-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local async = require 'lualine.utils.async' local utils = require 'lualine.utils.utils' local highlight = require 'lualine.highlight' local Diff = require('lualine.component'):new() -- Vars -- variable to store git diff stats Diff.git_diff = nil -- accumulates async output to process in the end Diff.diff_data = '' -- variable to store git_diff getter async function Diff.get_git_diff = nil -- default colors Diff.default_colors = { added = '#f0e130', removed = '#90ee90', modified = '#ff0038' } -- Initializer Diff.new = function(self, options, child) local new_instance = self._parent:new(options, child or Diff) local default_symbols = {added = '+', modified = '~', removed = '-'} new_instance.options.symbols = vim.tbl_extend('force', default_symbols, new_instance.options.symbols or {}) if new_instance.options.colored == nil then new_instance.options.colored = true end -- apply colors if not new_instance.options.color_added then new_instance.options.color_added = utils.extract_highlight_colors('DiffAdd', 'fg') or Diff.default_colors.added end if not new_instance.options.color_modified then new_instance.options.color_modified = utils.extract_highlight_colors('DiffChange', 'fg') or Diff.default_colors.modified end if not new_instance.options.color_removed then new_instance.options.color_removed = utils.extract_highlight_colors('DiffDelete', 'fg') or Diff.default_colors.removed end -- create highlights and save highlight_name in highlights table if new_instance.options.colored then new_instance.highlights = { added = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( {fg = new_instance.options.color_added}, 'diff_added', new_instance.options), modified = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( {fg = new_instance.options.color_modified}, 'diff_modified', new_instance.options), removed = highlight.create_component_highlight_group( {fg = new_instance.options.color_removed}, 'diff_removed', new_instance.options) } end vim.api.nvim_exec([[ autocmd lualine BufEnter * lua require'lualine.components.diff'.update_git_diff_getter() autocmd lualine BufEnter * lua require'lualine.components.diff'.update_git_diff() autocmd lualine BufWritePost * lua require'lualine.components.diff'.update_git_diff() ]], false) return new_instance end -- Function that runs everytime statusline is updated Diff.update_status = function(self) if Diff.git_diff == nil then return '' end local colors = {} if self.options.colored then -- load the highlights and store them in colors table for name, highlight_name in pairs(self.highlights) do colors[name] = highlight.component_format_highlight(highlight_name) end end local result = {} -- loop though data and load available sections in result table for _, name in ipairs {'added', 'modified', 'removed'} do if Diff.git_diff[name] and Diff.git_diff[name] > 0 then if self.options.colored then table.insert(result, colors[name] .. self.options.symbols[name] .. Diff.git_diff[name]) else table.insert(result, self.options.symbols[name] .. Diff.git_diff[name]) end end end if #result > 0 then return table.concat(result, ' ') else return '' end end -- Api to get git sign count -- scheme : -- { -- added = added_count, -- modified = modified_count, -- removed = removed_count, -- } -- error_code = { added = -1, modified = -1, removed = -1 } function Diff.get_sign_count() Diff.update_git_diff_getter() Diff.update_git_diff() return Diff.git_diff or {added = -1, modified = -1, removed = -1} end -- process diff data and update git_diff{ added, removed, modified } function Diff.process_diff(data) -- Adapted from https://github.com/wbthomason/nvim-vcs.lua local added, removed, modified = 0, 0, 0 for line in vim.gsplit(data, '\n') do if string.find(line, [[^@@ ]]) then local tokens = vim.fn.matchlist(line, [[^@@ -\v(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)]]) local line_stats = { mod_count = tokens[3] == '' and 1 or tonumber(tokens[3]), new_count = tokens[5] == '' and 1 or tonumber(tokens[5]) } if line_stats.mod_count == 0 and line_stats.new_count > 0 then added = added + line_stats.new_count elseif line_stats.mod_count > 0 and line_stats.new_count == 0 then removed = removed + line_stats.mod_count else local min = math.min(line_stats.mod_count, line_stats.new_count) modified = modified + min added = added + line_stats.new_count - min removed = removed + line_stats.mod_count - min end end end Diff.git_diff = {added = added, modified = modified, removed = removed} end -- Updates the async function for current file function Diff.update_git_diff_getter() -- stop older function properly before overwritting it if Diff.get_git_diff then Diff.get_git_diff:stop() end -- Donn't show git diff when current buffer doesn't have a filename if #vim.fn.expand('%') == 0 then Diff.get_git_diff = nil; Diff.git_diff = nil; return end Diff.get_git_diff = async:new({ cmd = string.format( [[git -C %s --no-pager diff --no-color --no-ext-diff -U0 -- %s]], vim.fn.expand('%:h'), vim.fn.expand('%:t')), on_stdout = function(_, data) if data then Diff.diff_data = Diff.diff_data .. data end end, on_stderr = function(_, data) if data then Diff.git_diff = nil Diff.diff_data = '' end end, on_exit = function() if Diff.diff_data ~= '' then Diff.process_diff(Diff.diff_data) else Diff.git_diff = {added = 0, modified = 0, removed = 0} end end }) end -- Update git_diff veriable function Diff.update_git_diff() vim.schedule_wrap(function() if Diff.get_git_diff then Diff.diff_data = '' Diff.get_git_diff:start() end end)() end return Diff