--[[ lualine extension for fzf filetypes: works with both https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim and https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua -- fzf-lua must be set-up in split mode ]] local fzf_lua, _ = pcall(require, 'fzf-lua') local function fzf_picker() if not fzf_lua then return '' end local info_string = vim.inspect(require('fzf-lua').get_info()['fnc']) return info_string:gsub('"', '') end local function fzf_element() if not fzf_lua then return '' end local info_string = vim.inspect(require('fzf-lua').get_info()['selected']) local lines = {} for w in info_string:gsub('"', ''):gmatch('%S+') do table.insert(lines, w) end return lines[1] end local function fzf_statusline() return 'FZF' end local M = {} M.sections = { lualine_a = { fzf_statusline }, lualine_y = { fzf_element }, lualine_z = { fzf_picker }, } M.filetypes = { 'fzf' } return M