2009-01-04 14:52:21 +00:00

102 lines
2.8 KiB

Beat {
classvar <maxFrames;
var <signal, <nframes, <server, sigbuf, <sample, sampbuf, <path, <features, fftbuf, bus, <nearest, <nearestPath;
*initClass {
maxFrames = 44100; // 1 second of audio, which is more than enough.
*newFromSignal { |signal, server, donefunc|
^super.new.initFromSignal(signal, server, donefunc);
*newFromPath { |path, server, donefunc|
^super.new.initFromPath(path, server, donefunc);
initFromSignal { |aSignal, aServer, donefunc|
signal = aSignal;
nframes = signal.size;
server = aServer;
// we always pass in a mono signal so no need to check here
sigbuf = Buffer.alloc(server, nframes, 1);
sigbuf.loadCollection(signal, action: {
initFromPath { |aPath, aServer, donefunc|
var sndfile, rawsignal;
path = aPath;
server = aServer;
sndfile = SoundFile.openRead(path);
if(sndfile.numFrames > maxFrames) {
Error("Sound file too large.").throw;
} {
rawsignal = Signal.newClear(sndfile.numFrames * sndfile.numChannels);
if(sndfile.numChannels == 1) {
signal = rawsignal;
} {
signal = rawsignal.clump(sndfile.numChannels).flop[0]; // channel 0
sigbuf = Buffer.loadCollection(server, signal, 1, action: {
play { |xfade=0.0, mul=1.0|
var synth;
// why isnt doneAction working for me?
synth = Synth(\beatboxplayer, [\bufnum1, sigbuf, \bufnum2, sampbuf, \crossfade, xfade, \mul, mul]);
SystemClock.sched(3.0, { synth.free });
analyse { |donefunc|
var duration, synth;
duration = sigbuf.numFrames / server.sampleRate;
bus = Bus.control(server, 22); // 20 MFCCs, 1 Spectral Centroid, 1 ZCR
fftbuf = Buffer.alloc(server, 1024, 1);
server.makeBundle(1.0) {
synth = Synth(\beatboxanalyzer, [\bufnum, sigbuf, \fftbuf, fftbuf, \cbus1, bus.index, \cbus2, bus.index + 20, \cbus3, bus.index + 21]);
server.makeBundle(1.0 + duration, {
bus.getn(22) { |theFeatures|
features = theFeatures;
// 2 seconds later, free the synth, fft-buffer and the control bus.
SystemClock.sched(3.0 + duration) {
nearest_{ |path|
var sndfile, rawsignal, len;
nearestPath = path;
sndfile = SoundFile.openRead(path);
rawsignal = Signal.newClear(sndfile.numFrames * sndfile.numChannels);
sample = rawsignal.clump(2).flop[0];
sampbuf = Buffer.readChannel(server, path, channels: [0], action: { |buf|
sampbuf = buf;