-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 hoob3rt -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local M = {} local lualine_require = require('lualine_require') local require = lualine_require.require local modules = lualine_require.lazy_require({ utils = 'lualine.utils.utils', color_utils = 'lualine.utils.color_utils', }) local section_highlight_map = { x = 'c', y = 'b', z = 'a' } local active_theme = nil local create_cterm_colors = false -- table to store the highlight names created by lualine local loaded_highlights = {} -- table to map mode to highlight suffixes local mode_to_highlight = { ['VISUAL'] = '_visual', ['V-BLOCK'] = '_visual', ['V-LINE'] = '_visual', ['SELECT'] = '_visual', ['S-LINE'] = '_visual', ['S-BLOCK'] = '_visual', ['REPLACE'] = '_replace', ['V-REPLACE'] = '_replace', ['INSERT'] = '_insert', ['COMMAND'] = '_command', ['EX'] = '_command', ['MORE'] = '_command', ['CONFIRM'] = '_command', ['TERMINAL'] = '_terminal', } --- determine if an highlight exist and isn't cleared ---@param highlight_name string ---@return boolean whether hl_group was defined with highlight_name function M.highlight_exists(highlight_name) return loaded_highlights[highlight_name] or false end --- clears loaded_highlights table and highlights local function clear_highlights() for highlight_name, _ in pairs(loaded_highlights) do vim.cmd('highlight clear ' .. highlight_name) loaded_highlights[highlight_name] = nil end end ---converts cterm, color_name type colors to #rrggbb format ---@param color string|number ---@return string local function sanitize_color(color) if type(color) == 'string' then if color:sub(1, 1) == '#' then return color end -- RGB value return modules.color_utils.color_name2rgb(color) elseif type(color) == 'number' then if color > 255 then error("What's this it can't be higher then 255 and you've given " .. color) end return modules.color_utils.cterm2rgb(color) end end --- Define a hl_group ---@param name string ---@param foreground string|number: color ---@param background string|number: color ---@param gui table cterm/gui options like bold/italic ect ---@param link string hl_group name to link new hl to function M.highlight(name, foreground, background, gui, link) local command = { 'highlight!' } if link and #link > 0 then vim.list_extend(command, { 'link', name, link }) else foreground = sanitize_color(foreground) background = sanitize_color(background) table.insert(command, name) if foreground and foreground ~= 'None' then table.insert(command, 'guifg=' .. foreground) if create_cterm_colors then table.insert(command, 'ctermfg=' .. modules.color_utils.rgb2cterm(foreground)) end end if background and background ~= 'None' then table.insert(command, 'guibg=' .. background) if create_cterm_colors then table.insert(command, 'ctermbg=' .. modules.color_utils.rgb2cterm(background)) end end if gui then table.insert(command, 'cterm=' .. gui) table.insert(command, 'gui=' .. gui) end end vim.cmd(table.concat(command, ' ')) loaded_highlights[name] = true end ---define hl_groups for a theme ---@param theme table function M.create_highlight_groups(theme) clear_highlights() active_theme = theme create_cterm_colors = not vim.go.termguicolors for mode, sections in pairs(theme) do for section, color in pairs(sections) do local highlight_group_name = { 'lualine', section, mode } if type(color) == 'string' then -- link to a highlight group M.highlight(table.concat(highlight_group_name, '_'), nil, nil, nil, color) else -- Define a new highlight M.highlight(table.concat(highlight_group_name, '_'), color.fg, color.bg, color.gui, nil) end end end end ---@description: adds '_mode' at end of highlight_group ---@param highlight_group string name of highlight group ---@return string highlight group name with mode function M.append_mode(highlight_group, is_focused) if is_focused == nil then is_focused = modules.utils.is_focused() end if is_focused == false then return highlight_group .. '_inactive' end local mode = require('lualine.utils.mode').get_mode() return highlight_group .. (mode_to_highlight[mode] or '_normal') end -- Helper function for create component highlight ---Handles fall back of colors when creating highlight group ---@param color table color passed for creating component highlight ---@param options_color table color set by color option for component --- this is first fall back ---@param default_color table colors et in theme this is 2nd fall back ---@param kind string fg/bg local function get_default_component_color(color, options_color, default_color, kind) if color[kind] then return color[kind] end if options_color then if type(options_color) == 'table' and options_color[kind] then return options_color[kind] elseif type(options_color) == 'string' then return modules.utils.extract_highlight_colors(options_color, kind) end end if type(default_color) == 'table' then return default_color[kind] elseif type(default_color) == 'string' then return modules.utils.extract_highlight_colors(default_color, kind) end end ---Create highlight group with fg bg and gui from theme ---@param color table has to be { fg = "#rrggbb", bg="#rrggbb" gui = "effect" } --- all the color elements are optional if fg or bg is not given options --- must be provided So fg and bg can default the themes colors ---@param highlight_tag string is unique tag for highlight group ---returns the name of highlight group ---@param options table is parameter of component.init() function ---@return string unique name that can be used by component_format_highlight --- to retrieve highlight group function M.create_component_highlight_group(color, highlight_tag, options) local tag_id = 0 while M.highlight_exists(table.concat({ 'lualine', highlight_tag, 'no_mode' }, '_')) or ( options.self.section and M.highlight_exists(table.concat({ options.self.section, highlight_tag, 'normal' }, '_')) ) do highlight_tag = highlight_tag .. '_' .. tostring(tag_id) tag_id = tag_id + 1 end if type(color) == 'string' then local highlight_group_name = table.concat({ 'lualine', highlight_tag, 'no_mode' }, '_') M.highlight(highlight_group_name, nil, nil, nil, color) -- l8nk to group return highlight_group_name end if color.bg and color.fg then -- When bg and fg are both present we donn't need to set highlighs for -- each mode as they will surely look the same. So we can work without options local highlight_group_name = table.concat({ 'lualine', highlight_tag, 'no_mode' }, '_') M.highlight(highlight_group_name, color.fg, color.bg, color.gui, nil) return highlight_group_name end local modes = { 'normal', 'insert', 'visual', 'replace', 'command', 'terminal', 'inactive', } local normal_hl -- convert lualine_a -> a before setting section local section = options.self.section:match('lualine_(.*)') if section > 'c' and not active_theme.normal[section] then section = section_highlight_map[section] end for _, mode in ipairs(modes) do local highlight_group_name = { options.self.section, highlight_tag, mode } local default_color_table = active_theme[mode] and active_theme[mode][section] or active_theme.normal[section] local bg = get_default_component_color(color, options.color, default_color_table, 'bg') local fg = get_default_component_color(color, options.color, default_color_table, 'fg') -- Check if it's same as normal mode if it is no need to create aditional highlight if mode ~= 'normal' then if bg ~= normal_hl.bg or fg ~= normal_hl.fg then M.highlight(table.concat(highlight_group_name, '_'), fg, bg, color.gui, nil) end else normal_hl = { bg = bg, fg = fg } M.highlight(table.concat(highlight_group_name, '_'), fg, bg, color.gui, nil) end end return options.self.section .. '_' .. highlight_tag end ---@description: retrieve highlight_groups for components ---@param highlight_name string highlight group name without mode --- return value of create_component_highlight_group is to be passed in --- this parameter to receive highlight that was created ---@return string formatted highlight group name function M.component_format_highlight(highlight_name) local highlight_group = highlight_name if highlight_name:find('no_mode') == #highlight_name - #'no_mode' + 1 then return '%#' .. highlight_group .. '#' end highlight_group = M.append_mode(highlight_group) if M.highlight_exists(highlight_group) then return '%#' .. highlight_group .. '#' else return '%#' .. highlight_name .. '_normal#' end end ---@description: retrieve highlight_groups for section ---@param highlight_group string highlight group name without mode --- return value of create_component_highlight_group is to be passed in --- this parameter to receive highlight that was created ---@param is_focused boolean ---@return string formatted highlight group name function M.format_highlight(highlight_group, is_focused) local highlight_name = M.append_mode(highlight_group, is_focused) if highlight_group > 'lualine_c' and not M.highlight_exists(highlight_name) then highlight_group = 'lualine_' .. section_highlight_map[highlight_group:match('lualine_(.)')] highlight_name = M.append_mode(highlight_group, is_focused) end if M.highlight_exists(highlight_name) then return '%#' .. highlight_name .. '#' end return '%#' .. highlight_group .. '_normal#' end ---@description : Provides transitional highlights for section separators. ---@param left_hl string this highlights bg is used for fg of transitional hl ---@param right_hl string this highlights bg is used for bg of transitional hl --- '▶️' and '◀️' ' needs reverse colors so the caller should swap left and right ---@return string formatted highlight group name function M.get_transitional_highlights(left_hl, right_hl) -- When both left and right highlights are same or one is absent -- nothing to transition to. if left_hl == nil or right_hl == nil or left_hl == right_hl then return nil end -- construct the name of highlight group local highlight_name = table.concat({ 'lualine_transitional', left_hl, 'to', right_hl }, '_') if not M.highlight_exists(highlight_name) then -- Create the highlight_group if needed -- Get colors from highlights local fg = modules.utils.extract_highlight_colors(left_hl, 'bg') local bg = modules.utils.extract_highlight_colors(right_hl, 'bg') if not fg or not bg then return nil end -- Color retrieval failed if bg == fg then return nil end -- Separator won't be visible anyway M.highlight(highlight_name, fg, bg, nil) end return '%#' .. highlight_name .. '#' end return M