local M = {} -- keeps backup of options that we cahge so we can restore it. -- format: -- options { -- global = <1> { -- name = {prev, set} -- }, -- buffer = { -- buf1 = <1>, -- buf2 = <1> -- }, -- window = { -- win1 = <1>, -- win2 = <1> -- } -- } ---@class LualineNvimOptCacheOptStore ---@field prev any ---@field set any ---@alias LualineNvimOptCacheOpt table<string, LualineNvimOptCacheOptStore> ---@class LualineNvimOptCache ---@field global LualineNvimOptCacheOptStore[] ---@field buffer table<number, LualineNvimOptCacheOptStore[]> ---@field window table<number, LualineNvimOptCacheOptStore[]> ---@type LualineNvimOptCache local options = { global = {}, buffer = {}, window = {} } -- helper function for M.set local function set_opt(name, val, getter_fn, setter_fn, cache_tbl) -- before nvim 0.7 nvim_win_get_option... didn't return default value when -- the option wasn't set instead threw error. -- So we need pcall (probably just for test) local ok, cur = pcall(getter_fn, name) if not ok then cur = nil end if cur == val then return end if cache_tbl[name] == nil then cache_tbl[name] = {} end if cache_tbl[name].set ~= cur then if type(cur) ~= 'string' or not cur:find('lualine') then cache_tbl[name].prev = cur end end cache_tbl[name].set = val setter_fn(name, val) end -- set a option value ---@param name string ---@param val any ---@param opts table|nil when table can be {global=true | buffer = bufnr | window = winnr} --- when nil it's treated as {global = true} function M.set(name, val, opts) if opts == nil or opts.global then set_opt(name, val, vim.api.nvim_get_option, vim.api.nvim_set_option, options.global) elseif opts.buffer then if options.buffer[opts.buffer] == nil then options.buffer[opts.buffer] = {} end set_opt(name, val, function(nm) return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(opts.buffer, nm) end, function(nm, vl) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(opts.buffer, nm, vl) end, options.buffer[opts.buffer]) elseif opts.window then if options.window[opts.window] == nil then options.window[opts.window] = {} end set_opt(name, val, function(nm) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_option(opts.window, nm) end, function(nm, vl) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(opts.window, nm, vl) end, options.window[opts.window]) end end -- resoters old value of option name ---@param name string ---@param opts table|nil same as M.set function M.restore(name, opts) if opts == nil or opts.global then if options.global[name] ~= nil and options.global[name].prev ~= nil then local restore_to = options.global[name].prev if type(restore_to) == 'string' and restore_to:find('lualine') then restore_to = '' end vim.api.nvim_set_option(name, restore_to) end elseif opts.buffer then if options.buffer[opts.buffer] ~= nil and options.buffer[opts.buffer][name] ~= nil and options.buffer[opts.buffer][name].prev ~= nil then local restore_to = options.buffer[opts.buffer][name].prev if type(restore_to) == 'string' and restore_to:find('lualine') then restore_to = '' end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(opts.buffer, name, restore_to) end elseif opts.window then if options.window[opts.window] ~= nil and options.window[opts.window][name] ~= nil and options.window[opts.window][name].prev ~= nil then local restore_to = options.window[opts.window][name].prev if type(restore_to) == 'string' and restore_to:find('lualine') then restore_to = '' end vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(opts.window, name, restore_to) end end end -- returns cache for the option name ---@param name string ---@param opts table|nil same as M.set function M.get_cache(name, opts) if opts == nil or opts.global then if options.global[name] ~= nil and options.global[name].prev ~= nil then return options.global[name].prev end elseif opts.buffer then if options.buffer[opts.buffer] ~= nil and options.buffer[opts.buffer][name] ~= nil and options.buffer[opts.buffer][name].prev ~= nil then return options.buffer[opts.buffer][name].prev end elseif opts.window then if options.window[opts.window] ~= nil and options.window[opts.window][name] ~= nil and options.window[opts.window][name].prev ~= nil then return options.window[opts.window][name].prev end end end -- resets cache for options function M.reset_cache() options = { global = {}, buffer = {}, window = {} } end return M