refactor: removed cterm colors from themes (#115)
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,11 +19,6 @@
To create a custom theme you need to define a colorscheme for each of vim's modes. Each mode has a `fg` and `bg` field for every lualine section.
You can add special effects with `gui`.
You can provide colors in two ways
1. As a table like `{'hexcode', 256_color_code}`
2. As a String like `'hexcode'`
Note : You can use `lualine.util.get_cterm_color(hex_color)` function to genarate 256_color_codes from hex_codes.
When method 2 is used 256_color_codes are genarated with that .
Adding theme is really easy in lua. Here is and example of a gruvbox theme.
@ -31,15 +26,12 @@ Adding theme is really easy in lua. Here is and example of a gruvbox theme.
local gruvbox = { }
local colors = {
-- color format { hex_color, 256_color_code}
black = {"#282828", 235},
white = {'#ebdbb2', 223},
red = {'#fb4934', 203},
green = {'#b8bb26', 143},
blue = {'#83a598', 108},
yellow = {'#fe8019', 209},
-- color format 'hex_color'
black = "#282828",
white = '#ebdbb2',
red = '#fb4934',
green = '#b8bb26',
blue = '#83a598',
yellow = '#fe8019',
gray = '#a89984',
darkgray = '#3c3836',
lightgray = '#504945',
@ -8,19 +8,17 @@ local section_highlight_map = {x = 'c', y = 'b', z = 'a'}
local function highlight (name, foreground, background, gui)
local command = { 'highlight', name, }
if foreground then
table.insert(command, 'ctermfg=' .. (foreground[2] or
(foreground ~= 'none' and utils_colors.get_cterm_color(foreground)) or 'none'))
table.insert(command, 'guifg=' .. (foreground[1] or foreground))
if foreground and foreground ~= 'none' then
table.insert(command, 'ctermfg=' .. utils_colors.get_cterm_color(foreground))
table.insert(command, 'guifg=' .. foreground)
if background then
table.insert(command, 'ctermbg=' .. (background[2] or
(background ~= 'none' and utils_colors.get_cterm_color(background)) or 'none'))
table.insert(command, 'guibg=' .. (background[1] or background))
if background and background ~= 'none' then
table.insert(command, 'ctermbg=' .. utils_colors.get_cterm_color(background))
table.insert(command, 'guibg=' .. background)
if gui then
table.insert(command, 'cterm=' .. (gui or 'none'))
table.insert(command, 'gui=' .. (gui or 'none'))
table.insert(command, 'cterm=' .. gui )
table.insert(command, 'gui=' .. gui )
vim.cmd(table.concat(command, ' '))
@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
local M = {}
local colors = {
black = { '#000000', 0 },
maroon = { '#800000', 1 },
green = { '#008000', 2 },
olive = { '#808000', 3 },
navy = { '#000080', 4 },
purple = { '#800080', 5 },
teal = { '#008080', 6 },
silver = { '#c0c0c0', 7 },
gray = { '#808080', 8},
red = { '#ff0000', 9 },
lime = { '#00ff00', 10 },
yellow = { '#ffff00', 11 },
blue = { '#0000ff', 12 },
fuchsia = { '#ff00ff', 13 },
aqua = { '#00ffff', 14 },
white = { '#ffffff', 15 },
black = '#000000',
maroon = '#800000',
green = '#008000',
olive = '#808000',
navy = '#000080',
purple = '#800080',
teal = '#008080',
silver = '#c0c0c0',
gray = '#808080',
red = '#ff0000',
lime = '#00ff00',
yellow = '#ffff00',
blue = '#0000ff',
fuchsia = '#ff00ff',
aqua = '#00ffff',
white = '#ffffff',
M.normal = {
@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
local dracula = {}
local colors = {
grey = {"#44475a", 238},
light_gray = {"#5f6a8e", 60 },
orange = {"#ffb86c", 215},
purple = {"#bd93f9", 141},
red = {"#ff5555", 203},
yellow = {"#f1fa8c", 228},
green = {"#50fa7b", 84 },
white = {"#f8f8f2", 255},
black = {"#282a36", 236},
grey = "#44475a",
light_gray = "#5f6a8e",
orange = "#ffb86c",
purple = "#bd93f9",
red = "#ff5555",
yellow = "#f1fa8c",
green = "#50fa7b",
white = "#f8f8f2",
black = "#282a36",
dracula.normal = {
@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
local forest_night = {}
local colors = {
bg0 = {"#323d43", 237},
bg1 = {"#3c474d", 238},
bg3 = {"#505a60", 240},
fg = {"#d8caac", 187},
aqua = {"#87c095", 108},
green = {"#a7c080", 144},
orange = {"#e39b7b", 180},
purple = {"#d39bb6", 181},
red = {"#e68183", 174},
grey1 = {"#868d80", 102},
bg0 = "#323d43",
bg1 = "#3c474d",
bg3 = "#505a60",
fg = "#d8caac",
aqua = "#87c095",
green = "#a7c080",
orange = "#e39b7b",
purple = "#d39bb6",
red = "#e68183",
grey1 = "#868d80",
forest_night.normal = {
@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
local gruvbox = {}
local colors = {
black = {"#282828", 235},
white = {'#ebdbb2', 223},
red = {'#fb4934', 203},
green = {'#b8bb26', 143},
blue = {'#83a598', 108},
yellow = {'#fe8019', 209},
gray = {'#a89984', 144},
darkgray = {'#3c3836', 237},
lightgray = {'#504945', 239},
inactivegray = {'#7c6f64', 242},
black = "#282828",
white = '#ebdbb2',
red = '#fb4934',
green = '#b8bb26',
blue = '#83a598',
yellow = '#fe8019',
gray = '#a89984',
darkgray = '#3c3836',
lightgray = '#504945',
inactivegray = '#7c6f64',
gruvbox.normal = {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
local colors = {
fg1 = "#282828",
fg1 = "#282828",
color2 = "#504945",
fg2 = "#ddc7a1",
color3 = "#32302f",
@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
local molokai = {}
local colors = {
black = { '#232526', 233 },
gray = { '#808080', 244 },
white = { '#f8f8f2', 234 },
cyan = { '#66d9ef', 81 },
green = { '#a6e22e', 118 },
orange = { '#ef5939', 166 },
pink = { '#f92672', 161 },
red = { '#ff0000', 160 },
yellow = { '#e6db74', 229 },
black = '#232526',
gray = '#808080',
white = '#f8f8f2',
cyan = '#66d9ef',
green = '#a6e22e',
orange = '#ef5939',
pink = '#f92672',
red = '#ff0000',
yellow = '#e6db74',
molokai.normal = {
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
local nord = {}
local colors = {
nord1 = {"#3B4252", 237},
nord3 = {"#4C566A", 240},
nord5 = {"#E5E9F0", 254},
nord6 = {"#ECEFF4", 255},
nord7 = {"#8FBCBB", 158},
nord8 = {"#88C0D0", 159},
nord13 = {"#EBCB8B", 221},
nord1 = "#3B4252",
nord3 = "#4C566A",
nord5 = "#E5E9F0",
nord6 = "#ECEFF4",
nord7 = "#8FBCBB",
nord8 = "#88C0D0",
nord13 = "#EBCB8B",
nord.normal = {
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
local M = {}
local colors = {
blue = { '#61afef', 75 },
green = { '#98c379', 76 },
purple = { '#c678dd', 176 },
red1 = { '#e06c75', 168 },
red2 = { '#be5046', 168 },
yellow = { '#e5c07b', 180 },
fg = { '#abb2bf', 145 },
bg = { '#282c34', 235 },
gray1 = { '#5c6370', 241 },
gray2 = { '#2c323d', 235 },
gray3 = { '#3e4452', 240 },
blue = '#61afef',
green = '#98c379',
purple = '#c678dd',
red1 = '#e06c75',
red2 = '#be5046',
yellow = '#e5c07b',
fg = '#abb2bf',
bg = '#282c34',
gray1 = '#5c6370',
gray2 = '#2c323d',
gray3 = '#3e4452',
M.normal = {
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
local M = {}
local colors = {
blue = { '#61afef', 75 },
green = { '#98c379', 35 },
purple = { '#c678dd', 176 },
red1 = { '#e06c75', 168 },
red2 = { '#be5046', 168 },
yellow = { '#e5c07b', 180 },
fg = { '#494b53', 238 },
bg = { '#fafafa', 255 },
gray1 = { '#494b53', 238 },
gray2 = { '#f0f0f0', 255 },
gray3 = { '#d0d0d0', 250 },
blue = '#61afef',
green = '#98c379',
purple = '#c678dd',
red1 = '#e06c75',
red2 = '#be5046',
yellow = '#e5c07b',
fg = '#494b53',
bg = '#fafafa',
gray1 = '#494b53',
gray2 = '#f0f0f0',
gray3 = '#d0d0d0',
M.normal = {
@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
local powerline = { }
local Colors = {
white = {'#ffffff', 231},
darkestgreen = {'#005f00', 22 },
brightgreen = {'#afdf00', 148},
darkestcyan = {'#005f5f', 23 },
mediumcyan = {'#87dfff', 117},
darkestblue = {'#005f87', 24 },
darkred = {'#870000', 88 },
brightred = {'#df0000', 160},
brightorange = {'#ff8700', 214},
gray1 = {'#262626', 235},
gray2 = {'#303030', 236},
gray4 = {'#585858', 240},
gray5 = {'#606060', 241},
gray7 = {'#9e9e9e', 245},
gray10 = {'#f0f0f0', 252},
white = '#ffffff',
darkestgreen = '#005f00',
brightgreen = '#afdf00',
darkestcyan = '#005f5f',
mediumcyan = '#87dfff',
darkestblue = '#005f87',
darkred = '#870000',
brightred = '#df0000',
brightorange = '#ff8700',
gray1 = '#262626',
gray2 = '#303030',
gray4 = '#585858',
gray5 = '#606060',
gray7 = '#9e9e9e',
gray10 = '#f0f0f0',
powerline.normal = {
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
local M = {}
local colors = {
base3 = '#002b36',
base2 = '#073642',
base1 = '#586e75',
base0 = '#657b83',
base00 = '#839496',
base01 = '#93a1a1',
base02 = '#eee8d5',
base03 = '#fdf6e3',
base3 = '#002b36',
base2 = '#073642',
base1 = '#586e75',
base0 = '#657b83',
base00 = '#839496',
base01 = '#93a1a1',
base02 = '#eee8d5',
base03 = '#fdf6e3',
yellow = '#b58900',
orange = '#cb4b16',
red = '#dc322f',
@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
local M = {}
local colors = {
base03 = { '#242424', 235 },
base023 = { '#353535', 236 },
base02 = { '#444444', 238 },
base01 = { '#585858', 240 },
base00 = { '#666666', 242 },
base0 = { '#808080', 244 },
base1 = { '#969696', 247 },
base2 = { '#a8a8a8', 248 },
base3 = { '#d0d0d0', 252 },
yellow = { '#cae682', 180 },
orange = { '#e5786d', 173 },
red = { '#e5786d', 203 },
magenta = { '#f2c68a', 216 },
blue = { '#8ac6f2', 117 },
cyan = { '#8ac6f2', 117 },
green = { '#95e454', 119 },
base03 = '#242424',
base023 = '#353535',
base02 = '#444444',
base01 = '#585858',
base00 = '#666666',
base0 = '#808080',
base1 = '#969696',
base2 = '#a8a8a8',
base3 = '#d0d0d0',
yellow = '#cae682',
orange = '#e5786d',
red = '#e5786d',
magenta = '#f2c68a',
blue = '#8ac6f2',
cyan = '#8ac6f2',
green = '#95e454',
M.normal = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user