# Unreleased - Large refactor removing the blocking EventLoop API. - Rename many `Format` types to `StreamConfig`: - `Format` type's `data_type` field renamed to `sample_format`. - `Shape` -> `StreamConfig` - The configuration input required to build a stream. - `Format` -> `SupportedStreamConfig` - Describes a single supported stream configuration. - `SupportedFormat` -> `SupportedStreamConfigRange` - Describes a range of supported configurations. - `Device::default_input/output_format` -> `Device::default_input/output_config`. - `Device::supported_input/output_formats` -> `Device::supported_input/output_configs`. - `Device::SupportedInput/OutputFormats` -> `Device::SupportedInput/OutputConfigs`. - `SupportedFormatsError` -> `SupportedStreamConfigsError` - `DefaultFormatError` -> `DefaultStreamConfigError` - `BuildStreamError::FormatNotSupported` -> `BuildStreamError::StreamConfigNotSupported` - Address deprecated use of `mem::uninitialized` in WASAPI. - Removed `UnknownTypeBuffer` in favour of specifying sample type. - Added `build_input/output_stream_raw` methods allowing for dynamically handling sample format type. - Added support for DragonFly platform. # Version 0.11.0 (2019-12-11) - Fix some underruns that could occur in ALSA. - Add name to `HostId`. - Use `snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_time_near` rather than `set_buffer_time_max` in ALSA backend. - Remove many uses of `std::mem::uninitialized`. - Fix WASAPI capture logic. - Panic on stream ID overflow rather than returning an error. - Use `ringbuffer` crate in feedback example. - Move errors into a separate module. - Switch from `failure` to `thiserror` for error handling. - Add `winbase` winapi feature to solve windows compile error issues. - Lots of CI improvements. # Version 0.10.0 (2019-07-05) - core-foundation-sys and coreaudio-rs version bumps. - Add an ASIO host, available under Windows. - Introduce a new Host API, adding support for alternative audio APIs. - Remove sleep loop on macOS in favour of using a `Condvar`. - Allow users to handle stream callback errors with a new `StreamEvent` type. - Overhaul error handling throughout the crate. - Remove unnecessary Mutex from ALSA and WASAPI backends in favour of channels. - Remove `panic!` from OutputBuffer Deref impl as it is no longer necessary. # Version 0.9.0 (2019-06-06) - Better buffer handling - Fix logic error in frame/sample size - Added error handling for unknown ALSA device errors - Fix resuming a paused stream on Windows (wasapi). - Implement `default_output_format` for emscripten backend. # Version 0.8.1 (2018-03-18) - Fix the handling of non-default sample rates for coreaudio input streams. # Version 0.8.0 (2018-02-15) - Add `record_wav.rs` example. Records 3 seconds to `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/recorded.wav` using default input device. - Update `enumerate.rs` example to display default input/output devices and formats. - Add input stream support to coreaudio, alsa and windows backends. - Introduce `StreamData` type for handling either input or output streams in `EventLoop::run` callback. - Add `Device::supported_{input/output}_formats` methods. - Add `Device::default_{input/output}_format` methods. - Add `default_{input/output}_device` functions. - Replace usage of `Voice` with `Stream` throughout the crate. - Remove `Endpoint` in favour of `Device` for supporting both input and output streams. # Version 0.7.0 (2018-02-04) - Rename `ChannelsCount` to `ChannelCount`. - Rename `SamplesRate` to `SampleRate`. - Rename the `min_samples_rate` field of `SupportedFormat` to `min_sample_rate` - Rename the `with_max_samples_rate()` method of`SupportedFormat` to `with_max_sample_rate()` - Rename the `samples_rate` field of `Format` to `sample_rate` - Changed the type of the `channels` field of the `SupportedFormat` struct from `Vec` to `ChannelCount` (an alias to `u16`) - Remove unused ChannelPosition API. - Implement `Endpoint` and `Format` Enumeration for macos. - Implement format handling for macos `build_voice` method. # Version 0.6.0 (2017-12-11) - Changed the emscripten backend to consume less CPU. - Added improvements to the crate documentation. - Implement `pause` and `play` for ALSA backend. - Reduced the number of allocations in the CoreAudio backend. - Fixes for macos build (#186, #189). # Version 0.5.1 (2017-10-21) - Added `Sample::to_i16()`, `Sample::to_u16()` and `Sample::from`. # Version 0.5.0 (2017-10-21) - Removed the dependency on the `futures` library. - Removed the `Voice` and `SamplesStream` types. - Added `EventLoop::build_voice`, `EventLoop::destroy_voice`, `EventLoop::play`, and `EventLoop::pause` that can be used to create, destroy, play and pause voices. - Added a `VoiceId` struct that is now used to identify a voice owned by an `EventLoop`. - Changed `EventLoop::run()` to take a callback that is called whenever a voice requires sound data. - Changed `supported_formats()` to produce a list of `SupportedFormat` instead of `Format`. A `SupportedFormat` must then be turned into a `Format` in order to build a voice.