use super::Device; use super::check_result; use super::com; use super::winapi::shared::basetsd::UINT32; use super::winapi::shared::ksmedia; use super::winapi::shared::minwindef::{BYTE, DWORD, FALSE, WORD}; use super::winapi::shared::mmreg; use super::winapi::um::audioclient::{self, AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED, AUDCLNT_S_BUFFER_EMPTY}; use super::winapi::um::audiosessiontypes::{AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK}; use super::winapi::um::handleapi; use super::winapi::um::synchapi; use super::winapi::um::winbase; use super::winapi::um::winnt; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::mem; use std::ptr; use std::slice; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use CreationError; use Format; use SampleFormat; use StreamData; use UnknownTypeOutputBuffer; use UnknownTypeInputBuffer; pub struct EventLoop { // Data used by the `run()` function implementation. The mutex is kept lock permanently by // `run()`. This ensures that two `run()` invocations can't run at the same time, and also // means that we shouldn't try to lock this field from anywhere else but `run()`. run_context: Mutex, // Identifier of the next stream to create. Each new stream increases this counter. If the // counter overflows, there's a panic. // TODO: use AtomicU64 instead next_stream_id: AtomicUsize, // Commands processed by the `run()` method that is currently running. // `pending_scheduled_event` must be signalled whenever a command is added here, so that it // will get picked up. // TODO: use a lock-free container commands: Mutex>, // This event is signalled after a new entry is added to `commands`, so that the `run()` // method can be notified. pending_scheduled_event: winnt::HANDLE, } struct RunContext { // Streams that have been created in this event loop. streams: Vec, // Handles corresponding to the `event` field of each element of `voices`. Must always be in // sync with `voices`, except that the first element is always `pending_scheduled_event`. handles: Vec, } enum Command { NewStream(StreamInner), DestroyStream(StreamId), PlayStream(StreamId), PauseStream(StreamId), } enum AudioClientFlow { Render { render_client: *mut audioclient::IAudioRenderClient, }, Capture { capture_client: *mut audioclient::IAudioCaptureClient, }, } struct StreamInner { id: StreamId, audio_client: *mut audioclient::IAudioClient, client_flow: AudioClientFlow, // Event that is signalled by WASAPI whenever audio data must be written. event: winnt::HANDLE, // True if the stream is currently playing. False if paused. playing: bool, // Number of frames of audio data in the underlying buffer allocated by WASAPI. max_frames_in_buffer: UINT32, // Number of bytes that each frame occupies. bytes_per_frame: WORD, // The sample format with which the stream was created. sample_format: SampleFormat, } impl EventLoop { pub fn new() -> EventLoop { let pending_scheduled_event = unsafe { synchapi::CreateEventA(ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0, ptr::null()) }; EventLoop { pending_scheduled_event: pending_scheduled_event, run_context: Mutex::new(RunContext { streams: Vec::new(), handles: vec![pending_scheduled_event], }), next_stream_id: AtomicUsize::new(0), commands: Mutex::new(Vec::new()), } } pub fn build_input_stream( &self, device: &Device, format: &Format, ) -> Result { unsafe { // Making sure that COM is initialized. // It's not actually sure that this is required, but when in doubt do it. com::com_initialized(); // Obtaining a `IAudioClient`. let audio_client = match device.build_audioclient() { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable), e => e.unwrap(), }; // Computing the format and initializing the device. let waveformatex = { let format_attempt = format_to_waveformatextensible(format) .ok_or(CreationError::FormatNotSupported)?; let share_mode = AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED; // Ensure the format is supported. match super::device::is_format_supported(audio_client, &format_attempt.Format) { Ok(false) => return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported), Err(_) => return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable), _ => (), } // finally initializing the audio client let hresult = (*audio_client).Initialize( share_mode, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, 0, 0, &format_attempt.Format, ptr::null(), ); match check_result(hresult) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { (*audio_client).Release(); return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable); }, Err(e) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("{:?}", e); }, Ok(()) => (), }; format_attempt.Format }; // obtaining the size of the samples buffer in number of frames let max_frames_in_buffer = { let mut max_frames_in_buffer = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*audio_client).GetBufferSize(&mut max_frames_in_buffer); match check_result(hresult) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { (*audio_client).Release(); return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable); }, Err(e) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("{:?}", e); }, Ok(()) => (), }; max_frames_in_buffer }; // Creating the event that will be signalled whenever we need to submit some samples. let event = { let event = synchapi::CreateEventA(ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0, ptr::null()); if event == ptr::null_mut() { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("Failed to create event"); } match check_result((*audio_client).SetEventHandle(event)) { Err(_) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("Failed to call SetEventHandle") }, Ok(_) => (), }; event }; // Building a `IAudioCaptureClient` that will be used to read captured samples. let capture_client = { let mut capture_client: *mut audioclient::IAudioCaptureClient = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*audio_client).GetService( &audioclient::IID_IAudioCaptureClient, &mut capture_client as *mut *mut audioclient::IAudioCaptureClient as *mut _, ); match check_result(hresult) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { (*audio_client).Release(); return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable); }, Err(e) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("{:?}", e); }, Ok(()) => (), }; &mut *capture_client }; let new_stream_id = StreamId(self.next_stream_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)); assert_ne!(new_stream_id.0, usize::max_value()); // check for overflows // Once we built the `StreamInner`, we add a command that will be picked up by the // `run()` method and added to the `RunContext`. { let client_flow = AudioClientFlow::Capture { capture_client: capture_client, }; let inner = StreamInner { id: new_stream_id.clone(), audio_client: audio_client, client_flow: client_flow, event: event, playing: false, max_frames_in_buffer: max_frames_in_buffer, bytes_per_frame: waveformatex.nBlockAlign, sample_format: format.data_type, }; self.commands.lock().unwrap().push(Command::NewStream(inner)); let result = synchapi::SetEvent(self.pending_scheduled_event); assert!(result != 0); }; Ok(new_stream_id) } } pub fn build_output_stream( &self, device: &Device, format: &Format, ) -> Result { unsafe { // Making sure that COM is initialized. // It's not actually sure that this is required, but when in doubt do it. com::com_initialized(); // Obtaining a `IAudioClient`. let audio_client = match device.build_audioclient() { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable), e => e.unwrap(), }; // Computing the format and initializing the device. let waveformatex = { let format_attempt = format_to_waveformatextensible(format) .ok_or(CreationError::FormatNotSupported)?; let share_mode = AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED; // Ensure the format is supported. match super::device::is_format_supported(audio_client, &format_attempt.Format) { Ok(false) => return Err(CreationError::FormatNotSupported), Err(_) => return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable), _ => (), } // finally initializing the audio client let hresult = (*audio_client).Initialize(share_mode, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, 0, 0, &format_attempt.Format, ptr::null()); match check_result(hresult) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { (*audio_client).Release(); return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable); }, Err(e) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("{:?}", e); }, Ok(()) => (), }; format_attempt.Format }; // Creating the event that will be signalled whenever we need to submit some samples. let event = { let event = synchapi::CreateEventA(ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0, ptr::null()); if event == ptr::null_mut() { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("Failed to create event"); } match check_result((*audio_client).SetEventHandle(event)) { Err(_) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("Failed to call SetEventHandle") }, Ok(_) => (), }; event }; // obtaining the size of the samples buffer in number of frames let max_frames_in_buffer = { let mut max_frames_in_buffer = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*audio_client).GetBufferSize(&mut max_frames_in_buffer); match check_result(hresult) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { (*audio_client).Release(); return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable); }, Err(e) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("{:?}", e); }, Ok(()) => (), }; max_frames_in_buffer }; // Building a `IAudioRenderClient` that will be used to fill the samples buffer. let render_client = { let mut render_client: *mut audioclient::IAudioRenderClient = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*audio_client).GetService(&audioclient::IID_IAudioRenderClient, &mut render_client as *mut *mut audioclient::IAudioRenderClient as *mut _); match check_result(hresult) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { (*audio_client).Release(); return Err(CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable); }, Err(e) => { (*audio_client).Release(); panic!("{:?}", e); }, Ok(()) => (), }; &mut *render_client }; let new_stream_id = StreamId(self.next_stream_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)); assert_ne!(new_stream_id.0, usize::max_value()); // check for overflows // Once we built the `StreamInner`, we add a command that will be picked up by the // `run()` method and added to the `RunContext`. { let client_flow = AudioClientFlow::Render { render_client: render_client, }; let inner = StreamInner { id: new_stream_id.clone(), audio_client: audio_client, client_flow: client_flow, event: event, playing: false, max_frames_in_buffer: max_frames_in_buffer, bytes_per_frame: waveformatex.nBlockAlign, sample_format: format.data_type, }; self.commands.lock().unwrap().push(Command::NewStream(inner)); let result = synchapi::SetEvent(self.pending_scheduled_event); assert!(result != 0); }; Ok(new_stream_id) } } #[inline] pub fn destroy_stream(&self, stream_id: StreamId) { unsafe { self.commands .lock() .unwrap() .push(Command::DestroyStream(stream_id)); let result = synchapi::SetEvent(self.pending_scheduled_event); assert!(result != 0); } } #[inline] pub fn run(&self, mut callback: F) -> ! where F: FnMut(StreamId, StreamData) { self.run_inner(&mut callback); } fn run_inner(&self, callback: &mut FnMut(StreamId, StreamData)) -> ! { unsafe { // We keep `run_context` locked forever, which guarantees that two invocations of // `run()` cannot run simultaneously. let mut run_context = self.run_context.lock().unwrap(); loop { // Process the pending commands. let mut commands_lock = self.commands.lock().unwrap(); for command in commands_lock.drain(..) { match command { Command::NewStream(stream_inner) => { let event = stream_inner.event; run_context.streams.push(stream_inner); run_context.handles.push(event); }, Command::DestroyStream(stream_id) => { match run_context.streams.iter().position(|v| == stream_id) { None => continue, Some(p) => { run_context.handles.remove(p + 1); run_context.streams.remove(p); }, } }, Command::PlayStream(stream_id) => { match run_context.streams.iter_mut().find(|v| == stream_id) { None => continue, Some(stream) => { if !stream.playing { let hresult = (*stream.audio_client).Start(); check_result(hresult).unwrap(); stream.playing = true; } } } }, Command::PauseStream(stream_id) => { match run_context.streams.iter_mut().find(|v| == stream_id) { None => continue, Some(stream) => { if stream.playing { let hresult = (*stream.audio_client).Stop(); check_result(hresult).unwrap(); stream.playing = false; } }, } }, } } drop(commands_lock); // Wait for any of the handles to be signalled, which means that the corresponding // sound needs a buffer. debug_assert!(run_context.handles.len() <= winnt::MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS as usize); let result = synchapi::WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(run_context.handles.len() as u32, run_context.handles.as_ptr(), FALSE, winbase::INFINITE, /* TODO: allow setting a timeout */ FALSE /* irrelevant parameter here */); // Notifying the corresponding task handler. debug_assert!(result >= winbase::WAIT_OBJECT_0); let handle_id = (result - winbase::WAIT_OBJECT_0) as usize; // If `handle_id` is 0, then it's `pending_scheduled_event` that was signalled in // order for us to pick up the pending commands. // Otherwise, a stream needs data. if handle_id >= 1 { let stream = &mut run_context.streams[handle_id - 1]; let stream_id =; // Obtaining the number of frames that are available to be written. let mut frames_available = { let mut padding = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*stream.audio_client).GetCurrentPadding(&mut padding); // Happens when a bluetooth headset was turned off, for example. if hresult == AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED { // The client code should switch to a different device eventually. // For now let's just skip the invalidated device. // Would be nice to inform the client code about the invalidation, // but throwing a panic isn't the most ergonomic way to do so. continue} check_result(hresult).unwrap(); stream.max_frames_in_buffer - padding }; if frames_available == 0 { // TODO: can this happen? continue; } let sample_size = stream.sample_format.sample_size(); // Obtaining a pointer to the buffer. match stream.client_flow { AudioClientFlow::Capture { capture_client } => { // Get the available data in the shared buffer. let mut buffer: *mut BYTE = mem::uninitialized(); let mut flags = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*capture_client).GetBuffer( &mut buffer, &mut frames_available, &mut flags, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), ); check_result(hresult).unwrap(); if hresult == AUDCLNT_S_BUFFER_EMPTY { continue; } debug_assert!(!buffer.is_null()); let buffer_len = frames_available as usize * stream.bytes_per_frame as usize / sample_size; // Simplify the capture callback sample format branches. macro_rules! capture_callback { ($T:ty, $Variant:ident) => {{ let buffer_data = buffer as *mut _ as *const $T; let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(buffer_data, buffer_len); let unknown_buffer = UnknownTypeInputBuffer::$Variant(::InputBuffer { buffer: slice, }); let data = StreamData::Input { buffer: unknown_buffer }; callback(stream_id, data); // Release the buffer. let hresult = (*capture_client).ReleaseBuffer(frames_available); match check_result(hresult) { // Ignoring unavailable device error. Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => { }, e => e.unwrap(), }; }}; } match stream.sample_format { SampleFormat::F32 => capture_callback!(f32, F32), SampleFormat::I16 => capture_callback!(i16, I16), SampleFormat::U16 => capture_callback!(u16, U16), } }, AudioClientFlow::Render { render_client } => { let mut buffer: *mut BYTE = mem::uninitialized(); let hresult = (*render_client).GetBuffer( frames_available, &mut buffer as *mut *mut _, ); // FIXME: can return `AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED` check_result(hresult).unwrap(); debug_assert!(!buffer.is_null()); let buffer_len = frames_available as usize * stream.bytes_per_frame as usize / sample_size; // Simplify the render callback sample format branches. macro_rules! render_callback { ($T:ty, $Variant:ident) => {{ let buffer_data = buffer as *mut $T; let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffer_data, buffer_len); let unknown_buffer = UnknownTypeOutputBuffer::$Variant(::OutputBuffer { buffer: slice }); let data = StreamData::Output { buffer: unknown_buffer }; callback(stream_id, data); let hresult = match stream.client_flow { AudioClientFlow::Render { render_client } => { (*render_client).ReleaseBuffer(frames_available as u32, 0) }, _ => unreachable!(), }; match check_result(hresult) { // Ignoring the error that is produced if the device has been disconnected. Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED) => (), e => e.unwrap(), }; }} } match stream.sample_format { SampleFormat::F32 => render_callback!(f32, F32), SampleFormat::I16 => render_callback!(i16, I16), SampleFormat::U16 => render_callback!(u16, U16), } }, } } } } } #[inline] pub fn play_stream(&self, stream: StreamId) { unsafe { self.commands.lock().unwrap().push(Command::PlayStream(stream)); let result = synchapi::SetEvent(self.pending_scheduled_event); assert!(result != 0); } } #[inline] pub fn pause_stream(&self, stream: StreamId) { unsafe { self.commands.lock().unwrap().push(Command::PauseStream(stream)); let result = synchapi::SetEvent(self.pending_scheduled_event); assert!(result != 0); } } } impl Drop for EventLoop { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { handleapi::CloseHandle(self.pending_scheduled_event); } } } unsafe impl Send for EventLoop { } unsafe impl Sync for EventLoop { } // The content of a stream ID is a number that was fetched from `next_stream_id`. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct StreamId(usize); impl Drop for AudioClientFlow { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { match *self { AudioClientFlow::Capture { capture_client } => (*capture_client).Release(), AudioClientFlow::Render { render_client } => (*render_client).Release(), }; } } } impl Drop for StreamInner { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { (*self.audio_client).Release(); handleapi::CloseHandle(self.event); } } } // Turns a `Format` into a `WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE`. // // Returns `None` if the WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE does not support the given format. fn format_to_waveformatextensible(format: &Format) -> Option { let format_tag = match format.data_type { SampleFormat::I16 => mmreg::WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, SampleFormat::F32 => mmreg::WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, SampleFormat::U16 => return None, }; let channels = format.channels as WORD; let sample_rate = format.sample_rate.0 as DWORD; let sample_bytes = format.data_type.sample_size() as WORD; let avg_bytes_per_sec = channels as DWORD * sample_rate * sample_bytes as DWORD; let block_align = channels * sample_bytes; let bits_per_sample = 8 * sample_bytes; let cb_size = match format.data_type { SampleFormat::I16 => 0, SampleFormat::F32 => { let extensible_size = mem::size_of::(); let ex_size = mem::size_of::(); (extensible_size - ex_size) as WORD }, SampleFormat::U16 => return None, }; let waveformatex = mmreg::WAVEFORMATEX { wFormatTag: format_tag, nChannels: channels, nSamplesPerSec: sample_rate, nAvgBytesPerSec: avg_bytes_per_sec, nBlockAlign: block_align, wBitsPerSample: bits_per_sample, cbSize: cb_size, }; // CPAL does not care about speaker positions, so pass audio straight through. // TODO: This constant should be defined in winapi but is missing. const KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_DIRECTOUT: DWORD = 0; let channel_mask = KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_DIRECTOUT; let sub_format = match format.data_type { SampleFormat::I16 => ksmedia::KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM, SampleFormat::F32 => ksmedia::KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, SampleFormat::U16 => return None, }; let waveformatextensible = mmreg::WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE { Format: waveformatex, Samples: bits_per_sample as WORD, dwChannelMask: channel_mask, SubFormat: sub_format, }; Some(waveformatextensible) }