-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local require = require('lualine_require').require local Tab = require('lualine.components.tabs.tab') local M = require('lualine.component'):extend() local highlight = require('lualine.highlight') local default_options = { max_length = 0, mode = 0, tabs_color = { active = nil, inactive = nil, }, } -- This function is duplicated in buffers ---returns the proper hl for tab in section. used for setting default highlights ---@param section string name of section tabs component is in ---@param is_active boolean ---@return string hl name local function get_hl(section, is_active) local suffix = is_active and '_normal' or '_inactive' local section_redirects = { lualine_x = 'lualine_c', lualine_y = 'lualine_b', lualine_z = 'lualine_a', } if section_redirects[section] then section = highlight.highlight_exists(section .. suffix) and section or section_redirects[section] end return section .. suffix end function M:init(options) M.super.init(self, options) default_options.tabs_color = { active = get_hl('lualine_' .. options.self.section, true), inactive = get_hl('lualine_' .. options.self.section, false), } self.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', self.options or {}, default_options) -- stylua: ignore self.highlights = { active = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.tabs_color.active, 'tabs_active', self.options, false ), inactive = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( self.options.tabs_color.inactive, 'tabs_inactive', self.options, false ), } end function M:update_status() local data = {} local tabs = {} for nr, id in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do tabs[#tabs + 1] = Tab { tabId = id, tabnr = nr, options = self.options, highlights = self.highlights } end -- mark the first, last, current, before current, after current tabpages -- for rendering local current = vim.fn.tabpagenr() tabs[1].first = true tabs[#tabs].last = true if tabs[current] then tabs[current].current = true end if tabs[current - 1] then tabs[current - 1].beforecurrent = true end if tabs[current + 1] then tabs[current + 1].aftercurrent = true end local max_length = self.options.max_length if type(max_length) == 'function' then max_length = max_length(self) end if max_length == 0 then max_length = math.floor(vim.o.columns / 3) end local total_length for i, tab in pairs(tabs) do if tab.current then current = i end end local current_tab = tabs[current] -- start drawing from current tab and draw left and right of it until -- all tabpages are drawn or max_length has been reached. if current_tab == nil then -- maybe redundent code local t = Tab { tabId = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage(), tabnr = vim.fn.tabpagenr(), options = self.options, highlights = self.highlights, } t.current = true t.last = true data[#data + 1] = t:render() else data[#data + 1] = current_tab:render() total_length = current_tab.len local i = 0 local before, after while true do i = i + 1 before = tabs[current - i] after = tabs[current + i] local rendered_before, rendered_after if before == nil and after == nil then break end -- draw left most undrawn tab if fits in max_length if before then rendered_before = before:render() total_length = total_length + before.len if total_length > max_length then break end table.insert(data, 1, rendered_before) end -- draw right most undrawn tab if fits in max_length if after then rendered_after = after:render() total_length = total_length + after.len if total_length > max_length then break end data[#data + 1] = rendered_after end end -- draw elipsis (...) on relevent sides if all tabs don't fit in max_length if total_length > max_length then if before ~= nil then before.ellipse = true before.first = true table.insert(data, 1, before:render()) end if after ~= nil then after.ellipse = true after.last = true data[#data + 1] = after:render() end end end return table.concat(data) end function M:draw() self.status = '' self.applied_separator = '' if self.options.cond ~= nil and self.options.cond() ~= true then return self.status end local status = self:update_status() if type(status) == 'string' and #status > 0 then self.status = status self:apply_section_separators() self:apply_separator() end return self.status end vim.cmd([[ function! LualineSwitchTab(tabnr, mouseclicks, mousebutton, modifiers) execute a:tabnr . "tabnext" endfunction function! LualineRenameTab(...) if a:0 == 1 let t:tabname = a:1 else unlet t:tabname end redrawtabline endfunction command! -nargs=? LualineRenameTab call LualineRenameTab("<args>") ]]) return M