//! Feeds back the input stream directly into the output stream. //! //! Assumes that the input and output devices can use the same stream format and that they support //! the f32 sample format. //! //! Uses a delay of `LATENCY_MS` milliseconds in case the default input and output streams are not //! precisely synchronised. extern crate cpal; extern crate failure; extern crate ringbuf; use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, EventLoopTrait, HostTrait}; use ringbuf::RingBuffer; const LATENCY_MS: f32 = 150.0; fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> { let host = cpal::default_host(); let event_loop = host.event_loop(); // Default devices. let input_device = host.default_input_device().expect("failed to get default input device"); let output_device = host.default_output_device().expect("failed to get default output device"); println!("Using default input device: \"{}\"", input_device.name()?); println!("Using default output device: \"{}\"", output_device.name()?); // We'll try and use the same format between streams to keep it simple let mut format = input_device.default_input_format()?; format.data_type = cpal::SampleFormat::F32; // Build streams. println!("Attempting to build both streams with `{:?}`.", format); let input_stream_id = event_loop.build_input_stream(&input_device, &format)?; let output_stream_id = event_loop.build_output_stream(&output_device, &format)?; println!("Successfully built streams."); // Create a delay in case the input and output devices aren't synced. let latency_frames = (LATENCY_MS / 1_000.0) * format.sample_rate.0 as f32; let latency_samples = latency_frames as usize * format.channels as usize; // The buffer to share samples let ring = RingBuffer::new(latency_samples * 2); let (mut producer, mut consumer) = ring.split(); // Fill the samples with 0.0 equal to the length of the delay. for _ in 0..latency_samples { // The ring buffer has twice as much space as necessary to add latency here, // so this should never fail producer.push(0.0).unwrap(); } // Play the streams. println!("Starting the input and output streams with `{}` milliseconds of latency.", LATENCY_MS); event_loop.play_stream(input_stream_id.clone())?; event_loop.play_stream(output_stream_id.clone())?; // Run the event loop on a separate thread. std::thread::spawn(move || { event_loop.run(move |id, result| { let data = match result { Ok(data) => data, Err(err) => { eprintln!("an error occurred on stream {:?}: {}", id, err); return; } }; match data { cpal::StreamData::Input { buffer: cpal::UnknownTypeInputBuffer::F32(buffer) } => { assert_eq!(id, input_stream_id); let mut output_fell_behind = false; for &sample in buffer.iter() { if producer.push(sample).is_err() { output_fell_behind = true; } } if output_fell_behind { eprintln!("output stream fell behind: try increasing latency"); } }, cpal::StreamData::Output { buffer: cpal::UnknownTypeOutputBuffer::F32(mut buffer) } => { assert_eq!(id, output_stream_id); let mut input_fell_behind = None; for sample in buffer.iter_mut() { *sample = match consumer.pop() { Ok(s) => s, Err(err) => { input_fell_behind = Some(err); 0.0 }, }; } if let Some(_) = input_fell_behind { eprintln!("input stream fell behind: try increasing latency"); } }, _ => panic!("we're expecting f32 data"), } }); }); // Run for 3 seconds before closing. println!("Playing for 3 seconds... "); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3)); println!("Done!"); Ok(()) }