or '', tostring(self.tabnr)) elseif self.options.mode == 1 then name = string.format('%s%s ', (self.last or not self.first) and ' ' or '', self:label()) else name = string.format('%s%s %s ', (self.last or not self.first) and ' ' or '', tostring(self.tabnr), self:label()) end end self.len = #name local line = string.format('%%%s@LualineSwitchTab@%s%%T', self.tabnr, name) line = highlight.component_format_highlight(self.highlights[(self.current and 'active' or 'inactive')]) .. line if self.options.self.section < 'lualine_x' and not self.first then local sep_before = self:separator_before() line = sep_before .. line self.len = self.len + vim.fn.strchars(sep_before) elseif self.options.self.section >= 'lualine_x' and not self.last then local sep_after = self:separator_after() line = line .. sep_after self.len = self.len + vim.fn.strchars(sep_after) end return line end function Tab:separator_before() if self.current or self.aftercurrent then return '%S{' .. self.options.section_separators.left .. '}' else return self.options.component_separators.left end end function Tab:separator_after() if self.current or self.beforecurrent then return '%s{' .. self.options.section_separators.right .. '}' else return self.options.component_separators.right end end function M:init(options) M.super.init(self, options) default_options.tabs_color = { active = get_hl(options.self.section, true), inactive = get_hl(options.self.section, false), } self.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', self.options or {}, default_options) -- stylua: ignore self.highlights = { active = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.tabs_color.active, 'tabs_active', self.options ), inactive = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.tabs_color.inactive, 'tabs_active', self.options ), } end function M:update_status() local data = {} local tabs = {} for t = 1, vim.fn.tabpagenr '$' do tabs[#tabs + 1] = Tab:new { tabnr = t, options = self.options, highlights = self.highlights } end local current = vim.fn.tabpagenr() tabs[1].first = true tabs[#tabs].last = true if tabs[current] then tabs[current].current = true end if tabs[current - 1] then tabs[current - 1].beforecurrent = true end if tabs[current + 1] then tabs[current + 1].aftercurrent = true end local max_length = self.options.max_length if max_length == 0 then max_length = math.floor(vim.o.columns / 3) end local total_length for i, tab in pairs(tabs) do if tab.current then current = i end end local current_tab = tabs[current] if current_tab == nil then local t = Tab:new { tabnr = vim.fn.tabpagenr(), options = self.options, highlights = self.highlights } t.current = true t.last = true data[#data + 1] = t:render() else data[#data + 1] = current_tab:render() total_length = current_tab.len local i = 0 local before, after while true do i = i + 1 before = tabs[current - i] after = tabs[current + i] local rendered_before, rendered_after if before == nil and after == nil then break end if before then rendered_before = before:render() total_length = total_length + before.len if total_length > max_length then break end table.insert(data, 1, rendered_before) end if after then rendered_after = after:render() total_length = total_length + after.len if total_length > max_length then break end data[#data + 1] = rendered_after end end if total_length > max_length then if before ~= nil then before.ellipse = true before.first = true table.insert(data, 1, before:render()) end if after ~= nil then after.ellipse = true after.last = true data[#data + 1] = after:render() end end end return table.concat(data) end vim.cmd [[ function! LualineSwitchTab(tabnr, mouseclicks, mousebutton, modifiers) execute a:tabnr . "tabnext" endfunction ]] return M