-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 shadmansaleh -- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details. local helpers = require('tests.helpers') local eq = assert.are.same local neq = assert.are_not.same local assert_component = helpers.assert_component local build_component_opts = helpers.build_component_opts local stub = require('luassert.stub') describe('Component:', function() it('can select separators', function() local opts = build_component_opts() local comp = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts) -- correct for lualine_c eq('', comp.options.separator) local opts2 = build_component_opts { self = { section = 'lualine_y' } } local comp2 = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts2) -- correct for lualine_u eq('', comp2.options.separator) end) it('can provide unique identifier', function() local opts1 = build_component_opts() local comp1 = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts1) local opts2 = build_component_opts() local comp2 = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts2) neq(comp1.component_no, comp2.component_no) end) it('create option highlights', function() local color = { fg = '#224532', bg = '#892345' } local opts1 = build_component_opts { color = color } local hl = require('lualine.highlight') stub(hl, 'create_component_highlight_group') hl.create_component_highlight_group.returns('MyCompHl') local comp1 = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts1) eq('MyCompHl', comp1.options.color_highlight) -- color highlight wan't in options when create_comp_hl was -- called so remove it before assert comp1.options.color_highlight = nil assert.stub(hl.create_component_highlight_group).was_called_with(color, comp1.options.component_name, comp1.options) hl.create_component_highlight_group:revert() color = 'MyHl' local opts2 = build_component_opts { color = color } stub(hl, 'create_component_highlight_group') hl.create_component_highlight_group.returns('MyCompLinkedHl') local comp2 = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts2) eq('MyCompLinkedHl', comp2.options.color_highlight) -- color highlight wan't in options when create_comp_hl was -- called so remove it before assert comp2.options.color_highlight = nil assert.stub(hl.create_component_highlight_group).was_called_with(color, comp2.options.component_name, comp2.options) hl.create_component_highlight_group:revert() end) it('can draw', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } assert_component(nil, opts, 'test') end) it('can apply separators', function() local opts = build_component_opts { padding = 0 } assert_component(nil, opts, 'test') end) it('can apply default highlight', function() local opts = build_component_opts { padding = 0, hl = '%#My_highlight#' } assert_component(nil, opts, '%#My_highlight#test') opts = build_component_opts { function() return '%#Custom_hl#test' end, padding = 0, hl = '%#My_highlight#', } assert_component(nil, opts, '%#Custom_hl#test%#My_highlight#') opts = build_component_opts { function() return 'in middle%#Custom_hl#test' end, padding = 0, hl = '%#My_highlight#', } assert_component(nil, opts, '%#My_highlight#in middle%#Custom_hl#test%#My_highlight#') end) describe('Global options:', function() it('left_padding', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = { left = 5 }, } assert_component(nil, opts, ' test') end) it('right_padding', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = { right = 5 }, } assert_component(nil, opts, 'test ') end) it('padding', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 5, } assert_component(nil, opts, ' test ') end) it('icon', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, icon = '0', } assert_component(nil, opts, '0 test') end) it('icons_enabled', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, icons_enabled = true, icon = '0', } assert_component(nil, opts, '0 test') local opts2 = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, icons_enabled = false, icon = '0', } assert_component(nil, opts2, 'test') end) it('separator', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, separator = '|', } assert_component(nil, opts, 'test|') end) it('fmt', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, fmt = function(data) return data:sub(1, 1):upper() .. data:sub(2, #data) end, } assert_component(nil, opts, 'Test') end) it('cond', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, cond = function() return true end, } assert_component(nil, opts, 'test') local opts2 = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, cond = function() return false end, } assert_component(nil, opts2, '') end) it('color', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, color = 'MyHl', } local comp = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts) local custom_link_hl_name = 'lualine_' .. comp.options.component_name .. '_no_mode' eq('%#' .. custom_link_hl_name .. '#test', comp:draw(opts.hl)) local opts2 = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, color = { bg = '#230055', fg = '#223344' }, } local hl = require('lualine.highlight') stub(hl, 'component_format_highlight') hl.component_format_highlight.returns('%#MyCompHl#') local comp2 = require('lualine.components.special.function_component')(opts2) assert_component(nil, opts2, '%#MyCompHl#test') assert.stub(hl.component_format_highlight).was_called_with(comp2.options.color_highlight) hl.component_format_highlight:revert() end) end) end) describe('Encoding component', function() it('works', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } local tmp_path = 'tmp.txt' local tmp_fp = io.open(tmp_path, 'w') tmp_fp:write('test file') tmp_fp:close() vim.cmd('e ' .. tmp_path) assert_component('encoding', opts, 'utf-8') vim.cmd('bd!') os.remove(tmp_path) end) end) describe('Fileformat component', function() it('works with icons', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } local fmt = vim.bo.fileformat vim.bo.fileformat = 'unix' assert_component('fileformat', opts, '') vim.bo.fileformat = 'dos' assert_component('fileformat', opts, '') vim.bo.fileformat = 'mac' assert_component('fileformat', opts, '') vim.bo.fileformat = fmt end) it('works without icons', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, icons_enabled = false, } assert_component('fileformat', opts, vim.bo.fileformat) end) end) describe('Filetype component', function() local filetype before_each(function() filetype = vim.bo.filetype vim.bo.filetype = 'lua' end) after_each(function() vim.bo.filetype = filetype end) it('does not add icon when library unavailable', function() local old_require = _G.require function _G.require(...) if select(1, ...) == 'nvim-web-devicons' then error('Test case not suppose to have web-dev-icon 👀') end return old_require(...) end local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } assert_component('filetype', opts, 'lua') _G.require = old_require end) it('colors nvim-web-devicons icons', function() package.loaded['nvim-web-devicons'] = { get_icon = function() return '*', 'test_highlight_group' end, } local hl = require('lualine.highlight') local utils = require('lualine.utils.utils') stub(hl, 'create_component_highlight_group') stub(utils, 'extract_highlight_colors') hl.create_component_highlight_group.returns('MyCompHl') utils.extract_highlight_colors.returns('#000') local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, colored = true, icon_only = false, } assert_component('filetype', opts, '%#MyCompHl_normal#*%#lualine_c_normal# lua') assert.stub(utils.extract_highlight_colors).was_called_with('test_highlight_group', 'fg') assert.stub(hl.create_component_highlight_group).was_called_with({ fg = '#000' }, 'test_highlight_group', opts) hl.create_component_highlight_group:revert() utils.extract_highlight_colors:revert() package.loaded['nvim-web-devicons'] = nil end) it("Doesn't color when colored is false", function() package.loaded['nvim-web-devicons'] = { get_icon = function() return '*', 'test_highlight_group' end, } local hl = require('lualine.highlight') local utils = require('lualine.utils.utils') stub(hl, 'create_component_highlight_group') stub(utils, 'extract_highlight_colors') hl.create_component_highlight_group.returns('MyCompHl') utils.extract_highlight_colors.returns('#000') local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, colored = false, } assert_component('filetype', opts, '* lua') hl.create_component_highlight_group:revert() utils.extract_highlight_colors:revert() package.loaded['nvim-web-devicons'] = nil end) it('displays only icon when icon_only is true', function() package.loaded['nvim-web-devicons'] = { get_icon = function() return '*', 'test_highlight_group' end, } local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, colored = false, icon_only = true, } assert_component('filetype', opts, '*') package.loaded['nvim-web-devicons'] = nil end) end) describe('Hostname component', function() it('works', function() stub(vim.loop, 'os_gethostname') vim.loop.os_gethostname.returns('localhost') local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } assert_component('hostname', opts, 'localhost') vim.loop.os_gethostname:revert() end) end) describe('Location component', function() it('works', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } assert_component('location', opts, '%3l:%-2v') end) end) describe('Progress component', function() it('works', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } assert_component('progress', opts, '%3p%%') end) end) describe('Mode component', function() it('works', function() stub(vim.api, 'nvim_get_mode') vim.api.nvim_get_mode.returns { mode = 'n', blocking = false } local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } assert_component('mode', opts, 'NORMAL') vim.api.nvim_get_mode:revert() end) end) describe('FileSize component', function() it('works', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } local fname = 'test-file.txt' local f = io.open(fname, 'w') f:write(string.rep('........................................\n', 200)) f:close() vim.cmd(':edit ' .. fname) assert_component('filesize', opts, '8.0k') vim.cmd(':bdelete!') os.remove(fname) end) end) describe('Filename component', function() local function shorten_path(path, target) target = target and target or 40 local sep = package.config:sub(1, 1) local winwidth = vim.fn.winwidth(0) local segments = select(2, string.gsub(path, sep, '')) for _ = 0, segments do if winwidth <= 84 or #path > winwidth - target then path = path:gsub(string.format('([^%s])[^%s]+%%%s', sep, sep, sep), '%1' .. sep, 1) end end return path end it('works', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, file_status = false, path = 0, } vim.cmd(':e test-file.txt') assert_component('filename', opts, 'test-file.txt') vim.cmd(':bdelete!') end) it('can show file_status', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, file_status = true, path = 0, } vim.cmd(':e test-file.txt') vim.bo.modified = false assert_component('filename', opts, 'test-file.txt') vim.bo.modified = true assert_component('filename', opts, 'test-file.txt[+]') vim.bo.modified = false vim.bo.ro = true assert_component('filename', opts, 'test-file.txt[-]') vim.cmd(':bdelete!') end) it('can show relative path', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, file_status = false, path = 1, } vim.cmd(':e test-file.txt') assert_component('filename', opts, shorten_path(vim.fn.expand('%:~:.'))) vim.cmd(':bdelete!') end) it('can show full path', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, file_status = false, path = 2, } vim.cmd(':e test-file.txt') assert_component('filename', opts, shorten_path(vim.fn.expand('%:p'))) vim.cmd(':bdelete!') end) end) describe('vim option & variable component', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } local function assert_vim_var_component(name, options, result) options[1] = name assert_component('special.vim_var_component', options, result) opts[1] = nil end it('works with variable', function() assert_vim_var_component('g:gvar', opts, '') vim.g.gvar = 'var1' assert_vim_var_component('g:gvar', opts, 'var1') vim.g.gvar = 'var2' assert_vim_var_component('g:gvar', opts, 'var2') vim.b.gvar = 'bvar1' assert_vim_var_component('b:gvar', opts, 'bvar1') vim.w.gvar = 'wvar1' assert_vim_var_component('w:gvar', opts, 'wvar1') end) it('can index dictionaries', function() vim.g.gvar = { a = { b = 'var-value' } } assert_vim_var_component('g:gvar.a.b', opts, 'var-value') end) it('works with options', function() local old_number = vim.wo.number vim.wo.number = false assert_vim_var_component('wo:number', opts, 'false') vim.wo.number = old_number local old_tw = vim.go.tw vim.go.tw = 80 assert_vim_var_component('go:tw', opts, '80') vim.go.tw = old_tw end) end) describe('Vim option & variable component', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } local function assert_vim_var_component(name, options, result) options[1] = name assert_component('special.eval_func_component', options, result) opts[1] = nil end it('works with vim function', function() vim.cmd([[ func! TestFunction() abort return "TestVimFunction" endf ]]) assert_vim_var_component('TestFunction', opts, 'TestVimFunction') vim.cmd('delfunction TestFunction') end) it('works with lua expression', function() _G.TestFunction = function() return 'TestLuaFunction' end assert_vim_var_component('TestFunction()', opts, 'TestLuaFunction') _G.TestFunction = nil end) end) describe('Branch component', function() local tmpdir local file local git = function(...) return vim.fn.system('git -C ' .. tmpdir .. ' ' .. string.format(...)) end local assert_comp_ins = helpers.assert_component_instence before_each(function() tmpdir = os.tmpname() os.remove(tmpdir) file = tmpdir .. '/test.txt' vim.fn.mkdir(tmpdir, 'p') git('init -b test_branch') vim.cmd([[aug lualine au! aug END ]]) end) after_each(function() os.remove(tmpdir) end) it('works with regular branches', function() local opts = build_component_opts { component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, padding = 0, } local branch_comp = helpers.init_component('branch', opts) vim.cmd('e ' .. file) assert_comp_ins(branch_comp, ' test_branch') git('checkout -b test_branch2') vim.cmd('e k') vim.cmd('bd') vim.cmd('e ' .. file) opts.icons_enabled = false assert_comp_ins(branch_comp, 'test_branch2') end) -- TODO: Figure out why this test fails in CI -- it('works in detached head mode', function() -- local opts = build_component_opts { -- component_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, -- icons_enabled = false, -- padding = 0, -- } -- git 'checkout -b test_branch2' -- git 'commit --allow-empty -m "test commit1"' -- git 'commit --allow-empty -m "test commit2"' -- git 'commit --allow-empty -m "test commit3"' -- git('checkout HEAD~1') -- vim.cmd('e ' .. file) -- local rev = git('rev-parse --short=6 HEAD'):sub(1, 6) -- assert_component('branch', opts, rev) -- end) end)