BeatBox { var <>basepath; var w, 0.0) { seq.xfadeslid.value_(seq.xfadeval - 0.1).doAction; } }, 124, { // move to seq if(seq.xfadeval < 1.0) { seq.xfadeslid.value_(seq.xfadeval + 0.1).doAction; } }, 126, { // move to seq seq.currentChannel = (seq.currentChannel - 1) % seq.numChannels; seq.selects[seq.currentChannel].value_(1).doAction; }, 125, { // move to seq seq.currentChannel = (seq.currentChannel + 1) % seq.numChannels; seq.selects[seq.currentChannel].value_(1).doAction; } ) }; layout = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); w.view.decorator = layout; nchannels = 8; server = Server.local; server.doWhenBooted { recbuf = Buffer.alloc(server, server.sampleRate); fftbuf = Buffer.alloc(server, 512); }; isListening = false; isRecording = false; isJamming = false; beats = Array.newClear(nchannels); File.use(basepath ++ "", "r") { |file| data = file.readAllString.interpret; }; this.initDisplay; } initDisplay { recbutton = SCButton(w, Rect(5, 5, 100, 25)) .states_([ [ "Record (F1)",, ], [ "Stop (F1)", Color.white, ], ]) .action_{ |button| this.switch(button) } .keyDownAction_{ nil }; SCButton(w, Rect(5, 5, 100, 25)) .states_([ [ "Preview (F2)",, ], ]) .action_{ |button| this.preview(button) } .keyDownAction_{ nil }; jambutton = SCButton(w, Rect(5, 5, 100, 25)) .states_([ [ "Jam (F3)",, ], [ "Stop (F1)", Color.white, ], ]) .action_{ |button| this.jam(button.value) } .keyDownAction_{ nil }; layout.nextLine; layout.nextLine; SCStaticText(w, Rect(5, 5, 200, 25)) .string_("Threshold") .font_(Font("Helvetica-Bold", 12)); SCStaticText(w, Rect(200, 5, 30, 25)) .string_("Lag") .font_(Font("Helvetica-Bold", 12)); layout.nextLine; SCSlider(w, Rect(5, 5, 100, 25)) .step_(0.1) .value_(0.3) .action_{ |slider| var value = slider.value.clip(0.1, 1.0); synth.set(\threshold, value); thresholdText.string_(value.asString); } .keyDownAction_{ nil }; thresholdText = SCStaticText(w, Rect(5, 5, 95, 25)) .string_("0.3"); SCSlider(w, Rect(200, 5, 100, 25)) .step_(0.05) .value_(0.1) .action_{ |slider| var value = slider.value.clip(0.1, 1.0); synth.set(\lag, value); lagText.string_(value.asString); } .keyDownAction_{ nil }; lagText = SCStaticText(w, Rect(5, 5, 20, 25)) .string_("0.1"); layout.nextLine; statusText = SCStaticText(w, Rect(5, 5, 510, 25)) .background_(Color.grey); layout.nextLine; scope = SCUserView(w, Rect(5, 5, 510, 150)) .relativeOrigin_(true) .background_( .drawFunc_({ this.drawWaveform }); layout.nextLine; lowerStatus = SCStaticText(w, Rect(5, 5, 510, 25)) .background_(Color.grey); layout.nextLine; seq = Sequencer(w, Rect(5, 5, 510, 300), server, beats, this); w.onClose = { }; w.front; } switch { |button| if(button.value == 1) { jambutton.enabled = false; this.listen; } { this.silenceDetected; this.ignore; jambutton.enabled = true; } } jam { |value| // 0 is on, 1 is off: relates to SCButton value if(value == 1) { recbutton.enabled = false; isJamming = true; if(seq.playing.not) { }; this.listen(amp: 0.0); } { isJamming = false; recbutton.enabled = true; jambutton.value = 0; this.ignore; } } preview { seq.previewCurrentChannel; } onsetDetected { Post << "Onset!" << $\n; if(isJamming) { { seq.setCurrentHit; }.defer; } { if(isRecording.not) { isRecording = true; synth.set(\t_resetRecord, 1); recStart = SystemClock.seconds; { statusText.background_("RECORDING") }.defer; } } } silenceDetected { var dursamps, sndfile, signal, beat; Post << "Silence!" << $\n; if(isRecording) {; { statusText.background_("Analysing..."); }.defer; dursamps = ((SystemClock.seconds - recStart) * server.sampleRate).asInteger; recbuf.loadToFloatArray(0, dursamps) { |floatdata| // check received from server OK - sometimes fails if(floatdata.isEmpty.not) { signal = Signal.newFrom(floatdata); signal.normalize; beats[seq.currentChannel] = Beat.newFromSignal(signal, server); beats[seq.currentChannel].analyse { |beat| this.findNearest(beat); { // allow new recording to begin only after completely finsihed scope.refresh; isRecording = false; statusText.background_(Color.grey).stringColor_(""); this.updateLowerStatus; recbutton.value_(0).doAction; }.defer; } } } } } listen { |amp=1.0| var msg, action; if(isListening.not) { // start listening to input synth = Synth(\beatboxlistener, [\out, 0, \in, 0, \fftbuf, fftbuf, \recbuf, recbuf, \amp, amp]); onsetListener = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/tr') { |time, responder, msg| action = msg[3]; action.asInteger.switch( 1, { this.onsetDetected }, 2, { this.silenceDetected } ); }.add; statusText.background_(Color.grey).stringColor_("Waiting for input..."); isListening = true; } } ignore { if(isListening) { var wasRecording = isRecording; this.silenceDetected;; onsetListener.remove; if(wasRecording) { statusText.background_("Analysing..."); } { statusText.background_(Color.grey).stringColor_(""); }; isListening = false; } } // TODO move to findNearest { |beat| var p, total; var nearest = 10e10; var neighbour; data.getPairs.clump(2).do { |pair| var fname, features; # fname, features = pair; total = 0.0; { |i| p = (beat.features[i] - features[i]).squared; total = total + p; }; if(total < nearest) { neighbour = fname; nearest = total; }; }; if(neighbour.isNil) { // FIX sometimes a strange bug causes a lot of nan's to be produced "There was an error analysing this sound. Try another".postln; } { beat.nearest = neighbour; } } refresh { scope.refresh } updateLowerStatus { var beat =[seq.currentChannel]; beat !? { beat.nearestPath !? { lowerStatus.string_(beat.nearestPath.basename); ^this; } }; lowerStatus.string_(""); } drawWaveform { // why is SCSoundFileView so frustrating? var sig, maximums, x2, y1, y2, p1, p2; var beat = beats[seq.currentChannel]; beat !? { p1 = 0 @ 75; if(beat.sample.notNil) { sig = (beat.sample * (seq.xfadeval)) +.s (beat.signal * (1 - seq.xfadeval)); } { sig = beat.signal; }; maximums = sig.clump(sig.size / 510).collect{ |window| var posmax, negmax; posmax = window.maxItem; negmax = window.minItem; if(posmax.abs > negmax.abs) { posmax } { negmax } }; Pen.use { Color(0.3, 1, 0.3).set; { |max, x1| p2 = x1 @ (75 - (75 * max)); Pen.moveTo(p1); Pen.lineTo(p2); Pen.stroke; p1 = p2; } } } } }