2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
local modules = require('lualine_require').lazy_require { notices = 'lualine.utils.notices' }
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
local function add_notice(notice)
modules.notices.add_notice('theme(base16): ' .. notice)
local function setup(colors)
local theme = {
normal = {
a = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.normal },
b = { fg = colors.light_fg, bg = colors.alt_bg },
c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg },
replace = {
a = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.replace },
b = { fg = colors.light_fg, bg = colors.alt_bg },
insert = {
a = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.insert },
b = { fg = colors.light_fg, bg = colors.alt_bg },
visual = {
a = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.visual },
b = { fg = colors.light_fg, bg = colors.alt_bg },
inactive = {
a = { fg = colors.dark_fg, bg = colors.bg },
b = { fg = colors.dark_fg, bg = colors.bg },
c = { fg = colors.dark_fg, bg = colors.bg },
theme.command = theme.normal
theme.terminal = theme.insert
return theme
local function setup_default()
return setup {
2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
bg = '#282a2e',
alt_bg = '#373b41',
dark_fg = '#969896',
fg = '#b4b7b4',
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
light_fg = '#c5c8c6',
2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
normal = '#81a2be',
insert = '#b5bd68',
visual = '#b294bb',
replace = '#de935f',
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
local function setup_base16()
local loaded, base16 = pcall(require, 'base16-colorscheme')
if not loaded then
'nvim-base16 is not currently present in your runtimepath, make sure it is properly installed,'
2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
.. ' fallback to default colors.'
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
return nil
if not base16.colors and not vim.env.BASE16_THEME then
'nvim-base16 is not loaded yet, you should update your configuration to load it before lualine'
2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
.. ' so that the colors from your colorscheme can be used, fallback to "tomorrow-night" theme.'
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
elseif not base16.colors and not base16.colorschemes[vim.env.BASE16_THEME] then
'The colorscheme "%s" defined by the environment variable "BASE16_THEME" is not handled by'
2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
.. ' nvim-base16, fallback to "tomorrow-night" theme.'
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
local colors = base16.colors or base16.colorschemes[vim.env.BASE16_THEME or 'tomorrow-night']
return setup {
2022-04-13 04:59:06 +00:00
bg = colors.base01,
alt_bg = colors.base02,
dark_fg = colors.base03,
fg = colors.base04,
light_fg = colors.base05,
normal = colors.base0D,
insert = colors.base0B,
visual = colors.base0E,
replace = colors.base09,
2022-04-13 06:58:31 +02:00
return setup_base16() or setup_default()