Now decoding the format from the WAVEFORMAT returned by the winapi

This commit is contained in:
Pierre Krieger 2015-09-01 15:32:03 +02:00
parent bf20431901
commit dc08fc4652

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@ -113,13 +113,23 @@ impl Endpoint {
check_result((*client).GetMixFormat(&mut format_ptr)).unwrap(); // FIXME: don't unwrap
let format = {
assert!((*format_ptr).wFormatTag == winapi::WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE);
let data_type = match (*format_ptr).wFormatTag {
winapi::WAVE_FORMAT_PCM => SampleFormat::I16,
let format_ptr = format_ptr as *const winapi::WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE;
match (*format_ptr).SubFormat {
winapi::KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM => SampleFormat::I16,
g => panic!("Unknown SubFormat GUID returned by GetMixFormat: {:?}", g)
f => panic!("Unknown data format returned by GetMixFormat: {:?}", f)
// FIXME: decode from the format
Format {
channels: 2,
samples_rate: SamplesRate(44100),
data_type: SampleFormat::I16,
channels: (*format_ptr).nChannels,
samples_rate: SamplesRate((*format_ptr).nSamplesPerSec),
data_type: data_type,