-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local lualine_require = require 'lualine_require' local modules = lualine_require.lazy_require { git_diff = 'lualine.components.diff.git_diff', utils = 'lualine.utils.utils', utils_notices = 'lualine.utils.notices', highlight = 'lualine.highlight', } local M = lualine_require.require('lualine.component'):extend() local default_options = { colored = true, symbols = { added = '+', modified = '~', removed = '-' }, diff_color = { added = { fg = modules.utils.extract_color_from_hllist( 'fg', { 'GitSignsAdd', 'GitGutterAdd', 'DiffAdded', 'DiffAdd' }, '#90ee90' ), }, modified = { fg = modules.utils.extract_color_from_hllist( 'fg', { 'GitSignsChange', 'GitGutterChange', 'DiffChanged', 'DiffChange' }, '#f0e130' ), }, removed = { fg = modules.utils.extract_color_from_hllist( 'fg', { 'GitSignsDelete', 'GitGutterDelete', 'DiffRemoved', 'DiffDelete' }, '#ff0038' ), }, }, } -- Initializer function M:init(options) M.super.init(self, options) self.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', self.options or {}, default_options) -- create highlights and save highlight_name in highlights table if self.options.colored then self.highlights = { added = modules.highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.diff_color.added, 'diff_added', self.options ), modified = modules.highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.diff_color.modified, 'diff_modified', self.options ), removed = modules.highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.diff_color.removed, 'diff_removed', self.options ), } end modules.git_diff.init(self.options) end -- Function that runs everytime statusline is updated function M:update_status(is_focused) local git_diff = modules.git_diff.get_sign_count((not is_focused and vim.fn.bufnr())) if git_diff == nil then return '' end local colors = {} if self.options.colored then -- load the highlights and store them in colors table for name, highlight_name in pairs(self.highlights) do colors[name] = modules.highlight.component_format_highlight(highlight_name) end end local result = {} -- loop though data and load available sections in result table for _, name in ipairs { 'added', 'modified', 'removed' } do if git_diff[name] and git_diff[name] > 0 then if self.options.colored then table.insert(result, colors[name] .. self.options.symbols[name] .. git_diff[name]) else table.insert(result, self.options.symbols[name] .. git_diff[name]) end end end if #result > 0 then return table.concat(result, ' ') else return '' end end return M