-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 hoob3rt -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local modules = require('lualine.utils.lazy_require'){ highlight = 'lualine.highlight', loader = 'lualine.utils.loader', utils_section = 'lualine.utils.section', utils = 'lualine.utils.utils', utils_notices = 'lualine.utils.notices', config_module = 'lualine.config', } local config -- Stores cureently applied config local new_config = true -- Stores config that will be applied local function apply_transitional_separators(status) local status_applied = {} -- Collects all the pieces for concatation local last_hl -- Stores lash highligjt group that we found local copied_pos = 1 -- Tracks how much we've copied over to status_applied local str_checked = 1 -- Tracks where the searcher head is at local function find_next_hl() -- Gets the next valid hl group from str_checked local hl_pos_start, hl_pos_end = status:find('%%#.-#', str_checked) while true do if not hl_pos_start then return nil end -- When there are more that one hl group next to one another like -- %#HL1#%#HL2#%#HL3# we need to return HL3. This makes that happen. local next_start, next_end = status:find('^%%#.-#', hl_pos_end + 1) if next_start == nil then break end hl_pos_start, hl_pos_end = next_start, next_end end return status:sub(hl_pos_start + 2, hl_pos_end - 1) end local function fill_section_separator(sep, reverse) -- Inserts transitional separator along with transitional highlight if last_hl and #last_hl == 0 then return end local next_hl = find_next_hl() if next_hl == nil then return end local transitional_highlight = reverse -- lua ternary assignment x ? y : z and modules.highlight.get_transitional_highlights(last_hl, next_hl) or modules.highlight.get_transitional_highlights(next_hl, last_hl) if transitional_highlight then table.insert(status_applied, transitional_highlight .. sep) end end -- Process entire status replace the %s{sep} & %S{sep} placeholders -- with proper transitional separator. while str_checked ~= nil do str_checked = status:find('%%', str_checked) if str_checked == nil then break end table.insert(status_applied, status:sub(copied_pos, str_checked - 1)) -- -1 so we don't copy '%' copied_pos = str_checked local next_char = modules.utils.charAt(status, str_checked +1) if next_char == '#' then -- %#hl_name# highlights last_hl = status:match('^%%#(.-)#', str_checked) str_checked = str_checked + #last_hl + 3 elseif next_char == 's' then -- %s{sep} is marker for left separator and local sep = status:match('^%%s{(.-)}', str_checked) str_checked = str_checked + #sep + 4 -- 4 = len(%{}) fill_section_separator(sep, false) copied_pos = str_checked elseif next_char == 'S' then -- %S{sep} is marker for right separator and local sep = status:match('^%%S{(.-)}', str_checked) str_checked = str_checked + #sep + 4 -- 4 = len(%{}) if status:find('^%%s', str_checked) then -- When transitional right_sep and left_sep are right next to each other -- and in this exact order skip the left sep as we can't draw both. str_checked = status:find('}', str_checked) + 1 end fill_section_separator(sep, true) copied_pos = str_checked elseif next_char == '%' then str_checked = str_checked + 2 -- Skip the following % too elseif next_char == '=' then last_hl = nil str_checked = str_checked + 1 -- Skip the following % too else str_checked = str_checked + 1 -- Push it forward to avoid inf loop end end table.insert(status_applied, status:sub(copied_pos)) -- Final chunk return table.concat(status_applied) end local function statusline(sections, is_focused) -- The sequence sections should maintain [SECTION_SEQUENCE] local section_sequence = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z'} local status = {} local applied_midsection_devider = false for _, section_name in ipairs(section_sequence) do if sections['lualine_' .. section_name] then -- insert highlight+components of this section to status_builder local section_data = modules.utils_section.draw_section( sections['lualine_' .. section_name], section_name, is_focused) if #section_data > 0 then if not applied_midsection_devider and section_name > 'c' then applied_midsection_devider = true section_data = '%='..section_data end table.insert(status, section_data) end end end return apply_transitional_separators(table.concat(status)) end -- check if any extension matches the filetype and return proper sections local function get_extension_sections(current_ft, is_focused) for _, extension in ipairs(config.extensions) do for _, filetype in ipairs(extension.filetypes) do if current_ft == filetype then if is_focused == false and extension.inactive_sections then return extension.inactive_sections end return extension.sections end end end return nil end local function tabline() return statusline(config.tabline, true) end local function check_theme_name_deprecation(theme_name) local deprection_table = { oceanicnext = 'OceanicNext', papercolor = 'PaperColor', tomorrow = 'Tomorrow', gruvbox_material = 'gruvbox-material', modus_vivendi = 'modus-vivendi', } if deprection_table[theme_name] then local correct_name = deprection_table[theme_name] modules.utils_notices.add_notice(string.format([[ ### options.theme You're using `%s` as theme name . It has recently been renamed to `%s`. Please update your config to follow that. You have something like this in your config. ```lua options = { theme = '%s' } ``` You'll have to change it to something like this. ```lua options = { theme = '%s' } ``` ]], theme_name, correct_name, theme_name, correct_name)) return correct_name end return theme_name end local function notify_theme_error(theme_name) local message_template = theme_name ~= 'auto' and [[ ### options.theme Theme `%s` not found, falling back to `auto`. Check if spelling is right. ]] or [[ ### options.theme Theme `%s` failed, falling back to `gruvbox`. This shouldn't happen. Please report the issue at https://github.com/shadmansaleh/lualine.nvim/issues . Also provide what colorscheme you're using. ]] modules.utils_notices.add_notice(string.format(message_template, theme_name)) end local function setup_theme() local function get_theme_from_config() local theme_name = config.options.theme if type(theme_name) == 'string' then theme_name = check_theme_name_deprecation(theme_name) local ok, theme = pcall(modules.loader.load_theme, theme_name) if ok and theme then return theme end elseif type(theme_name) == 'table' then -- use the provided theme as-is return config.options.theme end if theme_name ~= 'auto' then notify_theme_error(theme_name) local ok, theme = pcall(modules.loader.load_theme, 'auto') if ok and theme then return theme end end notify_theme_error('auto') return modules.loader.load_theme('gruvbox') end local theme = get_theme_from_config() modules.highlight.create_highlight_groups(theme) vim.cmd [[ autocmd lualine ColorScheme * lua require'lualine.utils.utils'.reload_highlights() autocmd lualine OptionSet background lua require'lualine'.setup() ]] end local function set_tabline() if next(config.tabline) ~= nil then vim.go.tabline = "%{%v:lua.require'lualine'.tabline()%}" vim.go.showtabline = 2 end end local function set_statusline() if next(config.sections) ~= nil or next(config.inactive_sections) ~= nil then vim.cmd('autocmd lualine VimResized * redrawstatus') else vim.go.statusline = nil end end local function setup_augroup() vim.cmd [[ augroup lualine autocmd! augroup END ]] end local function reset_lualine() modules.utils_notices.clear_notices() setup_augroup() setup_theme() modules.loader.load_all(config) set_statusline() set_tabline() modules.utils_notices.notice_message_startup() new_config = nil end local function status_dispatch(focused) -- disable on specific filetypes if new_config then reset_lualine() end local current_ft = vim.bo.filetype local is_focused = focused ~= nil and focused or modules.utils.is_focused() for _, ft in pairs(config.options.disabled_filetypes) do if ft == current_ft then vim.wo.statusline = '' return '' end end local extension_sections = get_extension_sections(current_ft, is_focused) if is_focused then if extension_sections ~= nil then return statusline(extension_sections, is_focused) end return statusline(config.sections, is_focused) else if extension_sections ~= nil then return statusline(extension_sections, is_focused) end return statusline(config.inactive_sections, is_focused) end end local function setup(user_config) new_config = true config = modules.config_module.apply_configuration(user_config) vim.go.statusline = "%{%v:lua.require'lualine'.statusline()%}" end return { setup = setup, statusline = status_dispatch, tabline = tabline, get_config = modules.config_module.get_config, }