-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 hoob3rt -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local highlight = require('lualine.highlight') local loader = require('lualine.utils.loader') local utils_section = require('lualine.utils.section') local config_module = require('lualine.config') local config = config_module.config local function statusline(sections, is_focused) local function create_status_builder() -- The sequence sections should maintain local section_sequence = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z'} local status_builder = {} for _, section_name in ipairs(section_sequence) do if sections['lualine_' .. section_name] then -- insert highlight+components of this section to status_builder local section_highlight = highlight.format_highlight(is_focused, 'lualine_' .. section_name) local section_data = utils_section.draw_section( sections['lualine_' .. section_name], section_highlight) if #section_data > 0 then table.insert(status_builder, {name = section_name, data = section_data}) end end end return status_builder end -- status_builder stores statusline without section_separators local status_builder = create_status_builder() -- Actual statusline local status = {} local half_passed = false for i = 1, #status_builder do -- midsection divider if not half_passed and status_builder[i].name > 'c' then table.insert(status, highlight.format_highlight(is_focused, 'lualine_c') .. '%=') half_passed = true end -- provide section_separators when statusline is in focus if is_focused then -- component separator needs to have fg = current_section.bg -- and bg = adjacent_section.bg local previous_section = status_builder[i - 1] or {} local current_section = status_builder[i] local next_section = status_builder[i + 1] or {} -- For 2nd half we need to show separator before section if current_section.name > 'x' and config.options.section_separators[2] ~= '' then local transitional_highlight = highlight.get_transitional_highlights( previous_section.data, current_section.data, true) if transitional_highlight and config.options.section_separators and config.options.section_separators[2] then table.insert(status, transitional_highlight .. config.options.section_separators[2]) end end -- **( insert the actual section in the middle )** -- table.insert(status, status_builder[i].data) -- For 1st half we need to show separator after section if current_section.name < 'c' and config.options.section_separators[1] ~= '' then local transitional_highlight = highlight.get_transitional_highlights( current_section.data, next_section.data) if transitional_highlight and config.options.section_separators and config.options.section_separators[1] then table.insert(status, transitional_highlight .. config.options.section_separators[1]) end end else -- when not in focus table.insert(status, status_builder[i].data) end end -- incase none of x,y,z was configured lets not fill whole statusline with a,b,c section if not half_passed then table.insert(status, highlight.format_highlight(is_focused, 'lualine_c') .. '%=') end return table.concat(status) end -- check if any extension matches the filetype and return proper sections local function get_extension_sections() for _, extension in ipairs(config.extensions) do for _, filetype in ipairs(extension.filetypes) do local current_ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option( vim.fn.winbufnr(vim.g.statusline_winid), 'filetype') if current_ft == filetype then return extension.sections end end end return nil end local function status_dispatch() -- disable on specific filetypes local current_ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option( vim.fn.winbufnr(vim.g.statusline_winid), 'filetype') for _, ft in pairs(config.options.disabled_filetypes) do if ft == current_ft then vim.wo.statusline = '' return '' end end local extension_sections = get_extension_sections() if vim.g.statusline_winid == vim.fn.win_getid() then if extension_sections ~= nil then return statusline(extension_sections, true) end return statusline(config.sections, true) else if extension_sections ~= nil then return statusline(extension_sections, false) end return statusline(config.inactive_sections, false) end end local function tabline() return statusline(config.tabline, true) end local function setup_theme() local async_loader async_loader = vim.loop.new_async(vim.schedule_wrap( function() local function get_theme_from_config() local theme_name = config.options.theme if type(theme_name) == 'string' then local ok, theme = pcall(require, 'lualine.themes.' .. theme_name) if ok then return theme end elseif type(theme_name) == 'table' then -- use the provided theme as-is return config.options.theme end vim.api.nvim_err_writeln('theme ' .. tostring(theme_name) .. ' not found, defaulting to gruvbox') return require 'lualine.themes.gruvbox' end local theme = get_theme_from_config() highlight.create_highlight_groups(theme) vim.api.nvim_exec([[ augroup lualine autocmd ColorScheme * lua require'lualine.utils.utils'.reload_highlights() augroup END ]], false) async_loader:close() end)) async_loader:send() end local function set_tabline() if next(config.tabline) ~= nil then vim.o.tabline = '%!v:lua.require\'lualine\'.tabline()' vim.o.showtabline = 2 end end local function set_statusline() if next(config.sections) ~= nil or next(config.inactive_sections) ~= nil then vim.o.statusline = '%!v:lua.require\'lualine\'.statusline()' vim.api.nvim_exec([[ augroup lualine autocmd! autocmd WinLeave,BufLeave * lua vim.wo.statusline=require'lualine'.statusline() autocmd BufWinEnter,WinEnter,BufEnter * set statusline< autocmd VimResized * redrawstatus augroup END ]], false) end end local function setup(user_config) if user_config then config_module.apply_configuration(user_config) elseif vim.g.lualine then config_module.apply_configuration(vim.g.lualine) end setup_theme() loader.load_all(config) set_statusline() set_tabline() end return {setup = setup, statusline = status_dispatch, tabline = tabline}