-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local helpers = require('tests.helpers') local eq = assert.are.same local build_component_opts = helpers.build_component_opts local stub = require('luassert.stub') describe('Utils', function() local utils = require('lualine.utils.utils') it('can retrive highlight groups', function() local hl2 = { fg = '#aabbcc', bg = '#889977', reverse = true } -- handles non existing hl groups eq(utils.extract_highlight_colors('hl2'), nil) -- create highlight vim.cmd(string.format('hi hl2 guifg=%s guibg=%s gui=reverse', hl2.fg, hl2.bg)) -- Can retrive entire highlight table eq(utils.extract_highlight_colors('hl2'), hl2) -- Can retrive specific parts of highlight eq(utils.extract_highlight_colors('hl2', 'fg'), hl2.fg) -- clear hl2 vim.cmd('hi clear hl2') end) it('can shrink list with holes', function() local list_with_holes = { '2', '4', '6', nil, '43', nil, '2', '', 'a', '', 'b', ' ', } local list_without_holes = { '2', '4', '6', '43', '2', 'a', 'b', ' ' } eq(utils.list_shrink(list_with_holes), list_without_holes) end) end) describe('Cterm genarator', function() local cterm = require('lualine.utils.color_utils') it('can convert rgb to cterm', function() local colors = { ['#112233'] = 235, ['#7928ae'] = 97, ['#017bdc'] = 68 } for rgb, ct in pairs(colors) do eq(cterm.rgb2cterm(rgb), tostring(ct)) end end) end) describe('Section genarator', function() local hl = require('lualine.highlight') stub(hl, 'format_highlight') hl.format_highlight.returns('%#lualine_c_normal#') local sec = require('lualine.utils.section') it('can draw', function() local opts = build_component_opts { section_separators = { left = '', right = '' } } local section = { require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts), require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts), } eq('%#lualine_c_normal# test %#lualine_c_normal# test ', sec.draw_section(section, 'c', true)) hl.format_highlight:revert() end) it('can remove separators from component with custom colors', function() stub(hl, 'format_highlight') stub(hl, 'get_lualine_hl') hl.format_highlight.returns('%#lualine_MySection_normal#') hl.get_lualine_hl.returns { fg = '#000000', bg = '#ffffff' } vim.g.actual_curwin = tostring(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()) local opts = build_component_opts { section_separators = { left = '', right = '' } } local opts_colored = build_component_opts { color = 'MyColor' } local opts_colored2 = build_component_opts { color = { bg = '#223344' }, section_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, } local opts_colored3 = build_component_opts { color = { fg = '#223344' }, section_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, } require('lualine.highlight').create_highlight_groups(require('lualine.themes.gruvbox')) local section = { require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts), require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts_colored), require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts), } local highlight_name2 = 'lualine_c_' .. section[2].options.component_name -- Removes separator on string color eq( '%#lualine_MySection_normal# test %#' .. highlight_name2 .. '#' .. ' test %#lualine_MySection_normal# test ', sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection') ) section[2] = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts_colored2) local highlight_name = '%#lualine_c_' .. section[2].options.component_name .. '_normal#' -- Removes separator on color with bg eq( '%#lualine_MySection_normal# test ' .. highlight_name .. ' test %#lualine_MySection_normal# test ', sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection') ) section[2] = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts_colored3) highlight_name2 = '%#lualine_c_' .. section[2].options.component_name .. '_normal#' -- Doesn't remove separator on color without bg eq( '%#lualine_MySection_normal# test ' .. highlight_name2 .. ' test %#lualine_MySection_normal#%#lualine_MySection_normal# test ', sec.draw_section(section, 'MySection') ) vim.g.actual_curwin = nil hl.format_highlight:revert() hl.get_lualine_hl:revert() end) end)