Merge pull request #124 from mitchmindtree/futures_osx

Update coreaudio backend to new futures-rs oriented design introduced in #121. Take 2.
This commit is contained in:
tomaka 2016-08-12 17:24:35 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit dcb7b73f93
2 changed files with 130 additions and 170 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ version = "0"
path = "alsa-sys"
coreaudio-rs = "~0.5.0"
coreaudio-rs = "0.6"
vorbis = "0"

View File

@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
extern crate coreaudio;
extern crate libc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender, Receiver};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::mem;
use std::cmp;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use CreationError;
use Format;
use FormatsEnumerationError;
use Sample;
use SampleFormat;
use SamplesRate;
use ChannelPosition;
use UnknownTypeBuffer;
use futures::{Poll, Task, TaskHandle};
use futures::stream::Stream;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use self::coreaudio::audio_unit::AudioUnit;
use self::coreaudio::audio_unit::render_callback::{self, data};
mod enumerate;
@ -22,9 +23,6 @@ pub use self::enumerate::{EndpointsIterator,
use self::coreaudio::audio_unit::{AudioUnit, IOType};
use self::coreaudio::audio_unit::render_callback::{self, data};
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Endpoint;
@ -44,36 +42,41 @@ impl Endpoint {
pub struct Buffer<'a, T: 'a> {
samples_sender: Sender<(Vec<f32>, NumChannels)>,
samples: Vec<T>,
num_channels: NumChannels,
marker: PhantomData<&'a T>,
pending_samples: Arc<AtomicUsize>
pub struct EventLoop;
impl EventLoop {
pub fn new() -> EventLoop { EventLoop }
pub fn run(&self) { loop {} }
impl<'a, T> Buffer<'a, T> {
pub struct Buffer<T> {
args: render_callback::Args<data::NonInterleaved<T>>,
buffer: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Buffer<T> where T: Sample {
pub fn get_buffer<'b>(&'b mut self) -> &'b mut [T] {
&mut self.samples[..]
pub fn get_buffer(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
&mut self.buffer[..]
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn finish(self) {
let Buffer { samples_sender, samples, num_channels, pending_samples, .. } = self;
// TODO: At the moment this assumes the Vec<T> is a Vec<f32>.
// Need to add T: Sample and use Sample::to_vec_f32.
let num_samples = samples.len();
let samples = unsafe { mem::transmute(samples) };
pending_samples.fetch_add(num_samples, Ordering::SeqCst);
match samples_sender.send((samples, num_channels)) {
Err(_) => panic!("Failed to send samples to audio unit callback."),
Ok(()) => (),
let Buffer { mut args, buffer } = self;
let num_channels =;
for (i, frame) in buffer.chunks(num_channels).enumerate() {
for (channel, sample) in {
channel[i] = *sample;
@ -81,91 +84,116 @@ impl<'a, T> Buffer<'a, T> {
type NumChannels = usize;
type NumFrames = usize;
pub struct Voice;
#[allow(dead_code)] // the audio_unit will be dropped if we don't hold it.
pub struct Voice {
pub struct SamplesStream {
audio_unit: AudioUnit,
ready_receiver: Receiver<(NumChannels, NumFrames)>,
samples_sender: Sender<(Vec<f32>, NumChannels)>,
underflow: Arc<Mutex<RefCell<bool>>>,
last_ready: Arc<Mutex<RefCell<Option<(NumChannels, NumFrames)>>>>,
pending_samples: Arc<AtomicUsize>
inner: Arc<Mutex<SamplesStreamInner>>,
unsafe impl Sync for Voice {}
unsafe impl Send for Voice {}
struct SamplesStreamInner {
scheduled_task: Option<TaskHandle>,
current_callback: Option<render_callback::Args<data::NonInterleaved<f32>>>,
impl Stream for SamplesStream {
type Item = UnknownTypeBuffer;
type Error = ();
fn poll(&mut self, _: &mut Task) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
// There are two possibilites: either we're answering a callback of coreaudio and we return
// a buffer, or we're not answering a callback and we return that we're not ready.
let current_callback = match inner.current_callback.take() {
Some(c) => c,
None => return Poll::NotReady
let buffer_len = current_callback.num_frames *;
let buffer = Buffer {
args: current_callback,
buffer: vec![0.0; buffer_len],
Poll::Ok(Some(UnknownTypeBuffer::F32(::Buffer { target: Some(buffer) })))
fn schedule(&mut self, task: &mut Task) {
self.inner.lock().unwrap().scheduled_task = Some(task.handle().clone());
impl Voice {
pub fn new(_: &Endpoint, _: &Format) -> Result<Voice, CreationError> {
// A channel for signalling that the audio unit is ready for data.
let (ready_sender, ready_receiver) = channel();
// A channel for sending the audio callback a pointer to the sample data.
let (samples_sender, samples_receiver) = channel();
pub fn new(_: &Endpoint, _: &Format, _: &EventLoop)
-> Result<(Voice, SamplesStream), CreationError>
let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(SamplesStreamInner {
scheduled_task: None,
current_callback: None,
let underflow = Arc::new(Mutex::new(RefCell::new(false)));
let uf_clone = underflow.clone();
let pending_samples: Arc<AtomicUsize> = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let pending_samples_c = pending_samples.clone();
let audio_unit_result = AudioUnit::new(IOType::HalOutput);
if let Ok(mut audio_unit) = audio_unit_result {
// TODO: iOS uses integer and fixed-point data
if let Ok(()) = audio_unit.set_render_callback(move |args: render_callback::Args<data::NonInterleaved<f32>>| {
let render_callback::Args { num_frames, mut data, .. } = args;
let num_channels = data.channels().count();
if let Err(_) = ready_sender.send((num_channels, num_frames)) {
return Err(());
loop {
if let Ok((samples, num_channels)) = samples_receiver.try_recv() {
let samples: Vec<f32> = samples;
if let Ok(uf) = uf_clone.lock() {
*(uf.borrow_mut()) = num_frames > samples.len() / num_channels;
} else { return Err(()) }
pending_samples_c.fetch_sub(samples.len(), Ordering::SeqCst);
for (i, frame) in samples.chunks(num_channels).enumerate() {
for (channel, sample) in data.channels_mut().zip(frame.iter()) {
channel[i] = *sample;
}) {
if let Ok(()) = audio_unit.start() {
return Ok(Voice {
audio_unit: audio_unit,
ready_receiver: ready_receiver,
samples_sender: samples_sender,
underflow: underflow,
last_ready: Arc::new(Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None))),
pending_samples: pending_samples
fn convert_error(err: coreaudio::Error) -> CreationError {
match err {
coreaudio::Error::RenderCallbackBufferFormatDoesNotMatchAudioUnitStreamFormat |
coreaudio::Error::NoKnownSubtype |
coreaudio::Error::AudioUnit(coreaudio::error::AudioUnitError::FormatNotSupported) |
coreaudio::Error::AudioCodec(_) |
coreaudio::Error::AudioFormat(_) => CreationError::FormatNotSupported,
_ => CreationError::DeviceNotAvailable,
let au_type = coreaudio::audio_unit::IOType::DefaultOutput;
let mut audio_unit = try!(AudioUnit::new(au_type).map_err(convert_error));
pub fn append_data<'a, T>(&'a mut self, max_elements: usize) -> Buffer<'a, T> where T: Clone {
// Block until the audio callback is ready for more data.
let (channels, frames) = self.block_until_ready();
let buffer_size = cmp::min(channels * frames, max_elements);
Buffer {
samples_sender: self.samples_sender.clone(),
samples: vec![unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; buffer_size],
num_channels: channels as usize,
marker: PhantomData,
pending_samples: self.pending_samples.clone()
// TODO: iOS uses integer and fixed-point data
let inner = inner.clone();
let result = audio_unit.set_render_callback(move |args| {
// This callback is entered whenever the coreaudio engine needs to be fed data.
// Store the callback argument in the `SamplesStreamInner` and return the task
// that we're supposed to notify.
let scheduled = {
let mut inner = inner.lock().unwrap();
inner.current_callback = Some(args);
// It is important that `inner` is unlocked here.
if let Some(scheduled) = scheduled {
// Calling `notify()` should immediately call `poll()` on the `SamplesStream`,
// which will use the data we stored in `current_callback`.
// TODO: what should happen if the callback wasn't processed? in other word, what
// if the user didn't register any handler or did a stupid thing in the
// handler (like mem::forgetting the buffer)?
let samples_stream = SamplesStream {
audio_unit: audio_unit,
inner: inner,
Ok((Voice, samples_stream))
@ -177,72 +205,4 @@ impl Voice {
pub fn pause(&mut self) {
pub fn get_period(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(ready) = self.update_last_ready() {
(ready.0 * ready.1) as usize
} else {
pub fn get_pending_samples(&self) -> usize {
/// Attempts to store the most recent ready message into the internal
/// ref cell, then return the last ready message. If the last ready hasn't
/// been reset with `clear_last_ready`, then it will not be set and the
/// current value will be returned. Else, the ready_receiver will be
/// try_recv'd and if it is ready, the last ready will be set and returned.
/// Finally, if the ready_receiver had no data at try_recv, None will be
/// returned.
fn update_last_ready(&self) -> Option<(NumChannels, NumFrames)> {
let refcell = self.last_ready.lock().unwrap();
let data = refcell.borrow();
if let Some(s) = *data {
return Some(s);
} else {
let mut data = refcell.borrow_mut();
if let Ok(ready) = self.ready_receiver.try_recv() {
// the audiounit is ready so we can set last_ready
*data = Some(ready);
return *data;
/// Block until ready to send data. This checks last_ready first. In any
/// case, last_ready will be set to None when this function returns.
fn block_until_ready(&self) -> (NumChannels, NumFrames) {
let refcell = self.last_ready.lock().unwrap();
let data = refcell.borrow();
if let Some(s) = *data {
let mut data = refcell.borrow_mut();
*data = None;
return s;
} else {
match self.ready_receiver.recv() {
Ok(ready) => {
return ready;
Err(e) => panic!("Couldn't receive a ready message: \
{:?}", e)
pub fn underflowed(&self) -> bool {
let uf = self.underflow.lock().unwrap();
let v = uf.borrow();