extern crate coreaudio; use ChannelPosition; use CreationError; use Format; use FormatsEnumerationError; use Sample; use SampleFormat; use SamplesRate; use SupportedFormat; use UnknownTypeBuffer; use std::mem; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use std::slice; use self::coreaudio::audio_unit::{AudioUnit, Scope, Element}; use self::coreaudio::audio_unit::render_callback::{self, data}; use self::coreaudio::bindings::audio_unit::{ AudioStreamBasicDescription, AudioBuffer, kAudioFormatLinearPCM, kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat, kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat }; mod enumerate; pub use self::enumerate::{EndpointsIterator, SupportedFormatsIterator, default_endpoint}; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Endpoint; impl Endpoint { pub fn supported_formats(&self) -> Result { Ok( vec![ SupportedFormat { channels: vec![ChannelPosition::FrontLeft, ChannelPosition::FrontRight], min_samples_rate: SamplesRate(44100), max_samples_rate: SamplesRate(44100), data_type: SampleFormat::F32, }, ].into_iter(), ) } pub fn name(&self) -> String { "Default AudioUnit Endpoint".to_string() } } // The ID of a voice is its index within the `voices` array of the events loop. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct VoiceId(usize); pub struct EventLoop { // This `Arc` is shared with all the callbacks of coreaudio. active_callbacks: Arc, voices: Mutex>>, } struct ActiveCallbacks { // Whenever the `run()` method is called with a callback, this callback is put in this list. callbacks: Mutex>, } struct VoiceInner { playing: bool, audio_unit: AudioUnit, } // TODO need stronger error identification impl From for CreationError { fn from(err: coreaudio::Error) -> CreationError { match err { coreaudio::Error::RenderCallbackBufferFormatDoesNotMatchAudioUnitStreamFormat | coreaudio::Error::NoKnownSubtype | coreaudio::Error::AudioUnit(coreaudio::error::AudioUnitError::FormatNotSupported) | coreaudio::Error::AudioCodec(_) | coreaudio::Error::AudioFormat(_) => CreationError::FormatNotSupported, _ => CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable, } } } impl EventLoop { #[inline] pub fn new() -> EventLoop { EventLoop { active_callbacks: Arc::new(ActiveCallbacks { callbacks: Mutex::new(Vec::new()) }), voices: Mutex::new(Vec::new()), } } #[inline] pub fn run(&self, mut callback: F) -> ! where F: FnMut(VoiceId, UnknownTypeBuffer) + Send { let callback: &mut (FnMut(VoiceId, UnknownTypeBuffer) + Send) = &mut callback; self.active_callbacks .callbacks .lock() .unwrap() .push(unsafe { mem::transmute(callback) }); loop { // So the loop does not get optimised out in --release thread::sleep(Duration::new(1u64, 0u32)); } // Note: if we ever change this API so that `run` can return, then it is critical that // we remove the callback from `active_callbacks`. } #[inline] pub fn build_voice(&self, _endpoint: &Endpoint, format: &Format) -> Result { let mut audio_unit = { let au_type = if cfg!(target_os = "ios") { // The DefaultOutput unit isn't available in iOS unfortunately. // RemoteIO is a sensible replacement. // See https://goo.gl/CWwRTx coreaudio::audio_unit::IOType::RemoteIO } else { coreaudio::audio_unit::IOType::DefaultOutput }; AudioUnit::new(au_type)? }; // TODO: iOS uses integer and fixed-point data // Set the stream in interleaved mode. let n_channels = format.channels.len(); let sample_rate = format.samples_rate.0; let bytes_per_channel = format.data_type.sample_size(); let bits_per_channel = bytes_per_channel * 8; let bytes_per_frame = n_channels * bytes_per_channel; let frames_per_packet = 1; let bytes_per_packet = frames_per_packet * bytes_per_frame; let sample_format = format.data_type; let format_flags = match sample_format { SampleFormat::F32 => (kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked) as u32, _ => kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked as u32, }; let asbd = AudioStreamBasicDescription { mBitsPerChannel: bits_per_channel, mBytesPerFrame: bytes_per_frame, mChannelsPerFrame: n_channels, mBytesPerPacket: bytes_per_packet, mFramesPerPacket: frames_per_packet, mFormatFlags: format_flags, mFormatID: kAudioFormatLinearPCM, mSampleRate: sample_rate as _, ..Default::default() }; audio_unit.set_property( kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, Scope::Input, Element::Output, Some(&asbd) )?; // Determine the future ID of the voice. let mut voices_lock = self.voices.lock().unwrap(); let voice_id = voices_lock .iter() .position(|n| n.is_none()) .unwrap_or(voices_lock.len()); // Register the callback that is being called by coreaudio whenever it needs data to be // fed to the audio buffer. let active_callbacks = self.active_callbacks.clone(); audio_unit.set_render_callback(move |args: render_callback::Args| unsafe { // If `run()` is currently running, then a callback will be available from this list. // Otherwise, we just fill the buffer with zeroes and return. let AudioBuffer { mNumberChannels: _num_channels, mDataByteSize: data_byte_size, mData: data } = (*args.data.data).mBuffers[0]; let mut callbacks = active_callbacks.callbacks.lock().unwrap(); // A small macro to simplify handling the callback for different sample types. macro_rules! try_callback { ($SampleFormat:ident, $SampleType:ty, $equilibrium:expr) => {{ let data_len = (data_byte_size / bytes_per_channel) as usize; let data_slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data as *mut $SampleType, data_len); let callback = match callbacks.get_mut(0) { Some(cb) => cb, None => { for sample in data_slice.iter_mut() { *sample = $equilibrium; } return Ok(()); } }; let buffer = Buffer { buffer: data_slice }; let unknown_type_buffer = UnknownTypeBuffer::$SampleFormat(::Buffer { target: Some(buffer) }); callback(VoiceId(voice_id), unknown_type_buffer); }}; } match sample_format { SampleFormat::F32 => try_callback!(F32, f32, 0.0), SampleFormat::I16 => try_callback!(I16, i16, 0), SampleFormat::U16 => try_callback!(U16, u16, ::std::u16::consts::MAX / 2), } Ok(()) })?; // TODO: start playing now? is that consistent with the other backends? audio_unit.start()?; // Add the voice to the list of voices within `self`. { let inner = VoiceInner { playing: true, audio_unit: audio_unit, }; if voice_id == voices_lock.len() { voices_lock.push(Some(inner)); } else { voices_lock[voice_id] = Some(inner); } } Ok(VoiceId(voice_id)) } pub fn destroy_voice(&self, voice_id: VoiceId) { let mut voices = self.voices.lock().unwrap(); voices[voice_id.0] = None; } pub fn play(&self, voice: VoiceId) { let mut voices = self.voices.lock().unwrap(); let voice = voices[voice.0].as_mut().unwrap(); if !voice.playing { voice.audio_unit.start().unwrap(); voice.playing = true; } } pub fn pause(&self, voice: VoiceId) { let mut voices = self.voices.lock().unwrap(); let voice = voices[voice.0].as_mut().unwrap(); if voice.playing { voice.audio_unit.stop().unwrap(); voice.playing = false; } } } pub struct Buffer<'a, T: 'a> { buffer: &'a mut [T], } impl<'a, T> Buffer<'a, T> where T: Sample { #[inline] pub fn buffer(&mut self) -> &mut [T] { &mut self.buffer } #[inline] pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.buffer.len() } #[inline] pub fn finish(self) { // Do nothing. We wrote directly to the buffer. } }