*lualine.txt* fast and easy to configure statusline plugin for neovim ============================================================================== Table of Contents *lualine-table-of-contents* 1. lualine.nvim |lualine-lualine.nvim| - Contributing |lualine-contributing| - Performance compared to other plugins|lualine-performance-compared-to-other-plugins| - Installation |lualine-installation| - Usage and customization |lualine-usage-and-customization| ============================================================================== 1. lualine.nvim *lualine-lualine.nvim* A fast and easy to configure statusline plugin for neovim `lualine.nvim` requires neovim 0.5 CONTRIBUTING *lualine-contributing* Feel free to create an issue/pr if you want to see anything else implemented. If you have some question or need help with configuration start a discussion . Please read CONTRIBUTING.md <./CONTRIBUTING.md> before opening a pr. You can also help with documentation in wiki PERFORMANCE COMPARED TO OTHER PLUGINS*lualine-performance-compared-to-other-plugins* Unlike other statusline plugins lualine loads only defined components, nothing else. Startup time performance measured with an amazing plugin tweekmonster/startuptime.vim All times are measured with only `startuptime.vim` and given statusline plugin installed │clean vimrc│lualine │lightline│ airline │ │ 8.943 ms │9.034 ms│11.463 ms│13.425 ms│ INSTALLATION *lualine-installation* VIM-PLUG ~ > Plug 'hoob3rt/lualine.nvim' " If you want to have icons in your statusline choose one of these Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' < PACKER.NVIM ~ > use { 'hoob3rt/lualine.nvim', requires = {'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true} } < USAGE AND CUSTOMIZATION *lualine-usage-and-customization* Lualine has sections as shown below. > +-------------------------------------------------+ | A | B | C X | Y | Z | +-------------------------------------------------+ < Each sections holds it’s components e.g. current vim’s mode. Default config > require'lualine'.setup { options = { icons_enabled = true, theme = 'auto', component_separators = { left = '', right = ''}, section_separators = { left = '', right = ''}, disabled_filetypes = {} }, sections = { lualine_a = {'mode'}, lualine_b = {'branch', 'diff', {'diagnostics', sources={'nvim_lsp', 'coc'}}}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype'}, lualine_y = {'progress'}, lualine_z = {'location'} }, inactive_sections = { lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {'location'}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {} }, tabline = {}, extensions = {} } < If you want to get your current lualine config. you can do so with > require'lualine'.get_config() < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STARTING LUALINE ~ > require('lualine').setup() < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SETTING A THEME ~ > options = {theme = 'gruvbox'} < All available themes are listed in THEMES.md <./THEMES.md> Please create a pr if you managed to port a popular theme before me, here is how to do it <./CONTRIBUTING.md>. Customizing themes > local custom_gruvbox = require'lualine.themes.gruvbox' -- Change the background of lualine_c section for normal mode custom_gruvbox.normal.c.bg = '#112233' -- rgb colors are supported require'lualine'.setup{ options = { theme = custom_gruvbox }, ... } < Theme structure is available here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEPARATORS ~ Lualine defines two kinds of separators: - `section_separators` - separators between sections - `components_separators` - separators between components in sections > options = { section_separators = { left = '', right = ''}, component_separators = { left = '', right = ''} } < Here left means it’ll be used for left sections (a, b, c) and right means it’ll be used for right sections (x, y, z). Disabling separators > options = {section_separators = '', component_separators = ''} < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHANGING COMPONENTS IN LUALINE SECTIONS ~ > sections = {lualine_a = {'mode'}} < Available components ~ - `branch` (git branch) - `diagnostics` (diagnostics count from your prefered source) - `encoding` (file encoding) - `fileformat` (file format) - `filename` - `filesize` - `filetype` - `hostname` - `location` (location in file in line:column format) - `mode` (vim mode) - `progress` (%progress in file) - `diff` (git diff status) *lualine-Custom-components* LUA FUNCTIONS AS LUALINE COMPONENT > local function hello() return [[hello world]] end sections = {lualine_a = {hello}} < VIM FUNCTIONS AS LUALINE COMPONENT > sections = {lualine_a = {'FugitiveHead'}} < *lualine-Vim’s-statusline-items-as-lualine-component* > sections = {lualine_c = {'%=', '%t%m', '%3p'}} < VIM VARIABLES AS LUALINE COMPONENT Variables from `g:`, `v:`, `t:`, `w:`, `b:`, `o`, `go:`, `vo:`, `to:`, `wo:`, `bo:` scopes can be used. See `:h lua-vim-variables` and `:h lua-vim-options` if you are not sure what to use. > sections = {lualine_a = {'g:coc_status', 'bo:filetype'}} < LUA EXPRESSIONS AS LUALINE COMPONENT You can use any valid lua expression as a component including * oneliners * global variables * require statements > sections = {lualine_c = {"os.date('%a')", 'data', "require'lsp-status'.status()"}} < `data` is a global variable in this example. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPONENT OPTIONS ~ Component options can change the way a component behave. There are two kinds of options: * global options affecting all components * local options affecting specific Global options can be used as local options (can be applied to specific components) but you cannot use local options as global. Global option used locally overwrites the global, for example: > require'lualine'.setup { options = {fmt = string.lower}, sections = {lualine_a = { {'mode', fmt = function(str) return str:sub(1,1) end}}, lualine_b = {'branch'}} } < `mode` will be formatted with the passed fa=unction so only first char will be shown. On the other hand branch will be formatted with global formatter `string.lower` so it will be showed in lower case. *lualine-Available-options* Global options ~ > options = { icons_enabled = true, -- displays icons in alongside component padding = 1, -- adds padding to the left and right of components -- padding can be specified to left or right separately like -- padding = { left = left_padding, right = right_padding } fmt = nil -- fmt function, formats component's output } < Local options ~ > sections = { lualine_a = { { 'mode', icon = nil, -- displays icon in front of the component separator = nil, -- Determines what separator to use for the component. -- when a string is given it's treated as component_separator. -- When a table is given it's treated as section_separator. -- This options can be used to set colored separators -- arround component. Option need to be set like -- `separator = { left = '', right = ''}`. -- Where left will be placed in left side of component -- and right will be placed in right side of component -- Passing empty string disables that separator cond = nil, -- condition function, component is loaded when function returns true -- custom color for component in format -- color = {fg = '#rrggbb', bg= '#rrggbb', gui='style'} -- or highlight group -- color = "WarningMsg" color = nil, -- Type option specifies what type a component is. -- When type is omitted lualine will guess it. -- Available types [format: type_name(example)] -- mod(branch/filename), stl(%f/%m), var(g:coc_status/bo:modifiable), -- luae(lua expressions), vimf(viml function name) -- luae is short for lua-expression and vimf is short fror vim-function type = nil, } } } < Component specific local options ~ *lualine-diagnostics-component-options* > sections = { lualine_a = { { 'diagnostics', -- table of diagnostic sources, available sources: -- 'nvim_lsp', 'nvim', 'coc', 'ale', 'vim_lsp' -- Or a function that returns a table like -- {error=error_cnt, warn=warn_cnt, info=info_cnt, hint=hint_cnt} sources = {}, -- displays diagnostics from defined severity sections = {'error', 'warn', 'info', 'hint'}, -- all colors are in format #rrggbb diagnostics_color = { error = nil, -- changes diagnostic's error foreground color warn = nil, -- changes diagnostic's warn foreground color info = nil, -- Changes diagnostic's info foreground color hint = nil, -- Changes diagnostic's hint foreground color } symbols = {error = 'E', warn = 'W', info = 'I', hint = 'H'} update_in_insert = false, -- Update diagnostics in insert mode } } } < *lualine-filename-component-options* > sections = { lualine_a = { { 'filename', file_status = true, -- displays file status (readonly status, modified status) path = 0, -- 0 = just filename, 1 = relative path, 2 = absolute path shorting_target = 40 -- Shortens path to leave 40 space in the window -- for other components. Terrible name any suggestions? } } } < *lualine-filetype-component-options* > sections = { lualine_a = { { 'filetype', colored = true, -- displays filetype icon in color if set to `true icon_only = false -- Display only icon for filetype } } } < *lualine-diff-component-options* > sections = { lualine_a = { { 'diff', colored = true, -- displays diff status in color if set to true -- all colors are in format #rrggbb diff_color = { added = nil, -- changes diff's added foreground color modified = nil, -- changes diff's modified foreground color removed = nil, -- changes diff's removed foreground color } symbols = {added = '+', modified = '~', removed = '-'} -- changes diff symbols source = nil, -- A function that works as a data source for diff. -- it must return a table like -- {added = add_count, modified = modified_count, removed = removed_count } -- Or nil on failure. Count <= 0 won't be displayed. } } } < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLINE ~ You can use lualine to display components in tabline. The configuration for tabline sections is exactly the same as for statusline. > tabline = { lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {'branch'}, lualine_c = {'filename'}, lualine_x = {}, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {} } < This will show branch and filename component in top of neovim inside tabline. You can also completely move your statuline to tabline by configuring `lualine.tabline` and disabling `lualine.sections` and `lualine.inactive_sections`. > tabline = { ...... }, sections = {}, inactive_sections = {}, < If you’re looking for bufferline or want to show tabs in tabline. There are manny awesome plugins that can do that. For example: - nvim-bufferline - tabline.nvim tabline.nvim even uses lualines theme by default 🙌 You can find a bigger list here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTENSIONS ~ Lualine extensions change statusline appearance for a window/buffer with specified filetypes. By default no extension are loaded to improve performance. You can load extensions with: > extensions = {'quickfix'} < Available extensions ~ - chadtree - fugitive - fzf - nerdtree - nvim-tree - quickfix Custom extensions ~ You can define your own extensions. If you think an extension might be useful for others then please submit a pr. > local my_extension = {sections = {lualine_a = 'mode'}, filetypes = {'lua'}} require'lualine'.setup {extensions = {my_extension}} < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISABLING LUALINE ~ You can disable lualine for specific filetypes > options = {disabled_filetypes = {'lua'}} < Generated by panvimdoc vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: