* fix: lualine crashing because of keyboard interrupt.
If keyboard interrupt occurs while lualine is evaluating statusline
lualine crashes completely. Since keyboard interrupt isn't something
we can handle try to mitigate the issue by retrying to evaluate the
statusline on error.Now lualine will retry 3 times before giving
up on an runtime error.
* Make last retry unprotected call
- Now `nvim_lsp` source shows diagnostics generated by vim.lsp only
avoids uses vim.diagnostic to avoid deprecation warning on nvim 0.6+
Why? `vim.lsp.diagnostic` deprecation warnings are way too aggressive.
And I'm annoyed by people complaining here even though the warning is
generated by some other plugin (After introduction of nvim_diagnostic
source lualine just can't produce that warning it used to switch users
to nvim_diagnostic source with a warning on nvim0.6+).
Forget it just let anyone that wants lsp specific diagnostics have
`nvim_lsp` . I'd still recommend using `nvim_diagnostic` over
`nvim_lsp` as diagnostics generayed by plugins like `null-ls` won't
showup in `nvim_lsp`
- Remove remanents of `nvim` diagnostics source.
* Schedule a redraw of tabline when setting tabline
The tabline isn't drawn until scrolling the window or opening another file. Opening multiple files at once (e.g. nvim a.txt b.txt) will only show the first.
By performing a deferred redraw of the tabline this fixes this startup behaviour problem.
* Changed to use vim.schedule
- change default diagnostics source from nvim_lsp to nvim_diagnostic
and deprecate nvim_lsp on neovim-0.6 and higher.
- rename diagnostics source nvim to nvim_diagnostic. nvim could be
Previously these options were applied to entire tabs/buffers components.
Now they are applied to specific buffer/tab.
Note: Now icon, color options are no longer applicable to buffers & tabs
component. I can't see how they make sense here. Also cond stil applies
to entire component.
* enhance(filetype): filetype option precede extension for icon detection
Enhances icon detection for files without extension e.g. shebang or
modeline by using filetype option before the extension.
* fixup(filetype): filetype option as fallback of file extension
Some file icon keys defined by [nvim-web-devicons][1] using file
extension name instead of filetype option.
There's been an [issue][2] about this but no PR for it yet, so I think
for now we can handle it here.
[1]: https://github.com/kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons
[2]: https://github.com/kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons/issues/29
* refactor(filetype): `vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option` -> `vim.bo`
* Add fern extension
Fern[^1] is general purpose tree view that can browse and manipulate
file trees. This extension provides a simple and useful statusline for
fern buffers.
[^1]: https://github.com/lambdalisue/fern.vim
* Reuse nerdtree code for fern
* doc: mention fern in README
Co-authored-by: shadmansaleh <13149513+shadmansaleh@users.noreply.github.com>
Currently, lualine gets the encoding using this:
[[%{strlen(&fenc)?&fenc:&enc}]] My suggestion is to change this string
to `vim.opt.fileencoding:get()` This suggestion is because I would like
to use the option "fmt = string.upper", and with the current string it
doesn't work, but using vim.opt function correctly