-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local M = {} -- Note for now only works for termguicolors scope can be bg or fg or any other -- attr parameter like bold/italic/reverse ---@param color_group string hl_group name ---@param scope string bg | fg ---@return table|string returns #rrggbb formatted color when scope is specified ---- or complete color table when scope isn't specified function M.extract_highlight_colors(color_group, scope) local color = require('lualine.highlight').get_lualine_hl(color_group) if not color then if vim.fn.hlexists(color_group) == 0 then return nil end color = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name(color_group, true) if color.background ~= nil then color.bg = string.format('#%06x', color.background) color.background = nil end if color.foreground ~= nil then color.fg = string.format('#%06x', color.foreground) color.foreground = nil end end if scope then return color[scope] end return color end --- retrieves color value from highlight group name in syntax_list --- first present highlight is returned ---@param scope string ---@param syntaxlist table ---@param default string ---@return string|nil function M.extract_color_from_hllist(scope, syntaxlist, default) for _, highlight_name in ipairs(syntaxlist) do if vim.fn.hlexists(highlight_name) ~= 0 then local color = M.extract_highlight_colors(highlight_name) if color.reverse then if scope == 'bg' then scope = 'fg' else scope = 'bg' end end if color[scope] then return color[scope] end end end return default end ---remove empty strings from list ---@param list table ---@return table function M.list_shrink(list) local new_list = {} for i = 1, #list do if list[i] and #list[i] > 0 then table.insert(new_list, list[i]) end end return new_list end --- Check if a auto command is already defined ---@param event string ---@param pattern string ---@param command_str string ---@return boolean whether autocmd is already defined local function autocmd_is_defined(event, pattern, command_str) return vim.api.nvim_exec(string.format('au lualine %s %s', event, pattern), true):find(command_str) ~= nil end --- Define a auto command if it's not already defined ---@param event string event name ---@param pattern string event pattern ---@param cmd string command to run on event function M.define_autocmd(event, pattern, cmd) if not cmd then cmd = pattern pattern = '*' end if not autocmd_is_defined(event, pattern, cmd) then vim.cmd(string.format('autocmd lualine %s %s %s', event, pattern, cmd)) end end -- Check if statusline is on focused window or not function M.is_focused() return tonumber(vim.g.actual_curwin) == vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() end --- Check what's the character at pos ---@param str string ---@param pos number ---@return string character at position pos in string str function M.charAt(str, pos) return string.char(str:byte(pos)) end -- deepcopy adapted from penlight -- https://github.com/lunarmodules/Penlight/blob/0653cdb05591454a9804a7fee8c873b8f06b0b8f/lua/pl/tablex.lua#L98-L122 local function cycle_aware_copy(t, cache) if type(t) ~= 'table' then return t end if cache[t] then return cache[t] end local res = {} cache[t] = res local mt = getmetatable(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do k = cycle_aware_copy(k, cache) v = cycle_aware_copy(v, cache) res[k] = v end setmetatable(res, mt) return res end --- make a deep copy of a table, recursively copying all the keys and fields. -- This supports cycles in tables; cycles will be reproduced in the copy. -- This will also set the copied table's metatable to that of the original. -- @within Copying -- @tab t A table -- @return new table function M.deepcopy(t) return cycle_aware_copy(t, {}) end --- Check if comp is a lualine component --- @param comp any --- @return boolean function M.is_component(comp) if type(comp) ~= 'table' then return false end local mt = getmetatable(comp) return mt and mt.__is_lualine_component == true end --- Call function with args and return it's result. --- If error occurs during fn retry times times. ---@param fn function Function to call. ---@param args table List of arguments used for calling function. ---@param times number Number of times to retry on error. ---@return any Result of fn. function M.retry_call(fn, args, times) times = times or 3 for _ = 0, times - 1 do local result = { pcall(fn, unpack(args)) } if result[1] == true then return unpack(result, 2) end end return fn(unpack(args)) end --- Wrap a function in retry_call ---@param fn function Function to call. ---@param times number Number of times to retry on error. ---@return function retry call wrapped function function M.retry_call_wrap(fn, times) return function(...) return M.retry_call(fn, { ... }, times) end end ---Escape % in str so it doesn't get picked as stl item. ---@param str string ---@return string function M.stl_escape(str) if type(str) ~= 'string' then return str end return str:gsub('%%', '%%%%') end return M