
550 lines
21 KiB

use super::com;
use super::kernel32;
use super::ole32;
use super::winapi;
use super::Endpoint;
use super::check_result;
use std::slice;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use futures::Poll;
use futures::task::Task;
use futures::task;
use futures::stream::Stream;
use futures::Async;
use CreationError;
use ChannelPosition;
use Format;
use SampleFormat;
use UnknownTypeBuffer;
pub struct EventLoop {
inner: Arc<EventLoopInner>,
unsafe impl Send for EventLoop {}
unsafe impl Sync for EventLoop {}
struct EventLoopInner {
// List of handles that are currently being polled or that are going to be polled. This mutex
// is locked for as long as the event loop is running.
// In the `EventLoopScheduled`, the first handle in the list of handles is always
// `pending_scheduled_event`. This means that the length of `handles` is always 1 + the length
// of `task_handles`.
// FIXME: no way to remove elements from that list?
scheduled: Mutex<EventLoopScheduled>,
// Since the above mutex is locked most of the time, we add new handles to this list instead.
// After a new element is added to this list, you should notify `pending_scheduled_event`
// so that they get transferred to `scheduled`.
// The length of `handles` and `task_handles` should always be equal.
pending_scheduled: Mutex<EventLoopScheduled>,
// This event is signalled after elements have been added to `pending_scheduled` in order to
// notify that they should be picked up.
pending_scheduled_event: winapi::HANDLE,
struct EventLoopScheduled {
// List of handles that correspond to voices.
// They are linked to `task_handles`, but we store them separately in order to easily call
// `WaitForMultipleObjectsEx` on the array without having to perform any conversion.
handles: Vec<winapi::HANDLE>,
// List of task handles corresponding to `handles`. The second element is used to signal
// the voice that it has been signaled.
task_handles: Vec<(Task, Arc<AtomicBool>)>,
impl EventLoop {
pub fn new() -> EventLoop {
let pending_scheduled_event = unsafe {
kernel32::CreateEventA(ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0, ptr::null())
EventLoop {
inner: Arc::new(EventLoopInner {
pending_scheduled_event: pending_scheduled_event,
scheduled: Mutex::new(EventLoopScheduled {
handles: vec![pending_scheduled_event],
task_handles: vec![],
pending_scheduled: Mutex::new(EventLoopScheduled {
handles: vec![],
task_handles: vec![],
pub fn run(&self) {
unsafe {
let mut scheduled = self.inner.scheduled.lock().unwrap();
loop {
debug_assert!(scheduled.handles.len() == 1 + scheduled.task_handles.len());
// Creating a voice checks for the MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS limit.
// FIXME: this is not the case ^
debug_assert!(scheduled.handles.len() <= winapi::MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS as usize);
// Wait for any of the handles to be signalled, which means that the corresponding
// sound needs a buffer.
let result = kernel32::WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(scheduled.handles.len() as u32,
winapi::FALSE, winapi::INFINITE, /* TODO: allow setting a timeout */
winapi::FALSE /* irrelevant parameter here */);
// Notifying the corresponding task handler.
assert!(result >= winapi::WAIT_OBJECT_0);
let handle_id = (result - winapi::WAIT_OBJECT_0) as usize;
if handle_id == 0 {
// The `pending_scheduled_event` handle has been notified, which means that we
// should pick up the content of `pending_scheduled`.
let mut pending = self.inner.pending_scheduled.lock().unwrap();
scheduled.handles.append(&mut pending.handles);
scheduled.task_handles.append(&mut pending.task_handles);
} else {
let (task_handle, ready) = scheduled.task_handles.remove(handle_id - 1);, Ordering::Relaxed);
impl Drop for EventLoop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
pub struct Voice {
inner: Arc<Mutex<VoiceInner>>,
playing: bool,
pub struct SamplesStream {
event_loop: Arc<EventLoopInner>,
inner: Arc<Mutex<VoiceInner>>,
// The event that is signalled whenever a buffer is ready to be submitted to the voice.
event: winapi::HANDLE, // TODO: not deleted
max_frames_in_buffer: winapi::UINT32,
bytes_per_frame: winapi::WORD,
ready: Arc<AtomicBool>,
unsafe impl Send for SamplesStream {}
unsafe impl Sync for SamplesStream {}
struct VoiceInner {
audio_client: *mut winapi::IAudioClient,
render_client: *mut winapi::IAudioRenderClient,
unsafe impl Send for Voice {}
unsafe impl Sync for Voice {}
impl Voice {
pub fn new(end_point: &Endpoint, format: &Format, event_loop: &EventLoop)
-> Result<(Voice, SamplesStream), CreationError>
unsafe {
// Making sure that COM is initialized.
// It's not actually sure that this is required, but when in doubt do it.
// Obtaining a `IAudioClient`.
let audio_client = match end_point.build_audioclient() {
Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winapi::AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) =>
return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable),
e => e.unwrap(),
// Computing the format and initializing the device.
let format = {
let format_attempt = try!(format_to_waveformatextensible(format));
let share_mode = winapi::AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED;
// `IsFormatSupported` checks whether the format is supported and fills
let mut dummy_fmt_ptr: *mut winapi::WAVEFORMATEX = mem::uninitialized();
let hresult = (*audio_client).IsFormatSupported(share_mode, &format_attempt.Format,
&mut dummy_fmt_ptr);
// we free that `WAVEFORMATEX` immediately after because we don't need it
if !dummy_fmt_ptr.is_null() {
ole32::CoTaskMemFree(dummy_fmt_ptr as *mut _);
// `IsFormatSupported` can return `S_FALSE` (which means that a compatible format
// has been found) but we also treat this as an error
match (hresult, check_result(hresult)) {
(_, Err(ref e))
if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winapi::AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) =>
return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable);
(_, Err(e)) => {
panic!("{:?}", e);
(winapi::S_FALSE, _) => {
return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported);
(_, Ok(())) => (),
// finally initializing the audio client
let hresult = (*audio_client).Initialize(share_mode,
0, 0, &format_attempt.Format, ptr::null());
match check_result(hresult) {
Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winapi::AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) =>
return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable);
Err(e) => {
panic!("{:?}", e);
Ok(()) => (),
// Creating the event that will be signalled whenever we need to submit some samples.
let event = {
let event = kernel32::CreateEventA(ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0, ptr::null());
if event == ptr::null_mut() {
panic!("Failed to create event");
match check_result((*audio_client).SetEventHandle(event)) {
Err(_) => {
panic!("Failed to call SetEventHandle")
Ok(_) => ()
// obtaining the size of the samples buffer in number of frames
let max_frames_in_buffer = {
let mut max_frames_in_buffer = mem::uninitialized();
let hresult = (*audio_client).GetBufferSize(&mut max_frames_in_buffer);
match check_result(hresult) {
Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winapi::AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) =>
return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable);
Err(e) => {
panic!("{:?}", e);
Ok(()) => (),
// Building a `IAudioRenderClient` that will be used to fill the samples buffer.
let render_client = {
let mut render_client: *mut winapi::IAudioRenderClient = mem::uninitialized();
let hresult = (*audio_client).GetService(&winapi::IID_IAudioRenderClient,
&mut render_client
as *mut *mut winapi::IAudioRenderClient
as *mut _);
match check_result(hresult) {
Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winapi::AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) =>
return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable);
Err(e) => {
panic!("{:?}", e);
Ok(()) => (),
&mut *render_client
// Everything went fine.
let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(VoiceInner {
audio_client: audio_client,
render_client: render_client,
let voice = Voice {
inner: inner.clone(),
playing: false,
let samples_stream = SamplesStream {
event_loop: event_loop.inner.clone(),
inner: inner,
event: event,
max_frames_in_buffer: max_frames_in_buffer,
bytes_per_frame: format.nBlockAlign,
ready: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
Ok((voice, samples_stream))
pub fn play(&mut self) {
if !self.playing {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
let hresult = (*inner.audio_client).Start();
self.playing = true;
pub fn pause(&mut self) {
if self.playing {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
let hresult = (*inner.audio_client).Stop();
self.playing = false;
impl SamplesStream {
fn schedule(&mut self) {
let mut pending = self.event_loop.pending_scheduled.lock().unwrap();
pending.task_handles.push((task::park(), self.ready.clone()));
let result = unsafe { kernel32::SetEvent(self.event_loop.pending_scheduled_event) };
assert!(result != 0);
impl Stream for SamplesStream {
type Item = UnknownTypeBuffer;
type Error = ();
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
unsafe {
if self.ready.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed) == false {
// Despite its name this function does not block, because we pass `0`.
let result = kernel32::WaitForSingleObject(self.event, 0);
// Park the task and returning if the event is not ready.
match result {
winapi::WAIT_OBJECT_0 => (),
winapi::WAIT_TIMEOUT => {
return Ok(Async::NotReady);
_ => unreachable!()
// If we reach here, that means we're ready to accept new samples.
let poll = {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
// Obtaining the number of frames that are available to be written.
let frames_available = {
let mut padding = mem::uninitialized();
let hresult = (*inner.audio_client).GetCurrentPadding(&mut padding);
self.max_frames_in_buffer - padding
if frames_available == 0 {
} else {
// Obtaining a pointer to the buffer.
let (buffer_data, buffer_len) = {
let mut buffer: *mut winapi::BYTE = mem::uninitialized();
let hresult = (*inner.render_client).GetBuffer(frames_available,
&mut buffer as *mut *mut _);
check_result(hresult).unwrap(); // FIXME: can return `AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED`
(buffer as *mut _,
frames_available as usize * self.bytes_per_frame as usize / mem::size_of::<f32>()) // FIXME: correct size
let buffer = Buffer {
voice: self.inner.clone(),
buffer_data: buffer_data,
buffer_len: buffer_len,
frames: frames_available,
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(UnknownTypeBuffer::F32(::Buffer { target: Some(buffer) })))) // FIXME: not necessarily F32
if let Ok(Async::NotReady) = poll {
impl Drop for VoiceInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
pub struct Buffer<T> {
voice: Arc<Mutex<VoiceInner>>,
buffer_data: *mut T,
buffer_len: usize,
frames: winapi::UINT32,
unsafe impl<T> Send for Buffer<T> {}
impl<T> Buffer<T> {
pub fn get_buffer(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
unsafe {
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.buffer_data, self.buffer_len)
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn finish(self) {
unsafe {
let mut inner = self.voice.lock().unwrap();
let hresult = (*inner.render_client).ReleaseBuffer(self.frames as u32, 0);
match check_result(hresult) {
// ignoring the error that is produced if the device has been disconnected
Err(ref e)
if e.raw_os_error() == Some(winapi::AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => (),
e => e.unwrap(),
fn format_to_waveformatextensible(format: &Format)
-> Result<winapi::WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE, CreationError>
Format: winapi::WAVEFORMATEX {
wFormatTag: match format.data_type {
SampleFormat::I16 => winapi::WAVE_FORMAT_PCM,
SampleFormat::F32 => winapi::WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE,
SampleFormat::U16 => return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported),
nChannels: format.channels.len() as winapi::WORD,
nSamplesPerSec: format.samples_rate.0 as winapi::DWORD,
nAvgBytesPerSec: format.channels.len() as winapi::DWORD *
format.samples_rate.0 as winapi::DWORD *
format.data_type.get_sample_size() as winapi::DWORD,
nBlockAlign: format.channels.len() as winapi::WORD *
format.data_type.get_sample_size() as winapi::WORD,
wBitsPerSample: 8 * format.data_type.get_sample_size() as winapi::WORD,
cbSize: match format.data_type {
SampleFormat::I16 => 0,
SampleFormat::F32 => (mem::size_of::<winapi::WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE>() -
mem::size_of::<winapi::WAVEFORMATEX>()) as winapi::WORD,
SampleFormat::U16 => return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported),
Samples: 8 * format.data_type.get_sample_size() as winapi::WORD,
dwChannelMask: {
let mut mask = 0;
for &channel in format.channels.iter() {
let raw_value = match channel {
ChannelPosition::FrontLeft => winapi::SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT,
ChannelPosition::FrontRight => winapi::SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT,
ChannelPosition::FrontCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::LowFrequency => winapi::SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY,
ChannelPosition::BackLeft => winapi::SPEAKER_BACK_LEFT,
ChannelPosition::BackRight => winapi::SPEAKER_BACK_RIGHT,
ChannelPosition::FrontLeftOfCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::FrontRightOfCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::BackCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_BACK_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::SideLeft => winapi::SPEAKER_SIDE_LEFT,
ChannelPosition::SideRight => winapi::SPEAKER_SIDE_RIGHT,
ChannelPosition::TopCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::TopFrontLeft => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_FRONT_LEFT,
ChannelPosition::TopFrontCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_FRONT_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::TopFrontRight => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT,
ChannelPosition::TopBackLeft => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_BACK_LEFT,
ChannelPosition::TopBackCenter => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_BACK_CENTER,
ChannelPosition::TopBackRight => winapi::SPEAKER_TOP_BACK_RIGHT,
// channels must be in the right order
if raw_value <= mask {
return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported);
mask = mask | raw_value;
SubFormat: match format.data_type {
SampleFormat::I16 => winapi::KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM,
SampleFormat::U16 => return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported),