The internal alsa, null and emscripten Device implementations already
implemented Debug; but the coreaudio and wasapi ones, and therefore
also the wrapper, did not.
I decided to eschew the `Device(…)` wrapping in the outer layer
(hence a custom implementation rather than `#[derive(Debug)]`),
because `Device(Device)`, `Device(Device { … })` and so forth all
look better without the extra `Device(…)` wrapping.
On the wasapi and coreaudio implementations I put both the pointer and
name. Name because it’s useful, pointer because on Windows at least
I believe duplicated names are possible. (e.g. two monitors that include
monitors, of the same type; I haven’t strictly confirmed this, because I
killed those off harshly on my machine and don’t want to reinstate
I do not have access to a macOS device to confirm that the coreaudio
implementation is sane, but I think it is.