-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 hoob3rt -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local M = {} local lualine_require = require('lualine_require') local modules = lualine_require.lazy_require { highlight = 'lualine.highlight', loader = 'lualine.utils.loader', utils_section = 'lualine.utils.section', utils = 'lualine.utils.utils', utils_notices = 'lualine.utils.notices', config_module = 'lualine.config', nvim_opts = 'lualine.utils.nvim_opts', } local config -- Stores currently applied config local timers = { stl_timer = vim.loop.new_timer(), tal_timer = vim.loop.new_timer(), wb_timer = vim.loop.new_timer(), halt_stl_refresh = false, -- mutex ? halt_tal_refresh = false, halt_wb_refresh = false, } local last_focus = {} local refresh_real_curwin -- The events on which lualine redraws itself local default_refresh_events = 'WinEnter,BufEnter,SessionLoadPost,FileChangedShellPost,VimResized,Filetype,CursorMoved,CursorMovedI,ModeChanged' -- Helper for apply_transitional_separators() --- finds first applied highlight group after str_checked in status ---@param status string : unprocessed statusline string ---@param str_checked number : position of how far status has been checked ---@return string|nil the hl group name or nil local function find_next_hl(status, str_checked) -- Gets the next valid hl group from str_checked local hl_pos_start, hl_pos_end = status:find('%%#.-#', str_checked) while true do if not hl_pos_start then return nil end -- When there are more that one hl group next to one another like -- %#HL1#%#HL2#%#HL3# we need to return HL3. This makes that happen. local next_start, next_end = status:find('^%%#.-#', hl_pos_end + 1) if next_start == nil then break end hl_pos_start, hl_pos_end = next_start, next_end end return status:sub(hl_pos_start + 2, hl_pos_end - 1) end -- Helper for apply_transitional_separators() --- applies transitional separator highlight + transitional separator ---@param status string : unprocessed statusline string ---@param str_checked number : position of how far status has been checked ---@param last_hl string : last applied hl group name before str_checked ---@param reverse boolean : reverse the hl group ( true for right separators ) ---@return string|nil concatenate separator highlight and transitional separator local function fill_section_separator(status, is_focused, str_checked, last_hl, sep, reverse) -- Inserts transitional separator along with transitional highlight local next_hl = find_next_hl(status, str_checked) if last_hl == nil then last_hl = modules.highlight.get_stl_default_hl(is_focused) end if next_hl == nil then next_hl = modules.highlight.get_stl_default_hl(is_focused) end if #next_hl == 0 or #last_hl == 0 then return end local transitional_highlight = reverse -- lua ternary assignment x ? y : z and modules.highlight.get_transitional_highlights(last_hl, next_hl) or modules.highlight.get_transitional_highlights(next_hl, last_hl) if transitional_highlight then return transitional_highlight .. sep end end --- processes statusline string --- replaces %z/Z{sep} with proper left/right separator highlight + sep ---@param status string : unprocessed statusline string ---@return string : processed statusline string local function apply_transitional_separators(status, is_focused) local status_applied = {} -- Collects all the pieces for concatenation local last_hl -- Stores last highlight group that we found local last_hl_reseted = false -- Whether last_hl is nil after reset -- it after %= local copied_pos = 1 -- Tracks how much we've copied over to status_applied local str_checked = 1 -- Tracks where the searcher head is at -- Process entire status replace the %z{sep} & %Z{sep} placeholders -- with proper transitional separator. while str_checked ~= nil do str_checked = status:find('%%', str_checked) if str_checked == nil then break end table.insert(status_applied, status:sub(copied_pos, str_checked - 1)) -- -1 so we don't copy '%' copied_pos = str_checked local next_char = modules.utils.charAt(status, str_checked + 1) if next_char == '#' then -- %#hl_name# highlights last_hl = status:match('^%%#(.-)#', str_checked) str_checked = str_checked + #last_hl + 3 elseif next_char == 'z' then -- %z{sep} is marker for left separator and local sep = status:match('^%%z{(.-)}', str_checked) str_checked = str_checked + #sep + 4 -- 4 = len(%{}) if not (last_hl == nil and last_hl_reseted) then local trans_sep = fill_section_separator(status, is_focused, str_checked, last_hl, sep, false) if trans_sep then table.insert(status_applied, trans_sep) end end if last_hl_reseted then last_hl_reseted = false end copied_pos = str_checked elseif next_char == 'Z' then -- %Z{sep} is marker for right separator and local sep = status:match('^%%Z{(.-)}', str_checked) str_checked = str_checked + #sep + 4 -- 4 = len(%{}) if status:find('^%%z', str_checked) or status:find('^%%<%%Z', str_checked) then -- When transitional right_sep and left_sep are right next to each other -- and in this exact order skip the left sep as we can't draw both. str_checked = status:find('}', str_checked) + 1 end local trans_sep = fill_section_separator(status, is_focused, str_checked, last_hl, sep, true) if trans_sep then table.insert(status_applied, trans_sep) end copied_pos = str_checked elseif next_char == '%' then str_checked = str_checked + 2 -- Skip the following % too elseif next_char == '=' and last_hl and (last_hl:find('^lualine_a') or last_hl:find('^lualine_b')) then -- TODO: Fix this properly -- This check for lualine_a and lualine_b is dumb. It doesn't guarantee -- c or x section isn't present. Worst case scenario after this patch -- we have another visual bug that occurs less frequently. -- Annoying Edge Cases last_hl = nil last_hl_reseted = true str_checked = str_checked + 1 -- Skip the following % too else str_checked = str_checked + 1 -- Push it forward to avoid inf loop end end table.insert(status_applied, status:sub(copied_pos)) -- Final chunk return table.concat(status_applied) end --- creates the statusline string ---@param sections table : section config where components are replaced with --- component objects ---@param is_focused boolean : whether being evaluated for focused window or not ---@return string statusline string local statusline = modules.utils.retry_call_wrap(function(sections, is_focused, is_winbar) -- The sequence sections should maintain [SECTION_SEQUENCE] local section_sequence = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z' } local status = {} local applied_midsection_divider = false local applied_trunc = false for _, section_name in ipairs(section_sequence) do if sections['lualine_' .. section_name] then -- insert highlight+components of this section to status_builder local section_data = modules.utils_section.draw_section(sections['lualine_' .. section_name], section_name, is_focused) if #section_data > 0 then if not applied_midsection_divider and section_name > 'c' then applied_midsection_divider = true section_data = modules.highlight.format_highlight('c', is_focused) .. '%=' .. section_data end if not applied_trunc and section_name > 'b' then applied_trunc = true section_data = '%<' .. section_data end table.insert(status, section_data) end end end if applied_midsection_divider == false and config.options.always_divide_middle ~= false and not is_winbar then -- When non of section x,y,z is present table.insert(status, modules.highlight.format_highlight('c', is_focused) .. '%=') end return apply_transitional_separators(table.concat(status), is_focused) end) --- check if any extension matches the filetype and return proper sections ---@param current_ft string : filetype name of current file ---@param is_focused boolean : whether being evaluated for focused window or not ---@return table|nil : (section_table) section config where components are replaced with --- component objects -- TODO: change this so it uses a hash table instead of iteration over list -- to improve redraws. Add buftype / bufname for extensions -- or some kind of cond ? local function get_extension_sections(current_ft, is_focused, sec_name) for _, extension in ipairs(config.extensions) do if vim.tbl_contains(extension.filetypes, current_ft) then if is_focused then return extension[sec_name] else return extension['inactive_' .. sec_name] or extension[sec_name] end end end return nil end ---@return string statusline string for tabline local function tabline() return statusline(config.tabline, 3) end local function notify_theme_error(theme_name) local message_template = theme_name ~= 'auto' and [[ ### options.theme Theme `%s` not found, falling back to `auto`. Check if spelling is right. ]] or [[ ### options.theme Theme `%s` failed, falling back to `gruvbox`. This shouldn't happen. Please report the issue at https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/issues . Also provide what colorscheme you're using. ]] modules.utils_notices.add_notice(string.format(message_template, theme_name)) end --- Sets up theme by defining hl groups and setting theme cache in 'highlight.lua'. --- Uses 'options.theme' variable to apply the theme: --- - If the value is a string, it'll load a theme of that name. --- - If it's a table, it's directly used as the theme. --- If loading the theme fails, this falls back to 'auto' theme. --- If the 'auto' theme also fails, this falls back to 'gruvbox' theme. --- Also sets up auto command to reload lualine on ColorScheme or background changes. local function setup_theme() local function get_theme_from_config() local theme_name = config.options.theme if type(theme_name) == 'string' then local ok, theme = pcall(modules.loader.load_theme, theme_name) if ok and theme then return theme end elseif type(theme_name) == 'table' then -- use the provided theme as-is return config.options.theme elseif type(theme_name) == 'function' then -- call function and use returned (dynamic) theme as-is return config.options.theme() end if theme_name ~= 'auto' then notify_theme_error(theme_name) local ok, theme = pcall(modules.loader.load_theme, 'auto') if ok and theme then return theme end end notify_theme_error('auto') return modules.loader.load_theme('gruvbox') end local theme = get_theme_from_config() modules.highlight.create_highlight_groups(theme) vim.cmd([[autocmd lualine ColorScheme * lua require'lualine'.setup() autocmd lualine OptionSet background lua require'lualine'.setup()]]) end ---@alias StatusDispatchSecs ---| 'sections' ---| 'winbar' --- generates lualine.statusline & lualine.winbar function --- creates a closer that can draw sections of sec_name. ---@param sec_name StatusDispatchSecs ---@return function(focused:bool):string local function status_dispatch(sec_name) return function(focused) local retval local current_ft = refresh_real_curwin and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(refresh_real_curwin), 'filetype') or vim.bo.filetype local is_focused = focused ~= nil and focused or modules.utils.is_focused() if vim.tbl_contains( config.options.disabled_filetypes[(sec_name == 'sections' and 'statusline' or sec_name)], current_ft ) then -- disable on specific filetypes return nil end local extension_sections = get_extension_sections(current_ft, is_focused, sec_name) if extension_sections ~= nil then retval = statusline(extension_sections, is_focused, sec_name == 'winbar') else retval = statusline(config[(is_focused and '' or 'inactive_') .. sec_name], is_focused, sec_name == 'winbar') end return retval end end ---@alias LualineRefreshOptsKind ---| 'all' ---| 'tabpage' ---| 'window' ---@alias LualineRefreshOptsPlace ---| 'statusline' ---| 'tabline' ---| 'winbar' ---@class LualineRefreshOpts ---@field scope LualineRefreshOptsKind ---@field place LualineRefreshOptsPlace[] ---@field trigger 'autocmd'|'autocmd_redired'|'timer'|'unknown' --- Refresh contents of lualine ---@param opts LualineRefreshOpts local function refresh(opts) if opts == nil then opts = {} end opts = vim.tbl_extend('keep', opts, { scope = 'tabpage', place = { 'statusline', 'winbar', 'tabline' }, trigger = 'unknown', }) -- updating statusline in autocommands context seems to trigger 100 different bugs -- lets just defer it to a timer context and update there -- Since updating stl in command mode doesn't take effect -- refresh ModeChanged command in autocmd context as exception. -- workaround for -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/15300 -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/19464 -- https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/issues/753 -- https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/issues/751 -- https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/issues/755 -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/19472 -- https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/issues/791 if opts.trigger == 'autocmd' and vim.v.event.new_mode ~= 'c' -- scheduling in op-pending mode seems to call the callback forever. -- so this is restricted in op-pending mode. -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/22263 -- https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim/issues/967 -- note this breaks mode component while switching to op-pending mode and not vim.tbl_contains({ 'no', 'nov', 'noV' }, vim.v.event.new_mode) and not vim.tbl_contains({ 'no', 'nov', 'noV' }, vim.v.event.old_mode) then opts.trigger = 'autocmd_redired' vim.schedule(function() M.refresh(opts) end) return end local wins = {} local old_actual_curwin = vim.g.actual_curwin -- ignore focus on filetypes listed in options.ignore_focus local curwin = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() local curtab = vim.api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() if last_focus[curtab] == nil or not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(last_focus[curtab]) then if not vim.tbl_contains( config.options.ignore_focus, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(curwin), 'filetype') ) then last_focus[curtab] = curwin else local tab_wins = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(curtab) if #tab_wins == 1 then last_focus[curtab] = curwin else local focusable_win = curwin for _, win in ipairs(tab_wins) do if not vim.tbl_contains( config.options.ignore_focus, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win), 'filetype') ) then focusable_win = win break end end last_focus[curtab] = focusable_win end end else if not vim.tbl_contains( config.options.ignore_focus, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(curwin), 'filetype') ) then last_focus[curtab] = curwin end end vim.g.actual_curwin = last_focus[curtab] -- gather which windows needs update if opts.scope == 'all' then if vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'statusline') or vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'winbar') then wins = vim.tbl_filter(function(win) return vim.fn.win_gettype(win) ~= 'popup' end, vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) end elseif opts.scope == 'tabpage' then if vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'statusline') or vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'winbar') then wins = vim.tbl_filter(function(win) return vim.fn.win_gettype(win) ~= 'popup' end, vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0)) end elseif opts.scope == 'window' then wins = { curwin } end -- update them if not timers.halt_stl_refresh and vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'statusline') then for _, win in ipairs(wins) do refresh_real_curwin = config.options.globalstatus and last_focus[curtab] or win local set_win = config.options.globalstatus and vim.fn.win_gettype(refresh_real_curwin) == 'popup' and refresh_real_curwin or win local stl_cur = vim.api.nvim_win_call(refresh_real_curwin, M.statusline) local stl_last = modules.nvim_opts.get_cache('statusline', { window = set_win }) if stl_cur or stl_last then modules.nvim_opts.set('statusline', stl_cur, { window = set_win }) end end end if not timers.halt_wb_refresh and vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'winbar') then for _, win in ipairs(wins) do refresh_real_curwin = win if vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(win) > 1 then local wbr_cur = vim.api.nvim_win_call(refresh_real_curwin, M.winbar) local wbr_last = modules.nvim_opts.get_cache('winbar', { window = win }) if wbr_cur or wbr_last then modules.nvim_opts.set('winbar', wbr_cur, { window = win }) end end end end if not timers.halt_tal_refresh and vim.tbl_contains(opts.place, 'tabline') then refresh_real_curwin = curwin local tbl_cur = vim.api.nvim_win_call(curwin, tabline) local tbl_last = modules.nvim_opts.get_cache('tabline', { global = true }) if tbl_cur or tbl_last then modules.nvim_opts.set('tabline', tbl_cur, { global = true }) end end vim.g.actual_curwin = old_actual_curwin refresh_real_curwin = nil end --- Sets &tabline option to lualine ---@param hide boolean|nil if should hide tabline local function set_tabline(hide) vim.loop.timer_stop(timers.tal_timer) timers.halt_tal_refresh = true vim.cmd([[augroup lualine_tal_refresh | exe "autocmd!" | augroup END]]) if not hide and next(config.tabline) ~= nil then vim.loop.timer_start( timers.tal_timer, 0, config.options.refresh.tabline, modules.utils.timer_call(timers.tal_timer, 'lualine_tal_refresh', function() refresh { kind = 'tabpage', place = { 'tabline' }, trigger = 'timer' } end, 3, 'lualine: Failed to refresh tabline') ) modules.utils.define_autocmd( default_refresh_events, '*', "call v:lua.require'lualine'.refresh({'kind': 'tabpage', 'place': ['tabline'], 'trigger': 'autocmd'})", 'lualine_tal_refresh' ) modules.nvim_opts.set('showtabline', 2, { global = true }) timers.halt_tal_refresh = false else modules.nvim_opts.restore('tabline', { global = true }) modules.nvim_opts.restore('showtabline', { global = true }) end end --- Sets &statusline option to lualine --- adds auto command to redraw lualine on VimResized event ---@param hide boolean|nil if should hide statusline local function set_statusline(hide) vim.loop.timer_stop(timers.stl_timer) timers.halt_stl_refresh = true vim.cmd([[augroup lualine_stl_refresh | exe "autocmd!" | augroup END]]) if not hide and (next(config.sections) ~= nil or next(config.inactive_sections) ~= nil) then if vim.go.statusline == '' then modules.nvim_opts.set('statusline', '%#Normal#', { global = true }) end if config.options.globalstatus then modules.nvim_opts.set('laststatus', 3, { global = true }) vim.loop.timer_start( timers.stl_timer, 0, config.options.refresh.statusline, modules.utils.timer_call(timers.stl_timer, 'lualine_stl_refresh', function() refresh { kind = 'window', place = { 'statusline' }, trigger = 'timer' } end, 3, 'lualine: Failed to refresh statusline') ) modules.utils.define_autocmd( default_refresh_events, '*', "call v:lua.require'lualine'.refresh({'kind': 'window', 'place': ['statusline'], 'trigger': 'autocmd'})", 'lualine_stl_refresh' ) else modules.nvim_opts.set('laststatus', 2, { global = true }) vim.loop.timer_start( timers.stl_timer, 0, config.options.refresh.statusline, modules.utils.timer_call(timers.stl_timer, 'lualine_stl_refresh', function() refresh { kind = 'tabpage', place = { 'statusline' }, trigger = 'timer' } end, 3, 'lualine: Failed to refresh statusline') ) modules.utils.define_autocmd( default_refresh_events, '*', "call v:lua.require'lualine'.refresh({'kind': 'tabpage', 'place': ['statusline'], 'trigger': 'autocmd'})", 'lualine_stl_refresh' ) end timers.halt_stl_refresh = false else modules.nvim_opts.restore('statusline', { global = true }) for _, win in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) do modules.nvim_opts.restore('statusline', { window = win }) end modules.nvim_opts.restore('laststatus', { global = true }) end end --- Sets &winbar option to lualine ---@param hide boolean|nil if should unset winbar local function set_winbar(hide) vim.loop.timer_stop(timers.wb_timer) timers.halt_wb_refresh = true vim.cmd([[augroup lualine_wb_refresh | exe "autocmd!" | augroup END]]) if not hide and (next(config.winbar) ~= nil or next(config.inactive_winbar) ~= nil) then vim.loop.timer_start( timers.wb_timer, 0, config.options.refresh.winbar, modules.utils.timer_call(timers.wb_timer, 'lualine_wb_refresh', function() refresh { kind = 'tabpage', place = { 'winbar' }, trigger = 'timer' } end, 3, 'lualine: Failed to refresh winbar') ) modules.utils.define_autocmd( default_refresh_events, '*', "call v:lua.require'lualine'.refresh({'kind': 'tabpage', 'place': ['winbar'], 'trigger': 'autocmd'})", 'lualine_wb_refresh' ) timers.halt_wb_refresh = false elseif vim.fn.has('nvim-0.8') == 1 then modules.nvim_opts.restore('winbar', { global = true }) for _, win in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) do modules.nvim_opts.restore('winbar', { window = win }) end end end ---@alias LualineHideOptsPlace ---| 'statusline' ---| 'tabline' ---| 'winbar' ---@class LualineHideOpts ---@field place LualineHideOptsPlace[] ---@field unhide boolean ---@param opts LualineHideOpts local function hide(opts) if opts == nil then opts = {} end opts = vim.tbl_extend('keep', opts, { place = { 'statusline', 'tabline', 'winbar' }, unhide = false, }) local hide_fn = { statusline = set_statusline, tabline = set_tabline, winbar = set_winbar, } for _, place in ipairs(opts.place) do if hide_fn[place] then hide_fn[place](not opts.unhide) end end end --- Check neovim compatibilitu local function verify_nvim_version() if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.7') == 1 then return true end modules.utils_notices.add_notice([[ ### Incompatible Neovim version Lualine supports neovim 0.7 and up. It seems you're using a older version. Please update to newer version. Or if you have atleast neovim 0.5 you can use older compatible versions of lualine using compat tags like `compat-nvim-0.5`, `compat-nvim-0.6`. ]]) return false end -- lualine.setup function --- sets new user config --- This function doesn't load components/theme etc... They are done before --- first statusline redraw and after new config. This is more efficient when --- lualine config is done in several setup calls as chunks. This way --- we don't initialize components just to throw them away. Instead they are --- initialized when we know we will use them. --- sets &last_status to 2 ---@param user_config table table local function setup(user_config) if package.loaded['lualine.utils.notices'] then -- When notices module is not loaded there are no notices to clear. modules.utils_notices.clear_notices() end if verify_nvim_version() then config = modules.config_module.apply_configuration(user_config) vim.cmd([[augroup lualine | exe "autocmd!" | augroup END]]) setup_theme() -- load components & extensions modules.loader.load_all(config) set_statusline() set_tabline() set_winbar() end if package.loaded['lualine.utils.notices'] then modules.utils_notices.notice_message_startup() end end M = { setup = setup, statusline = status_dispatch('sections'), tabline = tabline, get_config = modules.config_module.get_config, refresh = refresh, winbar = status_dispatch('winbar'), hide = hide, } return M